Plausible Replacements for Facebarf? Here are some Blockchain Based Social Apps

Which of these do you like?

  • 1. Obsidian

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • 2. Minds

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • 3. Memo

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • 4. Sola

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • 5. Steem

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • 6. Facebarf

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So I have been digging into replacing Facebarf for my primary social application, and here are some candidates. I am interested in any prior experiences with any of these and comments about them, likes and dislikes in particular.

6 Ways the Blockchain is Revitalizing Social Networking

  1. You are not the “product”- Social networks are a goldmine of user information, and the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, are exchanging our aggregated information to provide their clients better targeting for their advertising and marketing campaigns. If you do a cursory review of the Terms of Service of most social networks, you will notice one common theme: that once you upload your content on the platform, the social network has the right to access your content for their own purposes, whether these are text, images, videos, and the like. While Facebook says that “you own all of the content and information you post on Facebook,” the reality is that the company, it also says that it uses information gathered from users to target advertising and customize engagement.
  2. Better control over content - A blockchain-based approach to social networking addresses this by establishing a decentralized approach to connectivity. By getting rid of the central server, there is no single entity that can enforce such monitoring and controls over user-generated content. This is the main point of Obsidian’s founders when they started building the Obsidian Messenger over its Stratis-based blockchain. “The main difference between our messenger client and others is that our system is completely decentralized,” says Peter McClory, CEO of Obsidian. This offers several advantages in terms of user control, chief of which being that content will not be used for analytics and advertising. “Running a decentralized network doesn’t come for free, somebody has to pay to run the hosts,” McClory adds. “That’s why we needed a cryptocurrency, that can pay rewards to node hosts so that they have a financial incentive to run decentralized messaging nodes. Which in turn takes the decentralization a step further, as this removes any financial incentive for the Company to run advertising or sell user data (if they had access to that, which they won’t).
  3. Improved security - If aggregated analytics and user targeting are not bad enough, social networks like Facebook are even being accused of eavesdropping on users through smartphone microphones. For most people, this might not be a concern, but for those who are paranoid about their privacy, then the most viable option is to not join social networks at all. However, social networks still have their merits, in terms of business networking, collaboration, and exchange of ideas. Here, we can again highlight the decentralized nature of the blockchain, which ensures privacy and security through a distributed consensus mechanism. “By decentralizing and encrypting all data and uploads, Nexus hopes to eliminate all invasion of privacy that large corporations are currently performing,” says Nexus founder Jade Mulholland. Obsidian’s McClory shares: “The issue many of these apps (WhatsApp, Signal, Wire, Threema, etc.) have is that none of the well-known secure messengers protect communication metadata effectively enough, that is, who is communicating with whom. This lets observers and/or the company that runs the messenger on their servers create a network of people who exchange messages. That’s especially a problem when user accounts are linked to email addresses or phone numbers.”
  4. Freedom of speech - For those in repressive regimes or where censorship is an issue, a blockchain-based approach to social networking offers the benefits of secure authentication whilst still ensuring anonymity. Even with messaging services like iMessage, WhatsApp, and others, having end-to-end encryption, the problem lies with the meta-data that gets exchanged with the messages, which leave digital breadcrumbs that third parties can pick up. Thus, even if eavesdroppers do not know the contents of a message, they can determine where it came from, who it is addressed to, and other such details. Platforms like Obsidian provide a way for users to circumvent the censors and to avoid surveillance. “We have completely removed the requirement for user accounts, so that addresses will never contain any information that can be linked to phone numbers, email or other accounts,” says McClory. “By implementing a decentralized approach, communication metadata is scattered over the globe.”
  5. A way to make payments - Apart from messaging, peer-to-peer commerce is another area being explored by social networks. Blackberry has attempted this with BBM’s resurgence in some markets in Asia (particularly Indonesia). Facebook is also implementing some form of payment mechanism through Messenger. However, there is usually a disjoint in terms of the messaging and the payment platform. A blockchain-based approach to messaging and social network can easily address this need. Because cryptocurrencies are blockchain-based, then users can easily exchange coins or tokens through the same social network. In addition, smart contracts can make social networks function more like a trusted network, wherein users can make actual deals or exchange of value through cryptographically-signed and executed contracts. There is potential for all kinds of industries integrating social with all sorts of transactions.
  6. The potential for crowdfunding - Finally, we can point to the popularity of crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Consider also how startups have successfully raised capital through tokensales or ICOs. A social network that runs on the blockchain can let users easily raise money through crowdfunding. The same decentralized network that runs the cryptocurrency can also support similar crowdsales without having to utilize external payment mechanisms. Nexus’ Mulholland adds that “Social, our cryptocurrency, can be used to do many things on the social network, such as buying and selling in the marketplace, purchasing ad space, and donating to crowdfunding campaigns.”

