Please Bookmark!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
Please go to the link below and bookmark it for quick access when you're watching MSNBC's coverage of The Democrat Party's convention next year. You'll find it will ease your angst when they do unto Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky that which they're presently doing to Nutty Old Uncle Bernie....and as have they done to Her Thighness so often in the past.

Remember, the only reason they haven't done unto her yet this time is because George Soros hasn't told them who they are to anoint!

Don't you HDS kooks ever get tired of being wrong with every prediction? But then, it does require a conscience for a person to feel shame.

Bookmark this, concerning the hilarious stupid optimism of the HDS crowd. Hillary is doomed for sure this time!


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