Please provide evidence that Colin powel and Condi Rice used a personal server

Bassman, you are a treasure here.
Aye Matey
Translation: Other people broke the law so Hillary should be allowed to do it too.

However none of them had their own personal server, that si the point of the thread..

The far left can not understand such things..
Wow, she used her personal server. So what? So did George Bush.

Flashback: Rove Erases 22 Million White House Emails on Private Server at Height of U.S. Attorney Scandal – Media Yawns

Ya dumb shit.
If you can find a credible source we can talk. Otherwise you're wasting our time.
How stupid are you, anyway?

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Missing White House Emails

Millions of Bush administration e-mails recovered -


FLASHBACK: When Millions Of Lost Bush White House Emails (From Private Accounts) Triggered A Media Shrug
Obviously not half as stupid as you.
No private servers hidden in bathrooms (clearly an attempt by Hillary to hide information).
How do you know?

No classified information being sent on unsecured servers.
How do you know?

22 million emails were recovered and no laws broken.
I believe there is a law against doing political party business from the White House. Not all were recovered. And not the point - I thought the crime was in deleting the emails, bypassing transparency laws? Or is that only for Democrats?

No charges filed against Bush or Rove.
By the Republican Attorney General, who was under attack for his own illegal behaviour? Yeah, that's shocking.

No servers or emails hacked.
How do you know? Because Putin didn't advertise it?

So much for your "they did it too" defense.
You're not smart.
Stored in a bathroom, and that they paid off a State Dept cronie to set it up without security. You people can not even begin to comprehend that a personal email is not a personal server. But that's OK you are just Democrats after all.

A Senior IT staffer working at the State Department was the one who set up and maintained Hillary Clinton's private server. I don't believe a Gmail email account would have been as secure, but believe whatever you want to believe. One would think that a Senior IT staffer working at the state department should have known the Inspector General's rules regarding private servers, but apparently he didn't. This is why he received immunity from the FBI to save his own ass, and why he will be pleading the 5th, to save his own ass. And I also imagine the reason he didn't know, was because he has set up other government officials with private servers, and it was never an issue until now. So there's lots of hands to be slapped, not just Hillary Clinton's.

The point is both Hillary Clinton & Colin Powell received documents that were marked classified after they received them, and that is what the real issue is.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Furthermore, the FBI has already stated there is no criminal wrong doing.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’

Now if the FBI will stop chasing emails, maybe they'll have more time and resources to go after ISIS sympathizers in this country. You know the ones that are trying to kill us.

You're not smart.
Look at the irony! :lol:
No, look at the facts.

Start with the fact that you were incapable of refuting a single one of the points I made.

Like I said, you're not smart.
You had no points. You never have anything other than your opinion that you try to pass off as points. Never facts, just worthless rhetoric.
^^^ Loser
Articulation isn't exactly your strong point, is it? :lol:

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