Piece of Subhuman Trash Who Murdered His Child Faces Life in Prison Plus

Pumpkin Row

Platinum Member
May 26, 2016
Ross Harris Trial: Hot Car Death | WSB-TV
Ross Harris trial update: Sentenced to life without parole
Life in prison, plus 32 years, no possibility of parole. Personally, I'd have preferred he be cooked in an oven until he dies. The only solace to the fact that this piece of garbage is still alive is that he may become some inmate's unwilling girlfriend. People like this are why it's common knowledge that most people are awful. I don't understand what could possibly compel someone to roast their child alive.
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Dear Pumpkin Row
When we cannot understand a mindset, I offer to draw a close parallel to the nearest
thing we can wrap our mind around.

Some people CANNOT imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it.
It is convenient for us.
It tastes good.
We need the nourishment.
We do more good to make up for the harm we cause the animal
who dies for us to eat it.
NONE of this is justification to those who believe the harm
and bad effects caused are WORSE and the meat eating isn't worth it.

Can you imagine being someone who is HORRIFIED by meat eating as
inhumane, cruel and senseless. Not needed at all. UNTHINKABLE!!!
But to us, it is natural, it is convenient and we don't care what the animal suffers.

If you can understand the gap between those two mindsets,
that is like the gap in mindset of someone who thinks nothing of
getting rid of the child in order for their own convenience to be satisfied.

Is that close enough to try to understand?
Some people think meat eaters are BARBARIANS!
Remember that. Some even wear cloth over their
mouths so they don't kill bacteria by breathing in.

What do you think we look like to them?
I can barely stand to read or think about this. It is so disgusting and makes me so irate. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Dear Pumpkin Row
When we cannot understand a mindset, I offer to draw a close parallel to the nearest
thing we can wrap our mind around.

Some people CANNOT imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it.
It is convenient for us.
It tastes good.
We need the nourishment.
We do more good to make up for the harm we cause the animal
who dies for us to eat it.
NONE of this is justification to those who believe the harm
and bad effects caused are WORSE and the meat eating isn't worth it.

Can you imagine being someone who is HORRIFIED by meat eating as
inhumane, cruel and senseless. Not needed at all. UNTHINKABLE!!!
But to us, it is natural, it is convenient and we don't care what the animal suffers.

If you can understand the gap between those two mindsets,
that is like the gap in mindset of someone who thinks nothing of
getting rid of the child in order for their own convenience to be satisfied.

Is that close enough to try to understand?
Some people think meat eaters are BARBARIANS!
Remember that. Some even wear cloth over their
mouths so they don't kill bacteria by breathing in.

What do you think we look like to them?
I think vegetarians are nutjobs, and I also think that I don't care what they think. Animals are not human beings, and they exist to be eaten. f we did not eat them, their populations would go out of control. Meat also provides health benefits that vegetables don't.

On the other hand, not only is that child the same as all of us, but it's also a thinking being. Imagine what was going through his head as it suffered at the hands of its deranged father. I suspect he even knew it was all kinds of wrong to murder his child and didn't care.
People who "cannot imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it" are fuckin retards who should be ridiculed, ostracized and ignored.

People who commit murder are psychologically unfit to remain in society.

Of course I think the same about vegans too.

Dear Pumpkin Row
When we cannot understand a mindset, I offer to draw a close parallel to the nearest
thing we can wrap our mind around.

Some people CANNOT imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it.
It is convenient for us.
It tastes good.
We need the nourishment.
We do more good to make up for the harm we cause the animal
who dies for us to eat it.
NONE of this is justification to those who believe the harm
and bad effects caused are WORSE and the meat eating isn't worth it.

Can you imagine being someone who is HORRIFIED by meat eating as
inhumane, cruel and senseless. Not needed at all. UNTHINKABLE!!!
But to us, it is natural, it is convenient and we don't care what the animal suffers.

If you can understand the gap between those two mindsets,
that is like the gap in mindset of someone who thinks nothing of
getting rid of the child in order for their own convenience to be satisfied.

Is that close enough to try to understand?
Some people think meat eaters are BARBARIANS!
Remember that. Some even wear cloth over their
mouths so they don't kill bacteria by breathing in.

What do you think we look like to them?

