Piece of Subhuman Trash Who Murdered His Child Faces Life in Prison Plus

Ok, on the subject of this? Well the jury decided he was guilty. Do we know if he really left the kid in the car on purpose or if the baby was asleep and he just forgot? Only one person can REALLY say that, and that's him. His wife even admitted that she didn't think he would have done it on purpose. So did he deserve THIS harsh of a punishment? I don't really know. There are a lot of people in jail for doing a whole lot less.
I wouldn't give a shit either way. I'd never leave a dog in the car. If it's hot out and I take them I don't leave them in the car, period! You're the same nut case that tried to tell me you're a former CO and had people is prison for pot possession. Now as a CJ major you're going to be even more supergenius trying to figure out excuses for people. Give us a break. Go educate the cops on o.com.

And you're the idiot that likes to make assumptions without knowing facts. End of story.
I went by what you said, not what I thought. Mr. Pot Users in Prison expert.

Again. What years was I a CO? What were Ohio's pot laws during those years? Are they different than they are now? Want to discuss this further? Take it to a different thread. I'm not going to get banned for derailing this one.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says 25 kids every year die from similar incidents; this year, that count is already at 13. There is of course no stat on the number of kids who get forgotten, but then remembered in enough time to survive. If you have the emotional fortitude to read Gene Weingarten’s Pulitzer Prize-winning piece on the subject, you’ll see it happens to moms, dads, parents young and old.

Yes, You Could Forget Your Kid in the Car (I Did)

In fact, it is such a problem that someone invented something to help prevent it from happening. So don't tell me you KNOW he did it on purpose because no one would do it.

Inspired by her baby, cheerleading engineer invents life-saving gadget
I have talked to so many people with similar ideas, glad someone finally got it together.

I still want an invention that recycles water already paid for that goes down the drain for baths and showers,
and uses it to flush toilets to save on water.

The method I saw other people suggest is using a huge stuffed toy in the front seat,
or attach a toy to the keychain to remember if your child is with you or not.

But this signal device is exactly what other people were asking for. Yeah!!
I raised kids and as a single parent, I manged to never forget my kids were in the car.....And I smoke weed...

Wait. Time magazine isn't a reliable source now? What about the other source?
No source will convince me it's excusable.

Not "excusable" but explaining how it happens, even to well meaning conscientious people
ie how the adult brain can override "memory cues" because
"routines" are programmed in to follow instead:

Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a child in the backseat is a horrifying mistake. Is it a crime?

David Diamond is picking at his breakfast at a Washington hotel, trying to explain.

“Memory is a machine,” he says, “and it is not flawless. Our conscious mind prioritizes things by importance, but on a cellular level, our memory does not. If you’re capable of forgetting your cellphone, you are potentially capable of forgetting your child.”

Diamond is a professor of molecular physiology at the University of South Florida and a consultant to the veterans hospital in Tampa. He’s here for a national science conference to give a speech about his research, which involves the intersection of emotion, stress and memory. What he’s found is that under some circumstances, the most sophisticated part of our thought-processing center can be held hostage to a competing memory system, a primitive portion of the brain that is -- by a design as old as the dinosaur’s -- inattentive, pigheaded, nonanalytical, stupid.

Diamond is the memory expert with a lousy memory, the one who recently realized, while driving to the mall, that his infant granddaughter was asleep in the back of the car. He remembered only because his wife, sitting beside him, mentioned the baby. He understands what could have happened had he been alone with the child. Almost worse, he understands exactly why.

The human brain, he says, is a magnificent but jury-rigged device in which newer and more sophisticated structures sit atop a junk heap of prototype brains still used by lower species. At the top of the device are the smartest and most nimble parts: the prefrontal cortex, which thinks and analyzes, and the hippocampus, which makes and holds on to our immediate memories. At the bottom is the basal ganglia, nearly identical to the brains of lizards, controlling voluntary but barely conscious actions.