1) Obsidian. -
Messenger services comprise today a big amount of internet usage across the globe, and these apps are already being used for payments and to engage users through chatbots. The integration of messaging and commerce holds that much promise. For example, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp each count for at least 1.2 billion active users, and Chinese messaging service WeChat boasts 2 billion. However, there is an inherent danger of social engineering, hacks, and other security vulnerabilities. Consider, for example, the risk that WhatsApp and Telegram could have faced with a flaw based on image metadata.

Obsidian uses the blockchain-decentralized network, which cannot be censored or controlled by any single source. In addition, communications meta-data is scattered throughout the distributed ledger, and cannot be gathered at one central point, reducing the risk of surveillance through such digital fingerprints. Users need not link to their email addresses or telephone numbers, thereby increasing privacy. “The initial concept for Obsidian was to overcome the weakness that other end-to-end-encryption messenger apps still have today,” says Peter McClury, CEO of Obsidian. “The issue many of these apps (WhatsApp, Signal, Wire, Threema, etc.) is that none of the well-known secure messengers protect communication metadata effectively enough, that is, who is communicating with whom.”


2) Minds. - "We are an open source and decentralized platform for Internet freedom. Get paid in crypto for your contributions to the community."
Bill Ottman, founder of Minds, simply wants to build a decentralized social network that counters the control that monolithic social media giants have on user data. Ottman said:

“The rise of an open source, encrypted and decentralized social network is crucial to combat the big-tech monopolies that have abused and ignored users for years. With systemic data breaches, shadow-banning and censorship, people over the world are demanding a digital revolution. User-safety, fair economies, and global freedom of expression depend on it — we are all in this battle together.”
The time may be ripe for a decentralized social network in which user data do not lie in the hands of a single authority prone to security breaches and data theft. Facebook, the largest social media platform with more than two billion user accounts, has had its fair share of data breaches. Early this year, it emerged that more than 87 million user accounts were compromised by Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based political consulting firm.
In short, Minds can be seen as a social media platform but without the surveillance, censorship, and abuse of data by social media giants. To support this notion, Ottman said:

“In June 2018, Minds saw an enormous uptick in new Vietnamese of hundreds of thousands users as a direct response to new laws in the country implementing an invasive ‘cybersecurity’ law which included uninhibited access to user data on social networks like Facebook and Google (who are complying so far) and the ability to censor user content.”

3) Memo - Decentralized on-chain social network built on Bitcoin Cash

4) Sola - You don’t need to be a professional content creator to join, though. Sola gives you all the instruments; you just need to combine them with anything you want to say or show to the world. Literally, the whole world is your audience.
Sola doesn’t limit you to anything like followers or friends. You can’t use the social networks alone. You wouldn’t talk to the void, right? You need to have some response, or just to know someone listens to you. That could be your friends and family, people who like what you do or those, who share your interests.

5) Steem - Steem uses its own tokens (Steem tokens, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars) and has a wallet built into its content management system (CMS). Steemit is more similar to publishing platforms like Medium and WordPress than Reddit, and it encourages community involvement (i.e. comments, likes, shares, traffic, and other SEO-centric metrics) through financial incentives.
The Steemit platform isn’t the only social system on the blockchain, but it’s one of the more established platforms and it could scale to host the entire internet if it turns out to be that popular.
Both Steem and Steem Dollars can be traded on crypto exchanges, but Steem Power is unique to websites on the blockchain. It’s used to power promoted posts, comments, and other abilities on the platform. Each will be a digital asset under the new regime.
So I have been digging into replacing Facebarf for my primary social application, and here are some candidates. I am interested in any prior experiences with any of these and comments about them, likes and dislikes in particular.

