Hey people. There is only one topic that matters for 2024. The BORDER

The "Problem" is the Media's refusal to accurately and candidly report what is actually going on at the border (and elsewhere, of course).

The Democrats are in the middle of a massive plan to take over the national electorate by importing tens of millions of Third World wretches, largely dependent on government money and services, and then to convert them all into voting Democrat citizens. In a country that is now evenly divided, those tens of millions of Democrats will determine our political future for decades to come, probably for the remaining life of this country.

The most important sound bite to escape from the lips of our vapid VP is only being shown on Fox News: When asked what the solution was to the immigration crisis, she responded, "A path to citizenship." Have you seen it? Probably not.

For those with recent historical perspective, the Democrat Party did a classic "one-eighty" on the issue of illegal immigration in the early 2000's. Prior to that time, it was common to see leading Democrats decrying the problems created by illegal immigrants and vowing to stop the flow and correct the problem. Then they went silent on the issue for a few years, followed by "don't call them 'illegals,'" and now, "...a path to citizenship." That, my friends is a classic One-Eighty.

They have tried to denigrate exposure of this nefarious plan by calling it the "Republican replacement theory," and hoping people would then presume it is a crazy Conspiracy Theory, but nobody is buying it.

When Trump was running the first time, the most important issue was the Supreme Court. This time it is definitely immigration, and to be candid, massive deportations. Everything else is window dressing. None of it matters if the country is taken over by the Left. Look at California, New York City, Illinois...
It is why the get frothing at the mouth, redfaced, angry when anyone speaks of 'deporting illegals' on day one.
The border is either going to be closed, or it isn't. That's the entire ballgame -- we are either going to stop this invasion (elect Trump) or not stop it (elect Cackles). The rest of this crap - abortion, orange man bad, JD Vance, Kamala's VP candidate doesn't matter. The open borders have already done great damage to the country. Crime - UP. Personal safety - DOWN. Rents - UP as illegals compete for the limited supply of housing. We will either get this under control, or the country will be ruined in 4 more years.
As noted on another thread, if Harris is elected the border will remain wide open. She was tasked with finding the 'root cause' of this migration. Her conclusion was "wage inequity" in those countries. Her solution is to allow the migrants in in order to take those $20/hr. jobs and send much of it back to their home countries via 'remittances' thus solving the poverty problem there. Of course, the problem in that once here the migrants won't leave, and in fact will bring their families and extended families here as well once the Dems make them citizens.
Who the hell are you trying to kid?

Mr. Magoo's very first item as president was reversing Trump's border policies, and he then invited the entire world to surge the border. 8 million let in. It makes NO BIT OF DIFFERENCE NOW, IF THEY HAVE TIGHTENED THINGS UP IN A DESPERATE ELECTION PLOY. The damage has already been done, anything now is merely closing the barn door after the horses have been let out.
Would you shut the door in the face of someone at your door saying they needed help?
Maybe. I damn sure aren’t giving carte blanch to be in my house without vetting them first. My primary responsibility, as is the same as the presidents, is to protect those within my home.
Would you shut the door in the face of someone at your door saying they needed help?
These are often 'scouts' sizing up your property for later burglary or invasion. Best to refer them to the Salvation Army.

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