*Democrats Support This, "I Screwed My Way To The Top!*

  • Saddleback Harris made it
  • She did the down low thing with Brown, who else did she do?
  • she tripped many mens, junk, to get her where she is now.
  • vote for this commie Kneepads McHeadboard.
  • Maybe we know the real reason Biden picked her

Our sad fraternity of MAGA Incels are all in on overdosing on Misogyny, it seems.
They get so shrill over rumors of the VP's alleged sexuality.

I think an argument can be made that it is primarily envy. That is, she at least had rumored sex.....whereas they are simply resentful incels. So it is either envy or resentment. I dunno.

At any case, as we've seen all week, if they are intimidated about going to the MAGA default of full-on racism......they can, and do, fall back on their worn tropes of MAGA Misogyny.

Yeah, I know. It is sad.
But that's MAGA making America great again......by hatin' on women.
  • Winner
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You are incorrect about one thing: Not all dims like her. Obummer doesn't think she can win.. not sure he endorsed her yet, but he may have no choice (?). In any case, the more information about her gets out, the less chance she has and she already doesn't have much of a chance.. #6 above
He endorsed her yesterday. He waited to endorse Biden too in 2020. We all now what the RWM is going to try doing. And whatever you try, it doesn't supercede the real fact that Trump is a convicted felon.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well, she did it.
2. Saddleback Harris made it, she's planed and plotted her path, to the, BIG CHAIR!
3. She's so close to getting there, Democrats all over the Counrtry want her in there.
4. A ground swell of support, they just love her, so thrilled, she is so close to taking a seat in the, White House.
5. Sleeping in the bed, with her first gentle-dude.
6. But one word, TRUMP.

There is no place for people like you in polite society
Provide this Christian with a decent candidate. So far nope. Epic massive fail.
Oh, holy one, I don't have any control over the situation. I wish I could give you a perfect candidate because you so obviously deserve one, but I can't. But since you are so pure and holy, maybe the Great One will give you what you want, as soon as you pray for it.

Another one for the females

Sorry bout that,

1. Well, she did it.
2. Saddleback Harris made it, she's planed and plotted her path, to the, BIG CHAIR!
3. She's so close to getting there, Democrats all over the Counrtry want her in there.
4. A ground swell of support, they just love her, so thrilled, she is so close to taking a seat in the, White House.
5. Sleeping in the bed, with her first gentle-dude.
6. But one word, TRUMP.

She dated as a 20 year old.

Who was the big bag of big Mac dating while married?
Our sad fraternity of MAGA Incels are all in on overdosing on Misogyny, it seems.
They get so shrill over rumors of the VP's alleged sexuality.

I think an argument can be made that it is primarily envy. That is, she at least had rumored sex.....whereas they are simply resentful incels. So it is either envy or resentment. I dunno.

At any case, as we've seen all week, if they are intimidated about going to the MAGA default of full-on racism......they can, and do, fall back on their worn tropes of MAGA Misogyny.

Yeah, I know. It is sad.
But that's MAGA making America great again......by hatin' on women.
Were are all your feminist friends now, Chilifart?

I'll tell you where...They've all run for the tall grass, just like they did when Bubba Clintoon was groping every woman who came near him.

Misogynist indeed.
Our sad fraternity of MAGA Incels are all in on overdosing on Misogyny, it seems.
They get so shrill over rumors of the VP's alleged sexuality.

I think an argument can be made that it is primarily envy. That is, she at least had rumored sex.....whereas they are simply resentful incels. So it is either envy or resentment. I dunno.

At any case, as we've seen all week, if they are intimidated about going to the MAGA default of full-on racism......they can, and do, fall back on their worn tropes of MAGA Misogyny.

Yeah, I know. It is sad.
But that's MAGA making America great again......by hatin' on women.
aah the classics... :abgg2q.jpg:
...out of new material I see.
Evening chi-co
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Sorry bout that,

1. Well, she did it.
2. Saddleback Harris made it, she's planed and plotted her path, to the, BIG CHAIR!
3. She's so close to getting there, Democrats all over the Counrtry want her in there.
4. A ground swell of support, they just love her, so thrilled, she is so close to taking a seat in the, White House.
5. Sleeping in the bed, with her first gentle-dude.
6. But one word, TRUMP.

This old sexist, entitled, white-dude trope that strong, successful women....especially minority women, can only get that way by fucking their bosses is sure to turn off the very cross-section of voters that convicted felon Trump most desperately needs to swing this election his way.
I cannot think of a more self-sabbotaging way to alienate voters in this particular election year thst you're trying to attract than by messaging your contempt for successful women.
So keep it up losers. Harris will be laughing her way to The White House while you idiots are scratching your heads trying to figure out HOW in the HELL you BLEW yet ANOTHER election!
It's simple....you never learn from your mistakes....
You just keep doubling down on failed messaging.
"In order for a woman to be succesful she had to have blown/fucked her way to the top" is this year's big fail.
Just watch.
He endorsed her yesterday. He waited to endorse Biden too in 2020. We all now what the RWM is going to try doing. And whatever you try, it doesn't supercede the real fact that Trump is a convicted felon.

Because bookkeeping misdemeanors are much more important than Kamala's failures and unlikability.
"Were are all your feminist friends now,"

"Where are they"?
They are in my neighborhood, in my city, and in my family, and and certainly on my email and cell contact lists.
And, we are having fun with the MAGA Misogynists.
They make great....and too easy bullseyes. Knuckleheads-squared.

For example, one of my fem-friends....now a retired judge......texted me yesterday that Don Trump was having a Schadenfriday.

Now that's funny merde'!!

Because bookkeeping misdemeanors
Well, unfortunately, Don Trump demonstrated his management chops once again.
He turned what could have been 'bookkeeping misdemeanors"........
......into felonies for fraud!

Talk about screwing things up.
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"Where are they"?
They are in my neighborhood, in my city, and in my family, and and certainly on my email and cell contact lists.
And, we are having fun with the MAGA Misogynists.
They make great....and too easy bullseyes. Knuckleheads-squared.

For example, one of my fem-friends....now a retired judge......texted me yesterday that Don Trump was having a Schadenfriday.

Now that's funny merde'!!
IOW, you really don't give a fuck...All that feminist blather about women's dignity was just that: blather.

You are now free to fuck off.
"You are now free to fuck off."

And that, fellow posters, is yet another demonstration of the education, decorum, and language skills of our MAGA friends.

So be it. The are our fellow Americans. And America is a big tent society. We can wish them better success in their life and their family's lives in the future. After all, America is the land of opportunity.....and they most surely have the opportunity to improve their lives from what they have been to date.

We wish them good luck.

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