6 Ways the Blockchain is Revitalizing Social Networking

  1. You are not the “product”- Social networks are a goldmine of user information, and the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, are exchanging our aggregated information to provide their clients better targeting for their advertising and marketing campaigns. If you do a cursory review of the Terms of Service of most social networks, you will notice one common theme: that once you upload your content on the platform, the social network has the right to access your content for their own purposes, whether these are text, images, videos, and the like. While Facebook says that “you own all of the content and information you post on Facebook,” the reality is that the company, it also says that it uses information gathered from users to target advertising and customize engagement.
  2. Better control over content - A blockchain-based approach to social networking addresses this by establishing a decentralized approach to connectivity. By getting rid of the central server, there is no single entity that can enforce such monitoring and controls over user-generated content. This is the main point of Obsidian’s founders when they started building the Obsidian Messenger over its Stratis-based blockchain. “The main difference between our messenger client and others is that our system is completely decentralized,” says Peter McClory, CEO of Obsidian. This offers several advantages in terms of user control, chief of which being that content will not be used for analytics and advertising. “Running a decentralized network doesn’t come for free, somebody has to pay to run the hosts,” McClory adds. “That’s why we needed a cryptocurrency, that can pay rewards to node hosts so that they have a financial incentive to run decentralized messaging nodes. Which in turn takes the decentralization a step further, as this removes any financial incentive for the Company to run advertising or sell user data (if they had access to that, which they won’t).
  3. Improved security - If aggregated analytics and user targeting are not bad enough, social networks like Facebook are even being accused of eavesdropping on users through smartphone microphones. For most people, this might not be a concern, but for those who are paranoid about their privacy, then the most viable option is to not join social networks at all. However, social networks still have their merits, in terms of business networking, collaboration, and exchange of ideas. Here, we can again highlight the decentralized nature of the blockchain, which ensures privacy and security through a distributed consensus mechanism. “By decentralizing and encrypting all data and uploads, Nexus hopes to eliminate all invasion of privacy that large corporations are currently performing,” says Nexus founder Jade Mulholland. Obsidian’s McClory shares: “The issue many of these apps (WhatsApp, Signal, Wire, Threema, etc.) have is that none of the well-known secure messengers protect communication metadata effectively enough, that is, who is communicating with whom. This lets observers and/or the company that runs the messenger on their servers create a network of people who exchange messages. That’s especially a problem when user accounts are linked to email addresses or phone numbers.”
  4. Freedom of speech - For those in repressive regimes or where censorship is an issue, a blockchain-based approach to social networking offers the benefits of secure authentication whilst still ensuring anonymity. Even with messaging services like iMessage, WhatsApp, and others, having end-to-end encryption, the problem lies with the meta-data that gets exchanged with the messages, which leave digital breadcrumbs that third parties can pick up. Thus, even if eavesdroppers do not know the contents of a message, they can determine where it came from, who it is addressed to, and other such details. Platforms like Obsidian provide a way for users to circumvent the censors and to avoid surveillance. “We have completely removed the requirement for user accounts, so that addresses will never contain any information that can be linked to phone numbers, email or other accounts,” says McClory. “By implementing a decentralized approach, communication metadata is scattered over the globe.”
  5. A way to make payments - Apart from messaging, peer-to-peer commerce is another area being explored by social networks. Blackberry has attempted this with BBM’s resurgence in some markets in Asia (particularly Indonesia). Facebook is also implementing some form of payment mechanism through Messenger. However, there is usually a disjoint in terms of the messaging and the payment platform. A blockchain-based approach to messaging and social network can easily address this need. Because cryptocurrencies are blockchain-based, then users can easily exchange coins or tokens through the same social network. In addition, smart contracts can make social networks function more like a trusted network, wherein users can make actual deals or exchange of value through cryptographically-signed and executed contracts. There is potential for all kinds of industries integrating social with all sorts of transactions.
  6. The potential for crowdfunding - Finally, we can point to the popularity of crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Consider also how startups have successfully raised capital through tokensales or ICOs. A social network that runs on the blockchain can let users easily raise money through crowdfunding. The same decentralized network that runs the cryptocurrency can also support similar crowdsales without having to utilize external payment mechanisms. Nexus’ Mulholland adds that “Social, our cryptocurrency, can be used to do many things on the social network, such as buying and selling in the marketplace, purchasing ad space, and donating to crowdfunding campaigns.”

