Pilot plant to trial new carbon capture technology that converts CO2 into bricks


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Pilot plant to trial new carbon capture technology that converts CO2 into bricks
A new method for permanently and safely storing carbon emissions generated from fossil fuels and other industrial processes will be trialled in a mineral carbonation research pilot plant to be built at the University of Newcastle.

The ultimate goal is to transform the captured CO2 emissions into carbonate rock 'bricks' for use in the construction industry, therefore both dealing with carbon storage needs and introducing new green building materials

Read more at: Pilot plant to trial new carbon capture technology that converts CO2 into bricks

Maybe we could suck all the co2 out of the atmosphere to pave our roads.
Maybe we can take the 39 million acres of farm land that is wasted on growing ethanol-bound corn, and plant trees. One trillion pounds of C02 would be removed from the air each year and tens of trillions of pounds of oxygen would be added.

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