Pink Slip for the White Man

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
White Man!

We regret to inform you that your kind has been slated for termination. We, the various Third World majorities of Africa, Asia, India, South America, and the Middle East assert that your long history of success at building civilizations, developing new technologies, creating stable governments, fostering good will, feeding much of the world, and increasing peace and prosperity even amongst the riotous hordes of our own homelands, has made us envious and resentful of you. We, who make up 92% of the global population, feel that we can no longer accept the great disparity between your success and our abject failure. The solution to this inequality should be obvious to all concerned.

We are planning to invade your ancestral homelands, little by little, and to facilitate this, we have the full cooperation of your controlled media and government, academia, and law enforcement organizations. While we, personally, do not control any of these entities ourselves, we are profiting endlessly from the crypto-Marxist system put in place many decades ago by an ethnic “fifth column” which operates with complete impunity at all levels of your political, academic, and media culture. Their interference in the natural development of your constitutional republics has been indispensable to our efforts to wrest from you the control of everything that you’ve struggled to build and maintain over the last century. Indeed, were it not for them, none of our present plans would have even been possible.

By carefully controlling and managing the schools, universities, media, and press, this “out group” has managed to convince the great bulk of your racial kinsmen that not only is resistance futile, but that it is immoral, barbaric, depraved, and unworthy of a “thinking” individual. By promoting the stereotype of a “racist redneck resistance”, they have made the idea of a struggle for White Identity a veritable sin in the minds of nearly every White person. In short: they have convinced European-derived peoples that a prolonged suicide is preferable to the unmitigated evil of “racism”.

While doing this, they have pushed, inch by inch, to open the borders of ALL White nations to our own sullen masses, throwing open the gates to invasion while assuring the public that “race doesn’t matter”. Since race, in fact, DOES matter (and no one knows it better than We), they have likewise put into place a totalitarian system of “hate speech” and “hate crime” laws, to further alienate and penalize those few Whites who might harbor some simmering resentments at the increasing decay of their society and culture. All of this is in keeping with the far-reaching plans of this particular ethnic “out group”, and has been sometimes referred to as the “Long March”.

The Out Group, who maintains a sense of racial cohesiveness hitherto unknown among even the most tightly-knit of all dispersed human peoples, maintains a grip on the press and electronic media that is nearly monopolistic in its all-encompassing reach. Since they are so thoroughly in control of these organs for the dissemination of propaganda, they are in the best position to spread hostility against the White peoples of Europe and America, inciting the minority against the majority in these lands: Black against White, Latino against White, Asian against White, Arab against White, Indian against White, and so on, and so forth.

This is facilitated by decades of brainwashing, beginning in early school years, portraying Whites not as the builders of a great civilization, or the admirable leaders of the Free World, but in a lopsided, entirely slanted way as oppressors, enslavers, genocidal “Nazis”, southern Klansmen, imperialistic Colonials, and toothless hillbillies just itching for a chance to lynch the first colored individual that comes along. This brainwashing not only inflames the minorities in these now racially-mixed “schools”, but also inculcates a sense of “White guilt” that the Out Group finds particularly useful in maintaining control.

Hence, you Whites have become a neutered, egoless herd of cattle, easily manipulated and posing no threat to the Out Group, who live in perpetual terror of your ever waking up to their plans. The Out Group has a long-running resentment and fear of White civilization, and thus have worked within that civilization to undermine its cohesion and sense of purpose. The promotion of homosexuality, pornography, drugs, divorce, illicit sex, moral relativism, atheism, communism, gun control, “anti-racism”, and “civil rights”, has been the greatest boon to this subversive faction, who are but a tiny minority among you, but who wield awesome, incomparable power.

Thus, in light of the fact that you are socially, morally, mentally, intellectually, and even legally castrated, We, the teeming masses of the Third World who thirst for what you have and what we can never obtain, are going to finally swamp your once noble and advanced societies, your pristine cities and unsullied neighborhoods, and rape your countries for everything they are worth.

We are going to move in, right under your noses, and set our churches, mosques, synagogues, and strange gods up in place of your own. We will ensure that OUR celebrations and festivities and holidays are observed, while YOURS are erased from the pages of history.

We will drain the public coffers of welfare, food stamps, and all forms of social aid available. We will swamp your children’s schools, change the language in which lessons are taught, form street gangs to terrorize and torment your family, steal, vandalize, harass, threaten, and cajole you until we get what WE want.

That it will be entirely at your expense is irrelevant to us.

We will beat and murder your sons; we will rape your wives and daughters.

We kill twelve Americans every day; your government could care less.

We have shut down hospitals with our teeming numbers. We have flooded the streets, demanding “special rights” for those millions of us that are here illegally.

We nearly had your major politicians ready to grant all of us an “amnesty” in the name of “diversity” and “equal rights”. We are filling up the ranks for unskilled labor. We are raping pre-teens. We are doing the jobs Americans won’t do.

As your global economy crumbles, and it gets harder and harder to feed your families, as your birthrate plummets and you face the eventual dispossession of the country your forefathers founded for YOU and YOUR posterity, just remember: there is nothing you can do to stop us. The Out Group has made sure that the law is on OUR side, not yours. No matter how piffling your criticism of us is, the Out Group will use their media to label you with shocking epithets and broad smears: racist, hater, bigot, neo-Nazi, nativist, White supremacist, domestic terrorist, etc.

If we want to, we can assault and kill you with near impunity. The media will not report it, and if they do, they will place the blame for the assault squarely on YOUR shoulders, not ours. In Jena, Louisiana, a White boy was beaten mercilessly by six black criminals. The media made the criminals into the victims.