1) Obsidian. -
Messenger services comprise today a big amount of internet usage across the globe, and these apps are already being used for payments and to engage users through chatbots. The integration of messaging and commerce holds that much promise. For example, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp each count for at least 1.2 billion active users, and Chinese messaging service WeChat boasts 2 billion. However, there is an inherent danger of social engineering, hacks, and other security vulnerabilities. Consider, for example, the risk that WhatsApp and Telegram could have faced with a flaw based on image metadata.

Obsidian uses the blockchain-decentralized network, which cannot be censored or controlled by any single source. In addition, communications meta-data is scattered throughout the distributed ledger, and cannot be gathered at one central point, reducing the risk of surveillance through such digital fingerprints. Users need not link to their email addresses or telephone numbers, thereby increasing privacy. “The initial concept for Obsidian was to overcome the weakness that other end-to-end-encryption messenger apps still have today,” says Peter McClury, CEO of Obsidian. “The issue many of these apps (WhatsApp, Signal, Wire, Threema, etc.) is that none of the well-known secure messengers protect communication metadata effectively enough, that is, who is communicating with whom.”


2) Minds. - "We are an open source and decentralized platform for Internet freedom. Get paid in crypto for your contributions to the community."
Bill Ottman, founder of Minds, simply wants to build a decentralized social network that counters the control that monolithic social media giants have on user data. Ottman said:

“The rise of an open source, encrypted and decentralized social network is crucial to combat the big-tech monopolies that have abused and ignored users for years. With systemic data breaches, shadow-banning and censorship, people over the world are demanding a digital revolution. User-safety, fair economies, and global freedom of expression depend on it — we are all in this battle together.”
The time may be ripe for a decentralized social network in which user data do not lie in the hands of a single authority prone to security breaches and data theft. Facebook, the largest social media platform with more than two billion user accounts, has had its fair share of data breaches. Early this year, it emerged that more than 87 million user accounts were compromised by Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based political consulting firm.
In short, Minds can be seen as a social media platform but without the surveillance, censorship, and abuse of data by social media giants. To support this notion, Ottman said:

“In June 2018, Minds saw an enormous uptick in new Vietnamese of hundreds of thousands users as a direct response to new laws in the country implementing an invasive ‘cybersecurity’ law which included uninhibited access to user data on social networks like Facebook and Google (who are complying so far) and the ability to censor user content.”

3) Memo - Decentralized on-chain social network built on Bitcoin Cash

4) Sola - You don’t need to be a professional content creator to join, though. Sola gives you all the instruments; you just need to combine them with anything you want to say or show to the world. Literally, the whole world is your audience.
Sola doesn’t limit you to anything like followers or friends. You can’t use the social networks alone. You wouldn’t talk to the void, right? You need to have some response, or just to know someone listens to you. That could be your friends and family, people who like what you do or those, who share your interests.

5) Steem - Steem uses its own tokens (Steem tokens, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars) and has a wallet built into its content management system (CMS). Steemit is more similar to publishing platforms like Medium and WordPress than Reddit, and it encourages community involvement (i.e. comments, likes, shares, traffic, and other SEO-centric metrics) through financial incentives.
The Steemit platform isn’t the only social system on the blockchain, but it’s one of the more established platforms and it could scale to host the entire internet if it turns out to be that popular.
Both Steem and Steem Dollars can be traded on crypto exchanges, but Steem Power is unique to websites on the blockchain. It’s used to power promoted posts, comments, and other abilities on the platform. Each will be a digital asset under the new regime.

I already figured it out, how to replace it. First, you need one of these,


Don’t matter if it’s a boy or girl. Then you need one of these,


Then you go find one of these,


That’s my advice for replacing Facebook.
So I have been digging into replacing Facebarf for my primary social application, and here are some candidates. I am interested in any prior experiences with any of these and comments about them, likes and dislikes in particular.

