"Planet": A Modernized Walden


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This space-adventure planet-concious tale is a modernized rendition of the eco-meditative Walden (Thoreau) and is partially inspired by the exploration-themed sci-fi horror film franchise Alien (starring Sigourney Weaver, Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce, and others).

It would be interesting to study how 'Planet Hollywood' culture reflects a modern humanity focus on 'capitalism self-esteem interests.'

This one's for you, President Trump...


Tom Cruise (the world's most popular movie star) and Ajay Satan (an idealistic Internet-blogger and Ivy League graduate) were recruited by the Trump Administration to head a special team of cosmonauts to investigate a strange hostile alien-intelligence signal coming from Saturn and detected by NASA on Valentine's Day 2017. NASA assembled a complete team, which included trained cosmonauts/astronauts, Navy SEALs, and a few other civilian 'delegates' hand-picked for their displayed interests and/or talents. The team was called "Planet," and it represented a modern age consciousness that had evolved away from the achievements of humanity's forefathers --- e.g., Thoreau, Shakespeare, Newton, etc. This was the age of Steve Jobs, Norman Schwarzkopf, Bjork, and Donald Trump.

"Planet" was given a special 'documentary disc,' in which was imprinted a 'video-history' of humanity in the hopes that some peace accord could be reached with the seemingly hostile alien-intelligence which broadcasted the ominous signal which came to be known as the Valentine Omen. Cruise and Ajay believed the best way to determine if these creatures could be negotiated with was to see if the aliens found human conceptualizations of 'non-human intelligence' intelligible, civil, and sane. One member of "Planet," a Navy SEAL named Kurt (Algerian-born) believed the aliens wanted to see if humanity had any relic or archaeological evidence of peace-visioned destiny of life in the universe, so Kurt brought with him a bag full of toy water-guns.
Team "Planet" took off from Earth in the summer of 2017 in a special craft that was being designed by NASA since the '60s, a craft which had the ability to travel at incredible speeds, enabling cosmonauts/astronauts to reach faraway destinations (e.g., Saturn) much faster.

When "Planet" landed on Saturn, they discovered an eerie underground synthetic labyrinth made of metal and plastic and rubber. It was an incredible underground 'fortress,' and Kurt immediately recognized that this fortress resembled some of the 'oddity futuristic lairs' of the Xenomorphs (the fictional predatory alien-creatures from the Hollywood sci-fi horror-film franchise Alien starring Sigourney Weaver) and conjectured that the aliens on Saturn were simply stationed there and quite possibly resembled in vehement fury the Xenomorphs. "Hey, if we can imagine these aliens are pissed, there's no reason to assume they aren't!" Kurt told his team. So all the members (including Cruise and Ajay) treaded very carefully, and Kurt was relieved he brought with him his special 'diplomatic bag' of water-guns. A strange mechanical door opened, and an alien (resembling a Xenomorph approached the team!).

XENO: You humans have picked up our 'omen signal.'
PLANET: We detected it coming from Saturn, which we assume is your 'relay-station.'
XENO: That's correct. I see NASA has assembled a very 'representative diplomacy squad.'
PLANET: We're the best-of-the-best (so to speak). What are your intentions towards humanity?
XENO: We've noticed that NASA knows of the storms of Jupiter, yet humans care nothing about eco-pollution.
PLANET: We care about the physical systems of Earth just as much as we're curious about Jupiter's storms!
XENO: Why then is global warming a joke among social leaders on Earth (e.g., Donald Trump)?
PLANET: That's not entirely true. The EPA and other eco-minded 'teams' work to address manmade pollution.
XENO: Are humans confident the Earth can tolerate the impact of humanity on its 'carrying-capacity'?
PLANET: We think that learning about Earth as we develop is as valuable as speculating about trepidation.
XENO: That's clever, but your capitalism-system seems to breed 'unchecked' industrialization.
PLANET: If you're referring to Exxon or Chernobyl, we assure you, such 'incidents' are evaluated by the UN!
XENO: I can concede that (on behalf of my alien race which has been observing yours), but we want evidence.
PLANET: Our team-member Kurt brought some toy water-guns (as diplomacy items), which children love.
XENO: Human children like to purchase and play with these 'toy water-guns'?
PLANET: Yes, we feel these 'toys' represent a focus on both nonviolent imagination and water itself.
XENO: That is wishful thinking indeed, but do parents tell kids, "Your water-guns are filled with 'dirty water'!"?
PLANET: Human parents are aware that eco-degradation requires us to be 'adaptive' emotionally...
XENO: In that case, run through that maze (separately) [pointing] and if we catch you, exhibit 'optimism.'
PLANET: Right, or you'll kill us. How can we refuse. We'll run...
XENO: Be careful...

PLANET: My god, we made it! Is everyone ok? Where's Kurt?
XENO: Your idealistic team-member Kurt died for the rest of you, since he knew your eco-dishonesty...
PLANET: We'll return to Earth and tell President Trump of all eco-priorities. Thank you for sparing us (mostly)!



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