Please pray for those devestated in the Colorado flooding

I don't feel you come off hostile to religion, Joe. I sense your hostility is directed towards God himself.

It's obvious that his hostility is really directed at himself. He doesn't cope well with his own impotence and the realization that he has failed as a human being. He lacks the intelligence to grasp a concept like faith, and he gasses on about a failed political ideology that he knows will never amount to anything more than empty theory for himself personally. He is willing to pretend a hostility to human life itself both because he has tangled up his little ego to a political position so badly he can't figure out any way to get free, and because he is fundamentally terrified at his own mortality and insignificance. He is a nihilistic, self-loathing, frightened little child.

It's sad.
I don't feel you come off hostile to religion, Joe. I sense your hostility is directed towards God himself.

It's obvious that his hostility is really directed at himself. He doesn't cope well with his own impotence and the realization that he has failed as a human being. He lacks the intelligence to grasp a concept like faith, and he gasses on about a failed political ideology that he knows will never amount to anything more than empty theory for himself personally. He is willing to pretend a hostility to human life itself both because he has tangled up his little ego to a political position so badly he can't figure out any way to get free, and because he is fundamentally terrified at his own mortality and insignificance. He is a nihilistic, self-loathing, frightened little child.

It's sad.

Wow. That's the most psychobabble I've ever heard in my life. No wonder you don't have any friends.

Oh, the only "failed" political philosophy I see is the one that caused the worst recesssion in 80 years. But they wuz Totally Down with Jay-Zus, and that was the important thing.

Here's my real problem with you religious nuts. Most of you are struggling every bit as much as I am. Probably more, judging by what I read from some of you. But you all think that the party that helps the rich stomp on you is great because they are "standing up for God's values", when most of them are out drinking and whoring the minute the cameras are off of them.
Jeri, buddy,

There is no God to be hostile to. My problem is not with God any more than it with Zeus or Odin or any other made up sky pixie people came up with to explain stuff they couldn't deal with.

My problem is with religious whacks who can't keep their shit out of my business.

Then you are on the wrong thread, Joe. Read the title again. This is about prayer for the people suffering in Colorado. Why not respect that not all people feel as you do and find a thread that suits you more? Why disrupt something that could be of benefit to others? Why not do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Is this loving ones neighbor?

If atheism is a higher way, a higher form why does it attack those who are already afflicted by a bad situation, why does it pour hate on the downtrodden and in despair? Surely that is not demonstrating love or mercy.. in any way, shape or form. Examine your heart and ask yourself why you feel compelled to rob others of their hope and faith.. my prayer for you is that God will show you your own heart, Joe.

What good does it do to pray to an imaginary Sky Pixie?


It makes YOU feel like you've done something when you really haven't? Not so sure why that's a good thing. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that's a bad thing, as you've just absolved yourself of your responsibility to your fellow man.

You want to help, give to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army or some other group that is helping. But praying to your imaginary Sky Man is really just about you.

Meanwhile, out in the real world, Obama's FEMA is out providing shelter, assistance, medical care and food to those displaced by these floods. And folks like Punk-o-Tard are probably screaming about it.
I don't feel you come off hostile to religion, Joe. I sense your hostility is directed towards God himself.

It's obvious that his hostility is really directed at himself. He doesn't cope well with his own impotence and the realization that he has failed as a human being. He lacks the intelligence to grasp a concept like faith, and he gasses on about a failed political ideology that he knows will never amount to anything more than empty theory for himself personally. He is willing to pretend a hostility to human life itself both because he has tangled up his little ego to a political position so badly he can't figure out any way to get free, and because he is fundamentally terrified at his own mortality and insignificance. He is a nihilistic, self-loathing, frightened little child.

It's sad.

Wow. That's the most psychobabble I've ever heard in my life. No wonder you don't have any friends. .

I realize you're crying out for help. Cry out somewhere else, douchebag.

I realize you're crying out for help. Cry out somewhere else, douchebag.

Why don't you. You really don't have any friends here and frankly, your anger management issues are kind of boring.

I've never seen you have a civil conversation with anyone not once in two years. When you aren't ranting at the liberals, you are ranting at other conservatives.
Then why do you spend so much time stalking if you don't care, spanky?

Oh, that's right. Because I'm probably the only person here who will still talk to you.

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