Diamond says that in situations involving familiar, routine motor skills, the human animal presses the basal ganglia into service as a sort of auxiliary autopilot. When our prefrontal cortex and hippocampus are planning our day on the way to work, the ignorant but efficient basal ganglia is operating the car; that’s why you’ll sometimes find yourself having driven from point A to point B without a clear recollection of the route you took, the turns you made or the scenery you saw.

Ordinarily, says Diamond, this delegation of duty “works beautifully, like a symphony. But sometimes, it turns into the ‘1812 Overture.’ The cannons take over and overwhelm.”

By experimentally exposing rats to the presence of cats, and then recording electrochemical changes in the rodents’ brains, Diamond has found that stress -- either sudden or chronic -- can weaken the brain’s higher-functioning centers, making them more susceptible to bullying from the basal ganglia. He’s seen the same sort of thing play out in cases he’s followed involving infant deaths in cars.

“The quality of prior parental care seems to be irrelevant,” he said. “The important factors that keep showing up involve a combination of stress, emotion, lack of sleep and change in routine, where the basal ganglia is trying to do what it’s supposed to do, and the conscious mind is too weakened to resist. What happens is that the memory circuits in a vulnerable hippocampus literally get overwritten, like with a computer program. Unless the memory circuit is rebooted -- such as if the child cries, or, you know, if the wife mentions the child in the back -- it can entirely disappear.”
Actually, I got a perfect score in both courses, hence the fact that I said "IF my opinion EVER mattered to you". Meaning the statement was hypothetical. Though, you bring up a good point, what grade did YOU get in the aforementioned courses? Probably the same grade as your history courses, mister Socialist.

You don't want to know what scores I got. If you do as well as I did, then you won't have to worry about paying for college...and not because of "socialist" programs. ;)
It only makes sense that you would be barred from college for such low scores, and therefor wouldn't have to worry about paying for it. Don't worry, Loo, we still won't accept you.

On that note, why don't you take your illiterate self to the Flame Zone, where thread derailing is tolerated?

I derailed your thread by commenting on a comment you, the OP made?

Ok, on the subject of this? Well the jury decided he was guilty. Do we know if he really left the kid in the car on purpose or if the baby was asleep and he just forgot? Only one person can REALLY say that, and that's him. His wife even admitted that she didn't think he would have done it on purpose. So did he deserve THIS harsh of a punishment? I don't really know. There are a lot of people in jail for doing a whole lot less.
At least you didn't deny being illiterate. Progress!

Of course he did it on purpose, and the wife said he didn't because she was in on it. If I recall correctly, they both got life insurance for him right before it happened, and I also recall them looking up something about baking people/animals in a vehicle. They planned it in advance. I look forward to hearing that they both kicked the bucket~

Wait, you asked me NOT to derail your thread and then when I don't continue to derail your thread like you accuse me of, you take that as a chance to take a shot at me. Congrats. You are young budding troll.

I sure hope your father eventually rubs off on you as you get older if he is as much like me as you say he is, because it scares me that we might continue to have future generations of people that have this type of attitude like your's where you think someone like a vegetarian is a "nutjob."

You know he did it on purpose? You think it is now a conspiracy where his wife was in on it? You're a conspiracy loon to think that.

All you do is derail threads, you're worthless
Ok, on the subject of this? Well the jury decided he was guilty. Do we know if he really left the kid in the car on purpose or if the baby was asleep and he just forgot? Only one person can REALLY say that, and that's him. His wife even admitted that she didn't think he would have done it on purpose. So did he deserve THIS harsh of a punishment? I don't really know. There are a lot of people in jail for doing a whole lot less.
I wouldn't give a shit either way. I'd never leave a dog in the car. If it's hot out and I take them I don't leave them in the car, period! You're the same nut case that tried to tell me you're a former CO and had people is prison for pot possession. Now as a CJ major you're going to be even more supergenius trying to figure out excuses for people. Give us a break. Go educate the cops on o.com.