We watch these developments carefully, and we like what we see. Soon, you will be a minority even in your own homelands (you are already a minority worldwide), and we will continue to squeeze and squeeze until there is nothing left of you. We will crush your countries, your cultures, and eventually, we will snuffle out your lives.

Beethoven, Mozart, Shakespeare, and all other bourgeois manifestations of your high culture will be vanquished forever. All of your legends and heroes will be spat upon, purged, and finally forgotten. Your cultural folkways will be transgressions; your identity will become a crime.

We come for your JOBS, your MONEY, your WOMEN, and eventually your LIVES. It will not be much longer now.

In closing, We, the huddled masses of the Third World yearning to “breathe free”, would like to thank the Out Group, the media monopolists and political plunderers who made all of this possible. We wish them well, and we know they wish us well, just as long as we don’t trespass upon their own homeland, which they stole fair and square several decades ago.

Adios, White man! You had a good, long run, but your day is over, and ours is just beginning. Your empire is at an end, and your race is no longer wanted here. We’ll have our fun with you while you still hang on by a thread, but soon, the thread will be cut, and the abyss yawns beneath you and the civilization your kind spawned.

Besides, many of you are even anticipating this with something akin to sick glee. After all, that’s how the TV set told them to feel. The brainwashing is almost complete, and the sheep are in line to shear.

Have a nice day!
Do you have a lot of children, William?

If not, then perhaps you're beginning to understand the nature of the problem.

It is DAMNED hard for most White americans to have a lot of children and live the lifestyles we expect to live. We put our careers and bank accounts and retirement and our love of techlogical toys ahead of procreation.

We traded in having large families for having more affluent smaller families.

You can blame that on the non-Whites if you want, but the problem, one which I think to some extent you correctly point out, has to do with our own philosophies and expectations.

We are materialists, and our brand of materialism breeds a kind of materialistic selfishness which makes having children an investment fewer and fewer of us are willing (or able) to pay for.
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Birth Control.

But with how unsustainable our culture has become (I do NOT mean materialism but that isn't helping) birth control is really helping to ensure a limit on the number of screwed up children.
Do you have a lot of children, William?

If not, then perhaps you're beginning to understand the nature of the problem.

It is DAMNED hard for most White americans to have a lot of children and live the lifestyles we expect to live. We put our careers and bank accounts and retirement and our love of techlogical toys ahead of procreation.

We traded in having large families for having more affluent smaller families.

You can blame that on the non-Whites if you want, but the problem, one which I think to some extent you correctly point out, has to do with our own philosophies and expectations.

We are materialists, and our brand of materialism breeds a kind of materialistic selfishness which makes having children an investment fewer and fewer of us are willing (or able) to pay for.

I totally agree, and I don't blame non-white folks for that. That's whites' behavior at work.

(Believe it or not, I didn't write the letter, it was on an e-mail list I belong to.)
Oh, I believe it.

FWIW, while I know damned well that you are are wildly different (at least that's my impression to date) on most issues involving race, I too think that White people are rapidly becoming so sparse on the face of the earth in comparison to people of color, and I too think that is not an especially good thing.

The fact is that we appear, among other things, to have the highest tolerance to many infectious diseases of any race of man.

So racial diversity HAS TO INCLUDE people who are more or less not of mixed of races (meaning having pure Blacks, pure Whites and so forth) if mankind hopes to have the widest possible genome mix to draw on in the future.

And I'll go one step further...just as I believe it would behoove mankind to have enclaves of cultural and racial areas to insure that we DO HAVE that sort of racial diversity.

Odd, isn't it?

I suspect that we are coming at this issue for somewhat rather different reasons, but we seem to be ending up seeking sort of the same outcome.

I wouldn't give a rat's ass if my seed joined the great genome melting pot, but I DO think that it would be a damned shame not to have different races and ethnics of mankind on this earth.
Maybe they're stealing "your" women because that chip on your shoulder, among other things, is pretty unattractive.
I wouldn't give a rat's ass if my seed joined the great genome melting pot,

Off topic, but seed is an embryo so you'd be more correct in saying your pollen.

The amazing sexism of the english language never fails to boggle my mind.

Birth Control.

But with how unsustainable our culture has become (I do NOT mean materialism but that isn't helping) birth control is really helping to ensure a limit on the number of screwed up children.

I am not at all sure about that, to be honest.

I think what we're more likely to see is that responsible adults limit their child bearing to that which they hopefully can afford, while children (mostly of the poor, I note) keep popping out babies nobody can afford.

I'm all for birth control and one's right to choose, of course.

But we appear to be having another crises of the commons because of this difference between responsibile and irresponsible behaviors of our citizry.
That might actually result in the races becoming subspecies.

Not a chance, Gungir.

First of all because I seriously doubt that species evolve in the way you seem to think they do, and secondly because mankind won't survive long enough for a true subspecies to evolve even if your theory about how subspecies evolve is spot on.
Off topic, but seed is an embryo so you'd be more correct in saying your pollen.

The amazing sexism of the english language never fails to boggle my mind.


Good point.

Hey, it's the language we're stuck with.
Not a chance, Gungir.

First of all because I seriously doubt that species evolve in the way you seem to think they do, and secondly because mankind won't survive long enough for a true subspecies to evolve even if your theory about how subspecies evolve is spot on.

You stipulated that there needs to be reserve populations of near pure breeding stock. These pure populations will not mate with anyone outside of their own population. Genetic drift along with positively selected mutations will spread through the isolated populations (Bantu, Bushman, Austronesian, Australian Aborigine, Caucusoid, Semite, Hindi, Dravidian, North Oriental, etc) and further seperate them. If this pollicy is maintained for a length of time the divide must deepen.

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