I fell asleep twice trying to read that for little payoff
Dear Pumpkin Row
When we cannot understand a mindset, I offer to draw a close parallel to the nearest
thing we can wrap our mind around.

Some people CANNOT imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it.
It is convenient for us.
It tastes good.
We need the nourishment.
We do more good to make up for the harm we cause the animal
who dies for us to eat it.
NONE of this is justification to those who believe the harm
and bad effects caused are WORSE and the meat eating isn't worth it.

Can you imagine being someone who is HORRIFIED by meat eating as
inhumane, cruel and senseless. Not needed at all. UNTHINKABLE!!!
But to us, it is natural, it is convenient and we don't care what the animal suffers.

If you can understand the gap between those two mindsets,
that is like the gap in mindset of someone who thinks nothing of
getting rid of the child in order for their own convenience to be satisfied.

Is that close enough to try to understand?
Some people think meat eaters are BARBARIANS!
Remember that. Some even wear cloth over their
mouths so they don't kill bacteria by breathing in.

What do you think we look like to them?
I think vegetarians are nutjobs, and I also think that I don't care what they think. Animals are not human beings, and they exist to be eaten. f we did not eat them, their populations would go out of control. Meat also provides health benefits that vegetables don't.

On the other hand, not only is that child the same as all of us, but it's also a thinking being. Imagine what was going through his head as it suffered at the hands of its deranged father. I suspect he even knew it was all kinds of wrong to murder his child and didn't care.

Vegetarians are nut jobs? I eat meat and I don't chose their lifestyle, but that's their choice and they are NOT nut jobs. The fact you think so tells me that I have always been right in thinking that your opinion of me doesn't matter.
Dear Pumpkin Row
When we cannot understand a mindset, I offer to draw a close parallel to the nearest
thing we can wrap our mind around.

Some people CANNOT imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it.
It is convenient for us.
It tastes good.
We need the nourishment.
We do more good to make up for the harm we cause the animal
who dies for us to eat it.
NONE of this is justification to those who believe the harm
and bad effects caused are WORSE and the meat eating isn't worth it.

Can you imagine being someone who is HORRIFIED by meat eating as
inhumane, cruel and senseless. Not needed at all. UNTHINKABLE!!!
But to us, it is natural, it is convenient and we don't care what the animal suffers.

If you can understand the gap between those two mindsets,
that is like the gap in mindset of someone who thinks nothing of
getting rid of the child in order for their own convenience to be satisfied.

Is that close enough to try to understand?
Some people think meat eaters are BARBARIANS!
Remember that. Some even wear cloth over their
mouths so they don't kill bacteria by breathing in.

What do you think we look like to them?
I think vegetarians are nutjobs, and I also think that I don't care what they think. Animals are not human beings, and they exist to be eaten. f we did not eat them, their populations would go out of control. Meat also provides health benefits that vegetables don't.

On the other hand, not only is that child the same as all of us, but it's also a thinking being. Imagine what was going through his head as it suffered at the hands of its deranged father. I suspect he even knew it was all kinds of wrong to murder his child and didn't care.
You know, and the other thing is that there's a huge difference between roasting a child alive, just to get rid of him, and killing an animal to eat it.

Personally, I don't mind an animal dying so it can be eaten. You're going to eat it, which means it wasn't a wasted life. On the other hand, I dislike the idea of killing animals for sport. I can somewhat understand people not being okay with killing an animal just to kill it.

In other words, there are no parallels here.
I'm afraid I'm completely unable to make the leap between "intentionally leaving your kid in the car instead of dropping them off at day care as one was supposed to do" to vegetarians myself...

Not to mention the child pornography aspect.

~Lost threads~
Vegetarians are nut jobs? I eat meat and I don't chose their lifestyle, but that's their choice and they are NOT nut jobs.
Yes, they are nut jobs. It's also their choice to live how they want, and I don't care. Not agreeing with someone's lifestyle isn't the same as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to live that way. Personally, I don't care how anyone lives, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
The fact you think so tells me that I have always been right in thinking that your opinion of me doesn't matter.
I'm a random child on the internet, if my opinion ever mattered to you, then you spend too much time worrying about absurdly superfluous things. That or you knew I was right, and it bothered you because you don't want to believe it's so.
Vegetarians are nut jobs? I eat meat and I don't chose their lifestyle, but that's their choice and they are NOT nut jobs.
Yes, they are nut jobs. It's also their choice to live how they want, and I don't care. Not agreeing with someone's lifestyle isn't the same as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to live that way. Personally, I don't care how anyone lives, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
The fact you think so tells me that I have always been right in thinking that your opinion of me doesn't matter.
I'm a random child on the internet, if my opinion ever mattered to you, then you spend too much time worrying about absurdly superfluous things. That or you knew I was right, and it bothered you because you don't want to believe it's so.