6 Ways the Blockchain is Revitalizing Social Networking

  1. You are not the “product”- Social networks are a goldmine of user information, and the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, are exchanging our aggregated information to provide their clients better targeting for their advertising and marketing campaigns. If you do a cursory review of the Terms of Service of most social networks, you will notice one common theme: that once you upload your content on the platform, the social network has the right to access your content for their own purposes, whether these are text, images, videos, and the like. While Facebook says that “you own all of the content and information you post on Facebook,” the reality is that the company, it also says that it uses information gathered from users to target advertising and customize engagement.
  2. Better control over content - A blockchain-based approach to social networking addresses this by establishing a decentralized approach to connectivity. By getting rid of the central server, there is no single entity that can enforce such monitoring and controls over user-generated content. This is the main point of Obsidian’s founders when they started building the Obsidian Messenger over its Stratis-based blockchain. “The main difference between our messenger client and others is that our system is completely decentralized,” says Peter McClory, CEO of Obsidian. This offers several advantages in terms of user control, chief of which being that content will not be used for analytics and advertising. “Running a decentralized network doesn’t come for free, somebody has to pay to run the hosts,” McClory adds. “That’s why we needed a cryptocurrency, that can pay rewards to node hosts so that they have a financial incentive to run decentralized messaging nodes. Which in turn takes the decentralization a step further, as this removes any financial incentive for the Company to run advertising or sell user data (if they had access to that, which they won’t).
  3. Improved security - If aggregated analytics and user targeting are not bad enough, social networks like Facebook are even being accused of eavesdropping on users through smartphone microphones. For most people, this might not be a concern, but for those who are paranoid about their privacy, then the most viable option is to not join social networks at all. However, social networks still have their merits, in terms of business networking, collaboration, and exchange of ideas. Here, we can again highlight the decentralized nature of the blockchain, which ensures privacy and security through a distributed consensus mechanism. “By decentralizing and encrypting all data and uploads, Nexus hopes to eliminate all invasion of privacy that large corporations are currently performing,” says Nexus founder Jade Mulholland. Obsidian’s McClory shares: “The issue many of these apps (WhatsApp, Signal, Wire, Threema, etc.) have is that none of the well-known secure messengers protect communication metadata effectively enough, that is, who is communicating with whom. This lets observers and/or the company that runs the messenger on their servers create a network of people who exchange messages. That’s especially a problem when user accounts are linked to email addresses or phone numbers.”
  4. Freedom of speech - For those in repressive regimes or where censorship is an issue, a blockchain-based approach to social networking offers the benefits of secure authentication whilst still ensuring anonymity. Even with messaging services like iMessage, WhatsApp, and others, having end-to-end encryption, the problem lies with the meta-data that gets exchanged with the messages, which leave digital breadcrumbs that third parties can pick up. Thus, even if eavesdroppers do not know the contents of a message, they can determine where it came from, who it is addressed to, and other such details. Platforms like Obsidian provide a way for users to circumvent the censors and to avoid surveillance. “We have completely removed the requirement for user accounts, so that addresses will never contain any information that can be linked to phone numbers, email or other accounts,” says McClory. “By implementing a decentralized approach, communication metadata is scattered over the globe.”
  5. A way to make payments - Apart from messaging, peer-to-peer commerce is another area being explored by social networks. Blackberry has attempted this with BBM’s resurgence in some markets in Asia (particularly Indonesia). Facebook is also implementing some form of payment mechanism through Messenger. However, there is usually a disjoint in terms of the messaging and the payment platform. A blockchain-based approach to messaging and social network can easily address this need. Because cryptocurrencies are blockchain-based, then users can easily exchange coins or tokens through the same social network. In addition, smart contracts can make social networks function more like a trusted network, wherein users can make actual deals or exchange of value through cryptographically-signed and executed contracts. There is potential for all kinds of industries integrating social with all sorts of transactions.
  6. The potential for crowdfunding - Finally, we can point to the popularity of crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Consider also how startups have successfully raised capital through tokensales or ICOs. A social network that runs on the blockchain can let users easily raise money through crowdfunding. The same decentralized network that runs the cryptocurrency can also support similar crowdsales without having to utilize external payment mechanisms. Nexus’ Mulholland adds that “Social, our cryptocurrency, can be used to do many things on the social network, such as buying and selling in the marketplace, purchasing ad space, and donating to crowdfunding campaigns.”

