Please rank these 5 legendary movies

Alien and Jaws get an A+ as horror genre
Apocalupse Now a C it is overrated as war drama
oOne Flew Over the C Nest A for Drama genre
Raiders A+ for Action adventure genre.
Apocalypse Now and One Flew both had something to say about the human condition ... i.e. of some literary value ... the rest are just fun and games ... "Humans good, Nazis/Lizards/Fish bad" ... Frodo and his ring all over again ...

Correct me if I;m wrong ... but in NONE of these movies did two women speak to one another ... Jaws, Nest, Raiders only had one woman in the whole movie ... I don't remember Ripley talking to the astronavigator girl ... were there any women in Apoc besides whores? ...

These aren't legendary movies if women never communicate ... Frodo and his ring all over again ...
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Raider's of the Lost Ark
Apocalypse Now

My List

Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Murder on the Orient Express
Logan's Run
The Thin Man

Your list is of your favorites? Hmmmmm
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Raider's of the Lost Ark
Apocalypse Now

My List

Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Murder on the Orient Express
Logan's Run
The Thin Man

I did not like China town …I did like French connection
Apocalypse Now and One Flew both had something to say about the human condition ... i.e. of some literary value ... the rest are just fun and games ... "Humans good, Nazis/Lizards/Fish bad" ... Frodo and his ring all over again ...
Wow . Could not agree more .

I edge it to Apocalypse over Cuckoo.
The other three you mentioned are just cracking entertainment .
Plenty of others in the same time period much better / more artistic films, imho .
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Raider's of the Lost Ark
Apocalypse Now

My List

Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Murder on the Orient Express
Logan's Run
The Thin Man

Do you like one flew better than silence of the lambs or raging Bull

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