Wrong, your opinion of me never did matter... and it still doesn't. Your opinion on this supports that. Read again what I said. What grade did you get in your English courses? Did they have a reading comprehension section?
Dear Pumpkin Row
When we cannot understand a mindset, I offer to draw a close parallel to the nearest
thing we can wrap our mind around.

Some people CANNOT imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it.
It is convenient for us.
It tastes good.
We need the nourishment.
We do more good to make up for the harm we cause the animal
who dies for us to eat it.
NONE of this is justification to those who believe the harm
and bad effects caused are WORSE and the meat eating isn't worth it.

Can you imagine being someone who is HORRIFIED by meat eating as
inhumane, cruel and senseless. Not needed at all. UNTHINKABLE!!!
But to us, it is natural, it is convenient and we don't care what the animal suffers.

If you can understand the gap between those two mindsets,
that is like the gap in mindset of someone who thinks nothing of
getting rid of the child in order for their own convenience to be satisfied.

Is that close enough to try to understand?
Some people think meat eaters are BARBARIANS!
Remember that. Some even wear cloth over their
mouths so they don't kill bacteria by breathing in.

What do you think we look like to them?
I think vegetarians are nutjobs, and I also think that I don't care what they think. Animals are not human beings, and they exist to be eaten. f we did not eat them, their populations would go out of control. Meat also provides health benefits that vegetables don't.

On the other hand, not only is that child the same as all of us, but it's also a thinking being. Imagine what was going through his head as it suffered at the hands of its deranged father. I suspect he even knew it was all kinds of wrong to murder his child and didn't care.
You know, and the other thing is that there's a huge difference between roasting a child alive, just to get rid of him, and killing an animal to eat it.

Personally, I don't mind an animal dying so it can be eaten. You're going to eat it, which means it wasn't a wasted life. On the other hand, I dislike the idea of killing animals for sport. I can somewhat understand people not being okay with killing an animal just to kill it.

In other words, there are no parallels here.

I didn't say it had to be a perfect parallel Pumpkin Row
Some people have NO conditions or justifications for killing.
So to some people, your saying it is acceptable "if you are going to eat it
and it doesn't go to waste" is NOT ACCEPTABLE but BARBARIC
to someone who says NO to all the above, any reason at all for killing!

You are still saying "some cases are an exception and acceptable" by YOUR RULES.
Just like this man felt it was an exception and he could do this for HIS REASONS.

You don't agree to his reasons that aren't yours.
And some people don't agree to your killing animals that aren't THEIR rules either.

The other way to look at this PR is
some people have criminal illness and some have antisocial brain patterns
and cannot empathize with others. They don't feel pain or suffering.

so if you can imagine someone is so sick they don't know
it is causing that much harm or hurt to someone,
they are like a robot programmed to do what benefits them in the short term
and can't calculate the effect on others, that is what some of these
mindsets are like. This can be cured, there are people who have
learned to manage or even cure/heal it so they don't harm others.
but if they don't get help, it's like having a deadly disease that
if you don't get treated in time, you can harm someone else.
^ ... I don't feel emotions (I "feel" in color) still never considered leaving my baby in the car to go to work instead of dropping them off at daycare.

I see no correlation here at all, none.
Vegetarians are nut jobs? I eat meat and I don't chose their lifestyle, but that's their choice and they are NOT nut jobs.
Yes, they are nut jobs. It's also their choice to live how they want, and I don't care. Not agreeing with someone's lifestyle isn't the same as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to live that way. Personally, I don't care how anyone lives, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
The fact you think so tells me that I have always been right in thinking that your opinion of me doesn't matter.
I'm a random child on the internet, if my opinion ever mattered to you, then you spend too much time worrying about absurdly superfluous things. That or you knew I was right, and it bothered you because you don't want to believe it's so.