1) Obsidian. -
Messenger services comprise today a big amount of internet usage across the globe, and these apps are already being used for payments and to engage users through chatbots. The integration of messaging and commerce holds that much promise. For example, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp each count for at least 1.2 billion active users, and Chinese messaging service WeChat boasts 2 billion. However, there is an inherent danger of social engineering, hacks, and other security vulnerabilities. Consider, for example, the risk that WhatsApp and Telegram could have faced with a flaw based on image metadata.

Obsidian uses the blockchain-decentralized network, which cannot be censored or controlled by any single source. In addition, communications meta-data is scattered throughout the distributed ledger, and cannot be gathered at one central point, reducing the risk of surveillance through such digital fingerprints. Users need not link to their email addresses or telephone numbers, thereby increasing privacy. “The initial concept for Obsidian was to overcome the weakness that other end-to-end-encryption messenger apps still have today,” says Peter McClury, CEO of Obsidian. “The issue many of these apps (WhatsApp, Signal, Wire, Threema, etc.) is that none of the well-known secure messengers protect communication metadata effectively enough, that is, who is communicating with whom.”


2) Minds. - "We are an open source and decentralized platform for Internet freedom. Get paid in crypto for your contributions to the community."
Bill Ottman, founder of Minds, simply wants to build a decentralized social network that counters the control that monolithic social media giants have on user data. Ottman said:

“The rise of an open source, encrypted and decentralized social network is crucial to combat the big-tech monopolies that have abused and ignored users for years. With systemic data breaches, shadow-banning and censorship, people over the world are demanding a digital revolution. User-safety, fair economies, and global freedom of expression depend on it — we are all in this battle together.”
The time may be ripe for a decentralized social network in which user data do not lie in the hands of a single authority prone to security breaches and data theft. Facebook, the largest social media platform with more than two billion user accounts, has had its fair share of data breaches. Early this year, it emerged that more than 87 million user accounts were compromised by Cambridge Analytica, a UK-based political consulting firm.
In short, Minds can be seen as a social media platform but without the surveillance, censorship, and abuse of data by social media giants. To support this notion, Ottman said:

“In June 2018, Minds saw an enormous uptick in new Vietnamese of hundreds of thousands users as a direct response to new laws in the country implementing an invasive ‘cybersecurity’ law which included uninhibited access to user data on social networks like Facebook and Google (who are complying so far) and the ability to censor user content.”

3) Memo - Decentralized on-chain social network built on Bitcoin Cash

4) Sola - You don’t need to be a professional content creator to join, though. Sola gives you all the instruments; you just need to combine them with anything you want to say or show to the world. Literally, the whole world is your audience.
Sola doesn’t limit you to anything like followers or friends. You can’t use the social networks alone. You wouldn’t talk to the void, right? You need to have some response, or just to know someone listens to you. That could be your friends and family, people who like what you do or those, who share your interests.

5) Steem - Steem uses its own tokens (Steem tokens, Steem Power, and Steem Dollars) and has a wallet built into its content management system (CMS). Steemit is more similar to publishing platforms like Medium and WordPress than Reddit, and it encourages community involvement (i.e. comments, likes, shares, traffic, and other SEO-centric metrics) through financial incentives.
The Steemit platform isn’t the only social system on the blockchain, but it’s one of the more established platforms and it could scale to host the entire internet if it turns out to be that popular.
Both Steem and Steem Dollars can be traded on crypto exchanges, but Steem Power is unique to websites on the blockchain. It’s used to power promoted posts, comments, and other abilities on the platform. Each will be a digital asset under the new regime.

Steem it's password recovery really sucks and it has to be some huge pw they send you if you lose it forget it. Your not getting back on.
Their lay out is nice.

then comes minds.

The rest eeeh I dunno.
It's needs to be simple, similar to FB in use, and not censored. (except for kids) Maybe no kids allowed?
Well I am trying Minds first. and getting my friends to join.

Marion, it is very similar to FB
Well I am trying Minds first. and getting my friends to join.

Marion, it is very similar to FB

From the OP, that would be the onde I would pick. I don't need no crypto bullshit though. I deleted my wallet 17 OSes or so ago. Ah, probably forgot to delete from USB. Bah, Garbeej!
I have friends that us FB that also use Minds. I don't have an account yet I just migrate between 3 FB accounts when I get banned on one of the others.

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