*Democrats Support This, "I Screwed My Way To The Top!*

"Where are they"?
They are in my neighborhood, in my city, and in my family, and and certainly on my email and cell contact lists.
And, we are having fun with the MAGA Misogynists.
A single person would fit that discription chi-co
They make great....and too easy bullseyes. Knuckleheads-squared.
Hey, I'm sure you were smart enough to pick up on the fact that that's what I look for in my prey.
For example, one of my fem-friends....now a retired judge......texted me yesterday that Don Trump was having a Schadenfriday.
very punny chi-co, very very punny
a judge? kennel shows have judges chi-co...but the slip of the tongue at the end of that sentence indicates it has a nazi ring to it, wouldn't ya say?...but in the interest of honesty and transparency I too am right now experiencing my own epicaricacy.
Now that's funny merde'!!
maybe the first time in history someone has said that about a pun.

Frankeneinstein said:
..out of new material I see.
Why did you include my post in this...was it to try and fool the socially educated into believing you somehow replied with a witty response?
In my humble opinion, poster Stein, MAGA Misogyny is a deep vein to mine.
New material from them is a river.
TRANSLATION: "Just cuz I don't know what it is doesn't mean I am lying"
Their hatin' on wimmin......is frequent, prolific, and constant.
TRANSLATION: "Where as I/we only do it when it suits me/us"?
And yes, we can agree......that it is sad.
there's your problem chi-co, I'm the only one in this discussion who can see the real sadness in what you say.
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"Why did you include my post in this...."

Stein, don't fret. It ain't personal.
It's just that your poor avatar tees-up the MAGA Misogyny tic often, regularly, and stridently.
T'is hard to ignore.

Your MAGA world....in fact, all of MAGA world.....it's no country for old women.
Young women.
Or any women.

You already know that.
Stein, don't fret. It ain't personal.
Big deal..l Never read a post that was.
It's just that your poor avatar tees-up the MAGA Misogyny tic often, regularly, and stridently.
T'is hard to ignore.
If ya think ignoring it is hard, try giving an example of it.
Your MAGA world....in fact, all of MAGA world.....it's no country for old women.
Young women.
Or any women.
Except of course the one I'm voting for.
You already know that.
Know it? I am the one who pointed out its necessity to you...it is one of the finger pointing pillars of white liberalism which defines all matters of life for them and from which they draw breath...but here we do agree I suppose :abgg2q.jpg:
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He endorsed her yesterday. He waited to endorse Biden too in 2020. We all now what the RWM is going to try doing. And whatever you try, it doesn't supercede the real fact that Trump is a convicted felon.
Barack obama, harris and you are posers.
Know it? I am the one who pointed out its necessity to you
The necessity that MAGA world is no place for women?
No women needed for MAGA to be MAGA?

That's the 'big-tent' mindset of the xenophobic, misogynistic Luddites of MAGA-world.......or so it seems. Seemingly, they simply don't want women around as it makes them uncomfortable and resentful?

Who knew?

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