Wrong, your opinion of me never did matter... and it still doesn't. Your opinion on this supports that. Read again what I said. What grade did you get in your English courses? Did they have a reading comprehension section?
Actually, I got a perfect score in both courses, hence the fact that I said "IF my opinion EVER mattered to you", meaning the statement was hypothetical. Though, you bring up a good point, what grade did YOU get in the aforementioned courses? Probably the same grade as your history courses, mister Socialist.
Vegetarians are nut jobs? I eat meat and I don't chose their lifestyle, but that's their choice and they are NOT nut jobs.
Yes, they are nut jobs. It's also their choice to live how they want, and I don't care. Not agreeing with someone's lifestyle isn't the same as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to live that way. Personally, I don't care how anyone lives, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
The fact you think so tells me that I have always been right in thinking that your opinion of me doesn't matter.
I'm a random child on the internet, if my opinion ever mattered to you, then you spend too much time worrying about absurdly superfluous things. That or you knew I was right, and it bothered you because you don't want to believe it's so.

Wrong, your opinion of me never did matter... and it still doesn't. Your opinion on this supports that. Read again what I said. What grade did you get in your English courses? Did they have a reading comprehension section?
Actually, I got a perfect score in both courses, hence the fact that I said "IF my opinion EVER mattered to you". Meaning the statement was hypothetical. Though, you bring up a good point, what grade did YOU get in the aforementioned courses? Probably the same grade as your history courses, mister Socialist.

You don't want to know what scores I got. If you do as well as I did, then you won't have to worry about paying for college...and not because of "socialist" programs. ;)
Vegetarians are nut jobs? I eat meat and I don't chose their lifestyle, but that's their choice and they are NOT nut jobs.
Yes, they are nut jobs. It's also their choice to live how they want, and I don't care. Not agreeing with someone's lifestyle isn't the same as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to live that way. Personally, I don't care how anyone lives, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
The fact you think so tells me that I have always been right in thinking that your opinion of me doesn't matter.
I'm a random child on the internet, if my opinion ever mattered to you, then you spend too much time worrying about absurdly superfluous things. That or you knew I was right, and it bothered you because you don't want to believe it's so.

Wrong, your opinion of me never did matter... and it still doesn't. Your opinion on this supports that. Read again what I said. What grade did you get in your English courses? Did they have a reading comprehension section?
Actually, I got a perfect score in both courses, hence the fact that I said "IF my opinion EVER mattered to you". Meaning the statement was hypothetical. Though, you bring up a good point, what grade did YOU get in the aforementioned courses? Probably the same grade as your history courses, mister Socialist.

You don't want to know what scores I got. If you do as well as I did, then you won't have to worry about paying for college...and not because of "socialist" programs. ;)
It only makes sense that you would be barred from college for such low scores, and therefor wouldn't have to worry about paying for it. Don't worry, Loo, we still won't accept you.

On that note, why don't you take your illiterate self to the Flame Zone, where thread derailing is tolerated?
Vegetarians are nut jobs? I eat meat and I don't chose their lifestyle, but that's their choice and they are NOT nut jobs.
Yes, they are nut jobs. It's also their choice to live how they want, and I don't care. Not agreeing with someone's lifestyle isn't the same as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to live that way. Personally, I don't care how anyone lives, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
The fact you think so tells me that I have always been right in thinking that your opinion of me doesn't matter.
I'm a random child on the internet, if my opinion ever mattered to you, then you spend too much time worrying about absurdly superfluous things. That or you knew I was right, and it bothered you because you don't want to believe it's so.

Wrong, your opinion of me never did matter... and it still doesn't. Your opinion on this supports that. Read again what I said. What grade did you get in your English courses? Did they have a reading comprehension section?
Actually, I got a perfect score in both courses, hence the fact that I said "IF my opinion EVER mattered to you". Meaning the statement was hypothetical. Though, you bring up a good point, what grade did YOU get in the aforementioned courses? Probably the same grade as your history courses, mister Socialist.

You don't want to know what scores I got. If you do as well as I did, then you won't have to worry about paying for college...and not because of "socialist" programs. ;)
It only makes sense that you would be barred from college for such low scores, and therefor wouldn't have to worry about paying for it. Don't worry, Loo, we still won't accept you.

On that note, why don't you take your illiterate self to the Flame Zone, where thread derailing is tolerated?

I derailed your thread by commenting on a comment you, the OP made?