And you're the idiot that likes to make assumptions without knowing facts. End of story.
I went by what you said, not what I thought. Mr. Pot Users in Prison expert.

Again. What years was I a CO? What were Ohio's pot laws during those years? Are they different than they are now? Want to discuss this further? Take it to a different thread. I'm not going to get banned for derailing this one.
They didn't throw people in prison for simple weed possession. They would have filled up ages ago. You are calling dealers pot users and that is bullshit.
I have a theory that human evolution stopped upon the invention of civilization - I think my theory is being proven in spades. In fact, it seems we're going backwards.

Time to go back to the world when folks were held responsible for their actions. (So in essence, Pumpkin Row yes the socialists would likely starve to death, and/or be shot trying to steal from others.)

Wait. Time magazine isn't a reliable source now? What about the other source?
No source will convince me it's excusable.

Not "excusable" but explaining how it happens, even to well meaning conscientious people
ie how the adult brain can override "memory cues" because
"routines" are programmed in to follow instead:

Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a child in the backseat is a horrifying mistake. Is it a crime?
Again, no sale. I've had dogs for a long time and never forgot one in the car or come close to it. I don't need evidence that some people go through life with their heads stuffed up their ass.
This POS Googled how long it took an animal to die in a hot car, was texting underge girls and seeking to have affairs....lock the SOB up and let the population take care of his sorry ass
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This POS Googled how long it took an animal to die in a not car, was texting underge girls and seeking to have affairs....lock the SOB up and let the population take care of his sorry ass
Also got Life Insurance on the child shortly before it happened.

Wait. Time magazine isn't a reliable source now? What about the other source?
No source will convince me it's excusable.

Not "excusable" but explaining how it happens, even to well meaning conscientious people
ie how the adult brain can override "memory cues" because
"routines" are programmed in to follow instead:

Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a child in the backseat is a horrifying mistake. Is it a crime?
Again, no sale. I've had dogs for a long time and never forgot one in the car or come close to it. I don't need evidence that some people go through life with their heads stuffed up their ass.

Dear Iceweasel
I have forgotten to do things like eat because I'm too busy, or feed a pet.
You can bet that's why I don't have pets and won't get one.
I'm glad you are good with dogs.
There are more dogs who deserve caring owners than there are are who can take them all.

I think if we organize resources better, and don't have these unnatural crunches
and schedules, we could find better ways to manage to stop cruelty and negligence
from happening to either pets or people.

One group was studying the link between criminals who start by abusing animals
and then move on to abusing or stalking people.
If we can prevent problems in one instance, the same solutions help in other cases.
so one day we can solve these problems altogether.

Again, if the researcher is right in that the same things that allow the brain
to forget a cell phone can also override cues to remember the child in the car,
that's a good way to warn people in advance to always have help, a third
party to check on things and don't take things for granted.

If you are the type to be overrun where you forget your keys or purse,
then it is better not to take risks with kids and get a nanny to help at all times.
I used to fry ants with a magnifying glass with the hot summer sun in Okiehoma as a kid, yet I never grew up to be a child abuser...or murderer...Unless you count the time I made a pumpkin pie and forgot to add sugar...
Another great act of injustice being committed by America's criminal terror system.

Sure, the guy is an idiot and deserves no shortage of shame. However he is not a dangerous psychopath that presents a clear physical threat to me. I abhor preventive violence and coercion, but the US legal system cannot even claim to be doing that. The courts are being used to systematically punish and make examples of people, which is morally bankrupt.
Vegetarians are nut jobs? I eat meat and I don't chose their lifestyle, but that's their choice and they are NOT nut jobs.
Yes, they are nut jobs. It's also their choice to live how they want, and I don't care. Not agreeing with someone's lifestyle isn't the same as thinking they shouldn't be allowed to live that way. Personally, I don't care how anyone lives, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
The fact you think so tells me that I have always been right in thinking that your opinion of me doesn't matter.
I'm a random child on the internet, if my opinion ever mattered to you, then you spend too much time worrying about absurdly superfluous things. That or you knew I was right, and it bothered you because you don't want to believe it's so.
Hormones In Animals And Meat Quality | Nutrition & Dieting articles | Well Being center | SteadyHealth.com
Another great act of injustice being committed by America's criminal terror system.

