Planned Parenthood knew of Gosnell...and referred women to him anyway.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Planned Parenthood has already been connected to Kermit Gosnell in one way — via a grisly abortion experiment he conducted on women back in the 1970s.
But Planned Parenthood Southeast Pennsylvania president and CEO Dayle Steinberg admitted this week at a fundraiser that the abortion business knew of the problems at Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion facility.
Apparently Planned Parenthood did not report it to the state health department or other state or local officials who could have done something about it. Instead, it appears the abortion giant left it up to women Gosnell injured or traumatized to make public officials aware of his House of Horrors."

Planned Parenthood Knew of Kermit Gosnell's Abortion Horrors |
It's amazing the lack of MSM coverage on this. He kills hundred of babies and all anyone can talk about is Boston. Plus, the people saying he isn't all that bad because nobody cared about the kids anyways. Dude's a serial baby killer, what is worse than that?
They aren't going to cover it in any meaningful way, because in order to do that, they're going to have to start looking into the monopoly PP has on abortion, and the atrocities that go on in legally open clinics EVERY SINGLE DAY...

They'll have to embrace the inner monster, and none of the baby killers want to do that.
You pro-lifers need to sound less happy when you talk about that pro-life poster boy, Dr. Gosnell.

I mean, yes, you created him by making legal abortion difficult to get. And yes, now you get to lie and say the hack you created represents all abortion doctors, so mission accomplished twice on your part. Just try not to cackle with glee so loudly, will ya? It kind of gives away your whole agenda.

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