Obama wanted Sen Mark Kelly (AZ) at top of the ticket

A bit weird. Every other Dem leader immediately endorsed her, Pelosi, Schumer ... Not Obama though.

Its not particularly weird. Obama has historically waited until a given candidate is the presumptive nominee. He didn't endorse Hillary in 2016 until she had the delegates necessary to become the presumptive nominee. He didn't endorse Biden until he defeated Sanders in 2020.

Support is coalescing around Harris with a majority of Joe's delegates expressing support for Harris. The next week or so for an endorsement from Obama would match what he's done in the past.
He's smart, politically, and knows that Harris is going to lose. He'll eventually endorse her, but not until after the convention.
One potential silver lining for Harris, according to the data, is that voters do not hold her accountable for Biden’s economic record and inflation.

“We should continue to frame this election as a choice between someone who has an incredible history prosecuting criminals and someone who has the credible history being the criminal.”

Obama plans to endorse Harris for president soon​

The former president has had multiple conversations with Vice President Kamala Harris about her campaign this week.

Obama privately has fully supported Harris’ candidacy and plans to endorse her soon, these people said.

Obama is one of the only high-profile Democrats in the country who has yet to endorse Harris. While other party leaders have stepped forward to publicly back her, he has so far kept his support private.

The people familiar with the discussions didn’t know the precise timing of his endorsement. One of them said Obama didn’t want it to overshadow President Joe Biden’s moment, particularly his Oval Office address to the nation Wednesday night.

Another person familiar with the discussions said Obama and Harris, who is seeking to maintain the momentum her campaign has enjoyed among Democrats since she entered the race, wanted his endorsement to stand as its own moment.
I hope this is true. It would seem Biden undermined Obama’s plans to install his own puppet.

Stick with Kamala. :party:
Its not particularly weird. Obama has historically waited until a given candidate is the presumptive nominee. He didn't endorse Hillary in 2016 until she had the delegates necessary to become the presumptive nominee. He didn't endorse Biden until he defeated Sanders in 2020.

Support is coalescing around Harris with a majority of Joe's delegates expressing support for Harris. The next week or so for an endorsement from Obama would match what he's done in the past.
LOL, he hated Hillary.
One potential silver lining for Harris, according to the data, is that voters do not hold her accountable for Biden’s economic record and inflation.

Well, they will after being reminded of it everyday for months.
“We should continue to frame this election as a choice between someone who has an incredible history prosecuting criminals and someone who has the credible history being the criminal.”
And we'll remind them of her history of incarcerating minorities for low level, non violent crimes. LOL

Obama plans to endorse Harris for president soon​

The former president has had multiple conversations with Vice President Kamala Harris about her campaign this week.

Obama privately has fully supported Harris’ candidacy and plans to endorse her soon, these people said.

Obama is one of the only high-profile Democrats in the country who has yet to endorse Harris. While other party leaders have stepped forward to publicly back her, he has so far kept his support private.

The people familiar with the discussions didn’t know the precise timing of his endorsement. One of them said Obama didn’t want it to overshadow President Joe Biden’s moment, particularly his Oval Office address to the nation Wednesday night.

Another person familiar with the discussions said Obama and Harris, who is seeking to maintain the momentum her campaign has enjoyed among Democrats since she entered the race, wanted his endorsement to stand as its own moment.
LOL, he hated Hillary.

All we know is that he waited until after she was the presumptive nominee to endorse her. Just like he waited until Biden was the presumptive nominee in 2020 before endorsing him.

And shocker! He's waiting until Harris is the presumptive nominee.
Thy always hated each other. Obama was forced to take him as VP because the DNC wanted an old establishment guy in there.

Also, remember when Biden basically called Obama gay at a debate for when he got an HIV test?

Biden was Obama's assassination insurance. Joe seems to have forgotten that over the years, and started to believe he was actually competent.
Biden was Obama's assassination insurance. Joe seems to have forgotten that over the years, and started to believe he was actually competent.

Wow. Y'all must have buttholes the size of dinner plates with the amount random nonsense you're pulling straight out of your asses.

Since y'all are play-pretending to be both Biden AND Obama, does anyone else even need to be here? You guys seem to have this imaginary little skit locke dup.
I'm going to do a search to see if ANYONE was talking about this guy before now.

In what capacity? He's an arizona senator and former astronaut. So he's been in the news.

But why would anyone be talking about him as VP pick until the spot opened up?
Nope, I’m glad y’all kicked him out. He could had been a winner for your side.
Oh him? RFK jr? Did you see that if he stays in the race it will now hurt Trump only? Harris up on Trump 2 points but with RFK Jr. she's up 8 points. Probably why Trump is kissing his ass now and calling him. He's going to promise him something if he drops out.

We don't elect conspiracy theorists. That's you guys. It's why he's taking Trump votes.

I thought you were talking about Mark Kelly
In what capacity? He's an arizona senator and former astronaut. So he's been in the news.

But why would anyone be talking about him as VP pick until the spot opened up?
No I mean as a Presidential pick. And I think whoever I was talking to was talking about RFK Jr.
No I mean as a Presidential pick. And I think whoever I was talking to was talking about RFK Jr.

The timing would be off. Mark Kelly was elected as a Senator in 2022. He wouldn't really have had much to offer as a Presidential pick as just an astronaut and former navy pilot in 2020.

He's only be talked about as a VP pick now because the position opened up in the next election.

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