Please sign this petition to stop Westboro from protesting at Steve Jobs's funeral

Seriously? You think a petition is going to stop these fools? Like they care. you could get everyone on the planet to sign that and they would still show up. What the freak is the point of it?

If you are going to do something, do something that actually matters.
And how exactly are you going to ‘stop’ them? Or does the petition also repeal the Constitution?
The woman who made the announcement tweeted "@manstuffjoe Rebels mad cuz I used iPhone to tell you Steve Jobs is in hell.God created iPhone for that purpose! :)"

I'm confused. She knows *entering her sick, twisted mind* God used Steve Jobs to create the iPhone, but she still thinks he's hellbound for "serving self, not God"? She really is psychotic.
Dad gummit ~ when will these people get it, a gathering of people mourning a loved one, is not the place to protest. There is a view that the Bill of Rights has a spirit and intent, and these acts of protest belong somewhere else. It's an easy ticket to ride, it's a low-life that would try.
What are you going to do with the petition? Present it to the Ca. politicians? Nail it on the door of the Church? E-mail it to the crazy Westboro people? If they don't respect the right to privacy of a grieving family of a fallen member of the Military what makes you think they would or should respect the funeral of the head of a corporation?
I recall a statute in the NY criminal code that made it a crime to disrupt any funeral. Did the supremes throw it out?
And how exactly are you going to ‘stop’ them? Or does the petition also repeal the Constitution?

There are all sorts of reasons that permits aren't given. The government can't stop political speech, but it is able to say where and when for public safety and/or simple traffic congestion concerns. They could say, "sure here's your permit to demonstrate, but you'll have to do it somewhere at a distance from the funeral". There's no constitutional right to disrupt a private ceremony.
On line petitions.

Nobody ever sees them except the people who sign them.
And how exactly are you going to ‘stop’ them? Or does the petition also repeal the Constitution?

There are all sorts of reasons that permits aren't given. The government can't stop political speech, but it is able to say where and when for public safety and/or simple traffic congestion concerns. They could say, "sure here's your permit to demonstrate, but you'll have to do it somewhere at a distance from the funeral". There's no constitutional right to disrupt a private ceremony.
The law is called " disturbing the peace".

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