Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues
Remembrance Day Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues - Immigration Watch Canada
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has boasted that his government will be increasing Canada’s Immigration intake to as high as 285,000 in 2015. He has bragged that this intake is “the highest planned level of admissions in recent history”. At a time when 1.5 million Canadians are still jobless and hundreds of thousands are under-employed, we think this announcement is outrageous and filled with deceit.

Every white country has to get fucked.
Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues
Remembrance Day Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues - Immigration Watch Canada
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has boasted that his government will be increasing Canada’s Immigration intake to as high as 285,000 in 2015. He has bragged that this intake is “the highest planned level of admissions in recent history”. At a time when 1.5 million Canadians are still jobless and hundreds of thousands are under-employed, we think this announcement is outrageous and filled with deceit.

Every white country has to get fucked.
Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues
Remembrance Day Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues - Immigration Watch Canada
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has boasted that his government will be increasing Canada’s Immigration intake to as high as 285,000 in 2015. He has bragged that this intake is “the highest planned level of admissions in recent history”. At a time when 1.5 million Canadians are still jobless and hundreds of thousands are under-employed, we think this announcement is outrageous and filled with deceit.

Every white country has to get fucked.

(X)It is time for a moratorium on immigration. We have too many legal and illegal people entering this country and more than probably 60% to 70% are sucking off the hard-working and over taxed Canadian workers. The majority of these lying and stealing politicians are traitors for allowing so many immigrants into this country when we have so many Canadians unemployed. The majority of politicians I don't think give a dam about Canada or Canadians. They are following an agenda that is being forced on Canada and Canadians by certain elite special interest groups whom it would appear want to replace the white majority of this country into a non-white majority. It's time for white people to speak up and demand that all immigration stop, and when we once again allow the borders to be open again, we only let in white people for the first ten years. The white race is on a racial suicidal course, and if we don't stop this massive third world immigration policy of ours, we are doomed as a race. It's time for people to not worry about being called a racist, that word is used to try and shut people down. White people need to start showing some guts for a change.
Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues
Remembrance Day Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues - Immigration Watch Canada
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has boasted that his government will be increasing Canada’s Immigration intake to as high as 285,000 in 2015. He has bragged that this intake is “the highest planned level of admissions in recent history”. At a time when 1.5 million Canadians are still jobless and hundreds of thousands are under-employed, we think this announcement is outrageous and filled with deceit.

Every white country has to get fucked.
Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues
Remembrance Day Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues - Immigration Watch Canada
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has boasted that his government will be increasing Canada’s Immigration intake to as high as 285,000 in 2015. He has bragged that this intake is “the highest planned level of admissions in recent history”. At a time when 1.5 million Canadians are still jobless and hundreds of thousands are under-employed, we think this announcement is outrageous and filled with deceit.

Every white country has to get fucked.

(X)It is time for a moratorium on immigration. We have too many legal and illegal people entering this country and more than probably 60% to 70% are sucking off the hard-working and over taxed Canadian workers. The majority of these lying and stealing politicians are traitors for allowing so many immigrants into this country when we have so many Canadians unemployed. The majority of politicians I don't think give a dam about Canada or Canadians. They are following an agenda that is being forced on Canada and Canadians by certain elite special interest groups whom it would appear want to replace the white majority of this country into a non-white majority. It's time for white people to speak up and demand that all immigration stop, and when we once again allow the borders to be open again, we only let in white people for the first ten years. The white race is on a racial suicidal course, and if we don't stop this massive third world immigration policy of ours, we are doomed as a race. It's time for people to not worry about being called a racist, that word is used to try and shut people down. White people need to start showing some guts for a change.

I guess I told the truth because nobody challenged what I wrote. Massive non-white immigration into all white countries will be the beginning of the end for white people in their own countries. Look at what is happening in Europe these days. There are some zones where white people dare not tread. Why do we have multiculturalism being forced on all white countries but don't see it happening in non-white countries? Anybody care to reply? :coffee:
The global powers that be want us wiped out...They hate white people.

Punch in the name Barbara Spectre on YouTube and listen to what this nausiating biotch has to say about multiculturalism. Does her being jewish have something to do with her promotion of multiculturalism? I think we can see what and who may be behind all of this massive third world immigration into all white countries, especially Canada. At least that is the way it appears right now.
Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues
Remembrance Day Planned Immigration For 2015 Shows War Against Canada Continues - Immigration Watch Canada
Immigration Minister Chris Alexander has boasted that his government will be increasing Canada’s Immigration intake to as high as 285,000 in 2015. He has bragged that this intake is “the highest planned level of admissions in recent history”. At a time when 1.5 million Canadians are still jobless and hundreds of thousands are under-employed, we think this announcement is outrageous and filled with deceit.

Every white country has to get fucked.

80% of all new immigrants coming to Canada are immigrating from non-white countries. White people need to wakeup before it is too late. White people need a country of their own too. White people are well on their way to racial suicide if they keep allowing this to continue. I think GreenPeace needs to be advised of our impending doom to extinction. I kind of doubt that they would give a chit though. Animals are more important than the extinction of the white race.

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