Please understand. Debt ceiling has not been raised. It's been ELIMINATED!!

Why did Boehner go along with this.? Dems are in a weak state due to obozocare and yet the GOP caved in ever worse than last october. It's either bribery or blackmail. Maybe dems have pics of boner with a 9 year old boy.

I don't think it is that. Obama blamed the shut down on Republicans and most people in the country bought it. Now he, himself and his party, are in deep shit over the Obamacare debacle, the Republicans don't want to shift the national focus back to themselves. I think it is a very smart move. Given him everything he wants. And then give him enough rope to hang himself and he will. Guaranteed!


When Cruz et all shut down the govt, they were bragging about and idiot rw's were bragging about it.

The Rs blew more than $50million on their 45+ phony votes to repeal ACA.

But, now its time to rewrite history. Suddenly, they didn't shut down the govt and now the rw's are gonna help them lie about ObamaCare too.

Damn fools.


Sen. Cruz did NOT shut down the government. The Government was not shut down. 17% of it was. And that only happened because the fucking moron President and his snarling lap bitch, Reid, would not negotiate.

Meanwhile, it is a FACT that the GOP led HOUSE had PASSED a bill that funded the entire Government EXCEPT for ObumblerCare.

Given how THAT asinine program is working out and where it's taking us, defunding it would have been a major advantage, now.
Politics is not checkers. It is chess. You need to plan your moves. You've got to have the ability to see beyond the obvious. Then you must use tactics, set traps, and makes moves that advance the goal. Battling over the debt ceiling is a trap....the Republicans were smart to avoid it.

So was Obamacare. And Obama was stupid not to avoid it!
Hell yes it is a dire problem. But the hoopla being raised is not about the debt. It is about raising the debt ceiling.

Pass an amendment that requires a balanced budget. Stop allowing the gov't to spend more than it makes. Fire politicians who cann control spending and who waste our money on pork.

But don't make a fuss about raising or eliminating a debt ceiling when the ceiling has been meaningless for decades.

No. The "hooplah" is about he debt. Because our childish, immature, unsophisticated, un-serious "legislators" (led by our moron in chief) will -- without question -- use the blank check of a non-existent debt "ceiling" to plunge is faster and deeper into the morass of this unsustainable debt. They will not just drive the car at break neck speeds near the damn edge of the road, they will be steering us off the road and over the steep cliff into the canyon below. And they will not even have enough sense to apply some brakes or steer a bit away from that ledge.

And that's not just hyperbole, either. Those fucking morons have already taken us in that direction. It is their history. They are like crack addicts without the slightest inclination to change their ways.

It will not end well unless those idiots are stopped. Very very soon.

Which morons? I'm afraid you will have to be more specific. Every president since Herbert Hoover has added to the national debt.

The debt ceiling was an artificial line created to make it so Congress did not have to approve every debt individually. So it has been about how conveniently we have run up debts. And we removed the need for Congress to approve each individual debt when we entered WWI.

The debt ceiling has been raised every single time it was requested. If you will never refuse to raise the limit, then it was not an actual limit. It was just smoke and mirrors so politicians could tell their constituents that they were drawing a line in the sand.

Both parties have spent like drunken sailors. We need a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget every year.

Which morons. I spoke of the moron in chief. IS that the moron you are asking about?

Or, are you considering the assholes in Congress who keep doing this to us. 'Cause I'll grant you: they are morons, too.

And those same MORONS in Congress will NEVER agree to "give" us a Constitutional amendment for us to ratify.

That brings us to Mark Levin's proposal for an Article 5 national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states.

Convening such a National Convention would not be without some dangers. But it might be the only way a useful Constitutional Amendment (or a dozen such Amendments) will ever get done.

Of course, mutants like Obumbler would blithely proceed to ignore it anyway.
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No. The "hooplah" is about he debt. Because our childish, immature, unsophisticated, un-serious "legislators" (led by our moron in chief) will -- without question -- use the blank check of a non-existent debt "ceiling" to plunge is faster and deeper into the morass of this unsustainable debt. They will not just drive the car at break neck speeds near the damn edge of the road, they will be steering us off the road and over the steep cliff into the canyon below. And they will not even have enough sense to apply some brakes or steer a bit away from that ledge.

And that's not just hyperbole, either. Those fucking morons have already taken us in that direction. It is their history. They are like crack addicts without the slightest inclination to change their ways.

It will not end well unless those idiots are stopped. