Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies : ZoNation Read mo

There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.

There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


That's anti-abortion extremist ideology that has nothing to do with the law.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


You don't realize apparently that every organ transplant that is performed necessitates the use of human organs from another human body,


Or don't you realize that?
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


When I die I want them to strip me of any and all parts which can be of use...
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved
Listen to good common sense from a man I think should be a key note speaker at the RNC.

Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies - YouTube

So "Free"will,

You favor state mandated parturition (look it up)?
What I support is truth.

What I support is people taking responsibility for their actions. It is not mandatory that the VAST majority of women get pregnant in the first place.

What I support is protecting the most innocent in our society.

I do not support the death penalty for the most evil in our society, and I certainly do not support the death penalty for the most innocent.

If you wish to be as the Incas go ahead, I perfer to be civilized.
Listen to good common sense from a man I think should be a key note speaker at the RNC.

Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies - YouTube

So "Free"will,

You favor state mandated parturition (look it up)?
What I support is truth.

What I support is people taking responsibility for their actions. It is not mandatory that the VAST majority of women get pregnant in the first place.

What I support is protecting the most innocent in our society.

I do not support the death penalty for the most evil in our society, and I certainly do not support the death penalty for the most innocent.

If you wish to be as the Incas go ahead, I perfer to be civilized.

What's so civilized as to give a zygote more importance than a grown woman?

Why should a woman that has been raped have to carry the offspring of a rapist? That's not civilized.
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.
Listen to good common sense from a man I think should be a key note speaker at the RNC.

Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies - YouTube

So "Free"will,

You favor state mandated parturition (look it up)?
What I support is truth.

What I support is people taking responsibility for their actions. It is not mandatory that the VAST majority of women get pregnant in the first place.

What I support is protecting the most innocent in our society.

I do not support the death penalty for the most evil in our society, and I certainly do not support the death penalty for the most innocent.

If you wish to be as the Incas go ahead, I perfer to be civilized.

Don't be want the state to mandate parturition to teach those sluts a lesson.....

Of course, you can't get pregnant, so it all an abstraction to you....
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

I assume they lose that innocence once they pass the gates of The Velvet Vise......

Then it's AMFYOYO
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

What exactly do you think happens to an aborted fetus if it is NOT sent to a medical research facility?

Do you think it is spirited off to a secret pro-life hospital where anti-abortionists with supernatural powers bring it back to life and raise it up to be a person?

Are you serious?
Listen to good common sense from a man I think should be a key note speaker at the RNC.

Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies - YouTube

So "Free"will,

You favor state mandated parturition (look it up)?
What I support is truth.

What I support is people taking responsibility for their actions. It is not mandatory that the VAST majority of women get pregnant in the first place.

What I support is protecting the most innocent in our society.

I do not support the death penalty for the most evil in our society, and I certainly do not support the death penalty for the most innocent.

If you wish to be as the Incas go ahead, I perfer to be civilized.

What's so civilized as to give a zygote more importance than a grown woman?

Why should a woman that has been raped have to carry the offspring of a rapist? That's not civilized.
Fallacy and strawman on your part.
1, Cannot the zygote as you call it grow to be a human being?
2, They are NOT harvesting zygotes.
3, What does rape a criminal act have to do with tissue harvesting?
Listen to good common sense from a man I think should be a key note speaker at the RNC.

Planned Parenthood Scandal Proves that Liberals Like Elizabeth Warren Are Bullies - YouTube

So "Free"will,

You favor state mandated parturition (look it up)?
What I support is truth.

What I support is people taking responsibility for their actions. It is not mandatory that the VAST majority of women get pregnant in the first place.

What I support is protecting the most innocent in our society.

I do not support the death penalty for the most evil in our society, and I certainly do not support the death penalty for the most innocent.

If you wish to be as the Incas go ahead, I perfer to be civilized.

What's so civilized as to give a zygote more importance than a grown woman?

Why should a woman that has been raped have to carry the offspring of a rapist? That's not civilized.

She doesn't, that's what the morning after pill is for.
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


When I die I want them to strip me of any and all parts which can be of use...

Thing is, if you'd let me harvest them now, it would mean your death, but I could save 3 people from death. A heart, some kidneys, a lung....
3 for 1 sounds like a good deal. You don't think so? Why should we wait until you die? We didn't wait for this little one to die first. We burned this little "zygote" to death with chemicals. Bet that hurt!
There is no scandal at Planned Parenthood unless you count the invented one from the rightwing propaganda machine.

No scandal in auto parts stores.

No scandal in wrecking yards where CARS are parted out.

But, OK, there is no legal requirement that anyone respect the sanctity of the human body.


When I die I want them to strip me of any and all parts which can be of use...

Thing is, if you'd let me harvest them now, it would mean your death, but I could save 3 people from death. A heart, some kidneys, a lung....
3 for 1 sounds like a good deal. You don't think so? Why should we wait until you die? We didn't wait for this little one to die first. We burned this little "zygote" to death with chemicals. Bet that hurt!
Oh no not the aborted fetus ploy again!
Planned Parenthood doesn't do anything different than what is done when people donate their own organs. Republicans edited a video to push their sick agenda where they give a zygote more importance than a full grown woman.

Republican politicians have grabbed on to "anti-abortion" as their main issue because it is the only means that they can get votes from people that are well-intended but are not informed enough to know any better. They pander to their emotional state and have them so convinced that abortion is so evil that even if a woman is at risk for their life, they should not opt for an abortion.

Over-the-top outrage is the emotion of the day for Republicans as they respond to the latest misleading, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood. The video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, talking about voluntary fetal tissue donation and the reimbursements for the costs of doing that. It's being depicted as some lurid plot to sell bodies, but really it's ... organ donation. You know, like you can register to donate your own organs when you renew your driver's license?
Republicans outraged by organ and tissue donation ... if Planned Parenthood is involved

What is sick is when protecting the most innocent of society is call sick. What type of mind thinks such things? Sick minds.

There is nothing wrong with protecting the most innocent, but giving a zygote more importance than a woman, now that is sick. Why is the woman less important than a fertilized egg?

I can understand if the woman is going to die, or raped....But these abortions harvesting little human arms and legs to make money is Wrong! I have been with the left for most of my life but I am leaning to the middle because of some of the extreme Left is just as crazy as the extreme right.

This needs an indepth investigation, about not only these aborted babies, but why are the CEO's making the money they are.
The top eight people at Planned Parenthood's New York headquarters make an average of $269,541 a year. PPFA head Cecile Richards led the pack with a salary of $353,819.

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