Ok, on the subject of this? Well the jury decided he was guilty. Do we know if he really left the kid in the car on purpose or if the baby was asleep and he just forgot? Only one person can REALLY say that, and that's him. His wife even admitted that she didn't think he would have done it on purpose. So did he deserve THIS harsh of a punishment? I don't really know. There are a lot of people in jail for doing a whole lot less.
Yes, they are nut jobs. It's also their choice to live how they want, and I don't care. Not agreeing with someone's lifestyle isn't the same as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to live that way. Personally, I don't care how anyone lives, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
I'm a random child on the internet, if my opinion ever mattered to you, then you spend too much time worrying about absurdly superfluous things. That or you knew I was right, and it bothered you because you don't want to believe it's so.

Wrong, your opinion of me never did matter... and it still doesn't. Your opinion on this supports that. Read again what I said. What grade did you get in your English courses? Did they have a reading comprehension section?
Actually, I got a perfect score in both courses, hence the fact that I said "IF my opinion EVER mattered to you". Meaning the statement was hypothetical. Though, you bring up a good point, what grade did YOU get in the aforementioned courses? Probably the same grade as your history courses, mister Socialist.

You don't want to know what scores I got. If you do as well as I did, then you won't have to worry about paying for college...and not because of "socialist" programs. ;)
It only makes sense that you would be barred from college for such low scores, and therefor wouldn't have to worry about paying for it. Don't worry, Loo, we still won't accept you.

On that note, why don't you take your illiterate self to the Flame Zone, where thread derailing is tolerated?

I derailed your thread by commenting on a comment you, the OP made?

Ok, on the subject of this? Well the jury decided he was guilty. Do we know if he really left the kid in the car on purpose or if the baby was asleep and he just forgot? Only one person can REALLY say that, and that's him. His wife even admitted that she didn't think he would have done it on purpose. So did he deserve THIS harsh of a punishment? I don't really know. There are a lot of people in jail for doing a whole lot less.
At least you didn't deny being illiterate. Progress!

Of course he did it on purpose, and the wife said he didn't because she was in on it. If I recall correctly, they both got life insurance for him right before it happened, and I also recall them looking up something about baking people/animals in a vehicle. They planned it in advance. I look forward to hearing that they both kicked the bucket~
Wrong, your opinion of me never did matter... and it still doesn't. Your opinion on this supports that. Read again what I said. What grade did you get in your English courses? Did they have a reading comprehension section?
Actually, I got a perfect score in both courses, hence the fact that I said "IF my opinion EVER mattered to you". Meaning the statement was hypothetical. Though, you bring up a good point, what grade did YOU get in the aforementioned courses? Probably the same grade as your history courses, mister Socialist.

You don't want to know what scores I got. If you do as well as I did, then you won't have to worry about paying for college...and not because of "socialist" programs. ;)
It only makes sense that you would be barred from college for such low scores, and therefor wouldn't have to worry about paying for it. Don't worry, Loo, we still won't accept you.

On that note, why don't you take your illiterate self to the Flame Zone, where thread derailing is tolerated?

I derailed your thread by commenting on a comment you, the OP made?

Ok, on the subject of this? Well the jury decided he was guilty. Do we know if he really left the kid in the car on purpose or if the baby was asleep and he just forgot? Only one person can REALLY say that, and that's him. His wife even admitted that she didn't think he would have done it on purpose. So did he deserve THIS harsh of a punishment? I don't really know. There are a lot of people in jail for doing a whole lot less.
At least you didn't deny being illiterate. Progress!

Of course he did it on purpose, and the wife said he didn't because she was in on it. If I recall correctly, they both got life insurance for him right before it happened, and I also recall them looking up something about baking people/animals in a vehicle. They planned it in advance. I look forward to hearing that they both kicked the bucket~

Wait, you asked me NOT to derail your thread and then when I don't continue to derail your thread like you accuse me of, you take that as a chance to take a shot at me. Congrats. You are young budding troll.

I sure hope your father eventually rubs off on you as you get older if he is as much like me as you say he is, because it scares me that we might continue to have future generations of people that have this type of attitude like your's where you think someone like a vegetarian is a "nutjob."

You know he did it on purpose? You think it is now a conspiracy where his wife was in on it? You're a conspiracy loon to think that.

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