Sure, the guy is an idiot and deserves no shortage of shame. However he is not a dangerous psychopath that presents a clear physical threat to me. I abhor preventive violence and coercion, but the US legal system cannot even claim to be doing that. The courts are being used to systematically punish and make examples of people, which is morally bankrupt.

The courts are being used to systematically punish and make examples of people.

I agree with you on this one, a life sentence ? No that was to make an example out of.

Dear Pumpkin Row
When we cannot understand a mindset, I offer to draw a close parallel to the nearest
thing we can wrap our mind around.

Some people CANNOT imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it.
It is convenient for us.
It tastes good.
We need the nourishment.
We do more good to make up for the harm we cause the animal
who dies for us to eat it.
NONE of this is justification to those who believe the harm
and bad effects caused are WORSE and the meat eating isn't worth it.

Can you imagine being someone who is HORRIFIED by meat eating as
inhumane, cruel and senseless. Not needed at all. UNTHINKABLE!!!
But to us, it is natural, it is convenient and we don't care what the animal suffers.

If you can understand the gap between those two mindsets,
that is like the gap in mindset of someone who thinks nothing of
getting rid of the child in order for their own convenience to be satisfied.

Is that close enough to try to understand?
Some people think meat eaters are BARBARIANS!
Remember that. Some even wear cloth over their
mouths so they don't kill bacteria by breathing in.

What do you think we look like to them?
Seek mental help!
Dear Pumpkin Row
When we cannot understand a mindset, I offer to draw a close parallel to the nearest
thing we can wrap our mind around.

Some people CANNOT imagine why anyone would kill an animal to eat it.
It is convenient for us.
It tastes good.
We need the nourishment.
We do more good to make up for the harm we cause the animal
who dies for us to eat it.
NONE of this is justification to those who believe the harm
and bad effects caused are WORSE and the meat eating isn't worth it.

Can you imagine being someone who is HORRIFIED by meat eating as
inhumane, cruel and senseless. Not needed at all. UNTHINKABLE!!!
But to us, it is natural, it is convenient and we don't care what the animal suffers.

If you can understand the gap between those two mindsets,
that is like the gap in mindset of someone who thinks nothing of
getting rid of the child in order for their own convenience to be satisfied.

Is that close enough to try to understand?
Some people think meat eaters are BARBARIANS!
Remember that. Some even wear cloth over their
mouths so they don't kill bacteria by breathing in.

What do you think we look like to them?
I think vegetarians are nutjobs, and I also think that I don't care what they think. Animals are not human beings, and they exist to be eaten. f we did not eat them, their populations would go out of control. Meat also provides health benefits that vegetables don't.

On the other hand, not only is that child the same as all of us, but it's also a thinking being. Imagine what was going through his head as it suffered at the hands of its deranged father. I suspect he even knew it was all kinds of wrong to murder his child and didn't care.
You know, and the other thing is that there's a huge difference between roasting a child alive, just to get rid of him, and killing an animal to eat it.

Personally, I don't mind an animal dying so it can be eaten. You're going to eat it, which means it wasn't a wasted life. On the other hand, I dislike the idea of killing animals for sport. I can somewhat understand people not being okay with killing an animal just to kill it.

In other words, there are no parallels here.
Dear Pumpkin Row and EverCurious
I see you misunderstand my point. I'm not comparing the two events. I'm comparing the gap in mindsets where people see something as barbaric and never a choice while others see it as a normal choice to do that.

Would comparing this to abortion or the death penalty help?

Some people see these as Murder and never justified. Others can tolerate one but not the other as an acceptable sacrifice that's better than the alternatives.

It's not the content of the activity or action I'm comparing, but the difference in mindsets that are almost foreign to each other!

Does that help?

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