Please run Hillary, it will be great to see her destroyed.

If she wins the D nomination, the media will do all they can to whitewash her horrendous record of lies and corruption....and many Americans will dutifully believe whatever the lib media tells them.
Why is it lefties are blind to reality?
OMG Now that is an ironic statement if there ever was one.

"Please run Hillary, it will be great to see her destroyed"

At least you're honest in that your opposition to HRC is predicated solely on unwarranted hatred and blind partisanism, having nothing to do with the objective facts of the issues.

Indeed, the baseless attacks on Clinton demonstrate republicans and conservatives have nothing to offer the American people, that they have no meaningful responses as to the issues of the day, and that the republican political agenda is completely devoid of merit.
"Please run Hillary, it will be great to see her destroyed"

At least you're honest in that your opposition to HRC is predicated solely on unwarranted hatred and blind partisanism, having nothing to do with the objective facts of the issues.

Indeed, the baseless attacks on Clinton demonstrate republicans and conservatives have nothing to offer the American people, that they have no meaningful responses as to the issues of the day, and that the republican political agenda is completely devoid of merit.
What issues? All Hillary has done is voice some platitudes while avoiding anything defining or meaningful, all-the-while thinking she is going to be elected because of who she is. She is sleazy and a terrible campaigner, but sooner or later she's going to have to face the music.

She is likely to lose in 2016 because of what she is rather than who.
What issues? All Hillary has done is voice some platitudes while avoiding anything defining or meaningful, all-the-while thinking she is going to be elected because of who she is. She is sleazy and a terrible campaigner, but sooner or later she's going to have to face the music.

She is likely to lose in 2016 because of what she is rather than who.

Hillary will probably do better than Obama did. I know a lot of women (mostly white) who wouldn't vote for Obama, but will vote for Hillary.

I have yet to meet the person who said, "I voted for Obama in 2012, but man, no way I'm voting for Hillary."

Since Jeb Bush is going to be the GOP nominees, I have yet to see anyone say, "I can't wait to vote for Jeb Bush!"
what I find amusing is that the dems are stuck with the old, corrupt bitch. They have to run her. Its her turn and the black guy took her turn last time.

I am quite sure that the DNC power brokers would be very happy if she came down with some debilitating disease.

otherwise she is their Bob Dole and the results will be like his.

How low a probability do you estimate to her winning the general conditional on her winning the nomination?

she probably has a 40% chance of winning the general. There are a lot of ignorant people in the USA today and the media will be in the clinton camp.

But she has a lot of negatives, she is not an inspiring candidate like obozo he kenyan messiah.

40% seems low but doesn't seem unreasonable. I'm curious, can you explain your reasoning more? How do you think ignorant people help her?

no one who is knowledgeable about her past and what she stands for would vote for her. Ignorant people vote as told by the media, they do not vote on facts. thats why ignorance helps HRC.
"Please run Hillary, it will be great to see her destroyed"

At least you're honest in that your opposition to HRC is predicated solely on unwarranted hatred and blind partisanism, having nothing to do with the objective facts of the issues.

Indeed, the baseless attacks on Clinton demonstrate republicans and conservatives have nothing to offer the American people, that they have no meaningful responses as to the issues of the day, and that the republican political agenda is completely devoid of merit.

Other than having a D behind her name, exactly what has HRC done to earn your vote? Give us a list of her accomplishments.
no one who is knowledgeable about her past and what she stands for would vote for her. Ignorant people vote as told by the media, they do not vote on facts. thats why ignorance helps HRC.

Uh, huh. Guy, your side has spent hundreds of millions of dollars and 20 years trying to slander this woman, and people aren't buying it.

Because at the end of the day, all the things you are upset about, even if they were true, have no effect on my life.

Two president Bushes brought us three wars and three recessions and made our lives worse. But you guys are trying to sell us that a third one is going to be any kind of an improvement.

Clean up your own house before you worry about someone else's.
Other than having a D behind her name, exactly what has HRC done to earn your vote? Give us a list of her accomplishments.

Her husband gave us 8 years of peace and prosperity. If she brings back the same team, we'd do very well.
Hillary is win/win for the GOP, if elected she will finish the job of destroying the Democratic party. Obama led the Dem's to historic losses in congress and I'm fine if Hillary finishes them off for good, I'm playing the long game.
Hillary is win/win for the GOP, if elected she will finish the job of destroying the Democratic party. Obama led the Dem's to historic losses in congress and I'm fine if Hillary finishes them off for good, I'm playing the long game.

Assuming Hillary is elected, what do you expect to happen in 2018?
Hillary is win/win for the GOP, if elected she will finish the job of destroying the Democratic party. Obama led the Dem's to historic losses in congress and I'm fine if Hillary finishes them off for good, I'm playing the long game.

When considering the ones that the establishment GOP will advance......I don't see much hope of America returning to limited constitutional governance.
OMG Now that is an ironic statement if there ever was one.


I used to live in the town where this business is. For some reason, the guy won't change the name of his company.
Wow. I wonder if he has lost a lot of money/business because of that.

Not really so much because it's Berwyn, and he's been in the community for so long. That whole Cicero-Berwyn neighborhood is kind of unique.
Actually, Paula Jones is back on the media talking about the way Bill acts, and saying Hillary goes along with it......

How would Paula Jones, who only met Clinton that one time, really know?

More to the point, why is it relevant.

If I gave you two choices-

One was a guy who was a creep, but his management of the economy was so good that your salary doubled, your property value doubled, your retirement fund appreciated.

The other guy is a Church going man whose management of the economy was so bad that your salary dropped 20%, your mortgage is underwater and your 401K is busted.

Which one would you choose?

The former described what my personal economic situation was like in 2000. The latter is where I was at in 2008.

I'd be foolish to make that decision on who had a better marriage, wouldn't I?

I honestly don't care if Bill Cheats on Hillary or if Jeb is slapping Columba around. I really don't.

I care which one will manage the economy to my benefit.

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