Please run Hillary, it will be great to see her destroyed.

Please run Hillary, it will be great to see her destroyed.

Great idea...I think we will
Please run Hillary, it will be great to see her destroyed.

Great idea...I think we will

LOL, the DNC power brokers are wishing her bad health. no one with any power in the dem party wants her for their candidate, its only idiots like you.
Nice try. Actually no one takes Hillary seriously anymore. She and Obama....two peas in a pod.

Yet she easily leads anyone the GOP puts up.
That's what they are scared of...
It should scare everyone. Does anyone really want Ms. Clinton for President? Is there any viable alternative? It's "No." all around. That's scary. :eek-52:
I say we vote on the best AI system available and let THAT run the country until we have a decent human worthy of the position. What's the worst that can happen? :FIREdevil:
How long will the left ignore Hillary's many many short comings?

Benghazi, OK she had nothing directly to do with those killed. She didn't order them in, she didn't directly reduce security and she didn't do anything to incite the attack, directly. BUT when something bad happens usually the CEO takes the fall. After all she wanted the power of SoS but refuses to accept the responsibility in a meaningful way. As a supervisor I know if one of my crew hurts themselves in any way I will take most of the blame, so should have Hillary and Obama but they did the liberal dance.

Now it is revealed that the Clinton's profited by her stay as SoS. There is little doubt that they are dirty as hell and if there is a shred of doubt why take a chance? Why nominate such a person of so little accomplishment other then name recognition. Is that really where the democrat party has fallen? I hope so because the destruction will be fun to watch.

Fact-checking Clinton Cash author on claim about Bill Clinton s speaking fees PunditFact

For example, New York Times reporters -- building off of Schweizer’s work -- found that while the State Department was involved in securing a uranium mining deal with Russia, investors in the company involved in the deal, Uranium One, gave millions to the Clinton Foundation.

Additionally, "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock."

The article’s talking about speech No. 3 on the list above, the 2010 speech paid for by Renaissance Capital.

ABC News also examined Clinton’s speaking records and found many instances in which he took in money from groups with pending interests at the State Department. State Department ethics officials had to sign off on these speaking engagements, but rarely did they say Clinton could not accept payment for a particular speech.
her 42 loyal voters are in panic mode if she is up against Rubio.
LOL, the DNC power brokers are wishing her bad health. no one with any power in the dem party wants her for their candidate, its only idiots like you.

So if that's the case, why has she already lined up the endorsements of dozens of Senators, Congressmen and Governors?

Compared to on the GOP side, where they are mostly staying on the sidelines.
If the GOP could simply say they believe in the working class middle class worker who is barely making ends meet they might have a good shot. Instead we continue to get t and gut education, increase military spending, hip hip hooray for the CEO to hell with those who work for the CEO, stick up for the rich, stick it up your rear middle class they might have it easier. What we have left to vote for will be corporate giveaways which result in nothing, not even jobs.
There is some small chance Hillary might win on a general election. But she would first have to nominated. For that she's too female and too white. There IS time for a gender-bender operation twixt now and Democrat Party convention/clusterfuck though.....

What probability do you estimate she has of winning the nomination? What probability do you estimate she has of winning the general if she does win the nomination?
what I find amusing is that the dems are stuck with the old, corrupt bitch. They have to run her. Its her turn and the black guy took her turn last time.

I am quite sure that the DNC power brokers would be very happy if she came down with some debilitating disease.

otherwise she is their Bob Dole and the results will be like his.

How low a probability do you estimate to her winning the general conditional on her winning the nomination?
If the GOP could simply say they believe in the working class middle class worker who is barely making ends meet they might have a good shot. Instead we continue to get t and gut education, increase military spending, hip hip hooray for the CEO to hell with those who work for the CEO, stick up for the rich, stick it up your rear middle class they might have it easier. What we have left to vote for will be corporate giveaways which result in nothing, not even jobs.

bullshit talking points, not a word of truth ^^^^^
what I find amusing is that the dems are stuck with the old, corrupt bitch. They have to run her. Its her turn and the black guy took her turn last time.

I am quite sure that the DNC power brokers would be very happy if she came down with some debilitating disease.

otherwise she is their Bob Dole and the results will be like his.

How low a probability do you estimate to her winning the general conditional on her winning the nomination?

she probably has a 40% chance of winning the general. There are a lot of ignorant people in the USA today and the media will be in the clinton camp.

But she has a lot of negatives, she is not an inspiring candidate like obozo he kenyan messiah.
she probably has a 40% chance of winning the general. There are a lot of ignorant people in the USA today and the media will be in the clinton camp.

But she has a lot of negatives, she is not an inspiring candidate like obozo he kenyan messiah.

Again, you make the mistake of thinking this was about "inspiration" and not policy.

Hillary will win for the same reason Obama did. There aren't enough angry white guys out there stupid enough to vote the interests of rich people.
O'Malley is going to have her campaign for lunch. Hillary can't tolerate a challenge. That's why she's keeping such a low profile.
Actually, it will be fun to watch her go after O'Malley.... Much like she did with Obama when she started all that flap over him being born in Kenya!!!!
Again, no. Bubba clinton benefited from Reagan and rode the .com bubble. He was responsible for nothing good due to anything he did. Intelligent, informed people know this.

Uh, yeah. Did you miss the 1990 recession which was so bad they threw Poppy Bush out on his ass? Clinton totally fixed that mess.

Intelligent informed people know this. Also people who weren't in comas.
Yep, Ol' Billy Boy fixed it good.... Remember the housing bubble he caused that ended up in a recession???

Bill Clinton s drive to increase homeownership went way too far - BusinessWeek
Bill Clinton's drive to increase homeownership went way too far
Posted by: Peter Coy on February 27, 2008

Add President Clinton to the long list of people who deserve a share of the blame for the housing bubble and bust. A recently re-exposed document shows that his administration went to ridiculous lengths to increase the national homeownership rate. It promoted paper-thin downpayments and pushed for ways to get lenders to give mortgage loans to first-time buyers with shaky financing and incomes. It’s clear now that the erosion of lending standards pushed prices up by increasing demand, and later led to waves of defaults by people who never should have bought a home in the first place.
what I find amusing is that the dems are stuck with the old, corrupt bitch. They have to run her. Its her turn and the black guy took her turn last time.

I am quite sure that the DNC power brokers would be very happy if she came down with some debilitating disease.

otherwise she is their Bob Dole and the results will be like his.

How low a probability do you estimate to her winning the general conditional on her winning the nomination?

she probably has a 40% chance of winning the general. There are a lot of ignorant people in the USA today and the media will be in the clinton camp.

But she has a lot of negatives, she is not an inspiring candidate like obozo he kenyan messiah.

40% seems low but doesn't seem unreasonable. I'm curious, can you explain your reasoning more? How do you think ignorant people help her?
Actually, it will be fun to watch her go after O'Malley.... Much like she did with Obama when she started all that flap over him being born in Kenya!!!!

Only in your bizarre fantasies..

Yep, Ol' Billy Boy fixed it good.... Remember the housing bubble he caused that ended up in a recession???

Um, no. I remember we had a mild recession because Bush decided to wreck all the progress Clinton made and then a huge one because Bush fucked up everything. But you guys need to totally run Jeb and make 2016 a referendum of Bush vs. Clinton.
If she wins the D nomination, the media will do all they can to whitewash her horrendous record of lies and corruption....and many Americans will dutifully believe whatever the lib media tells them.

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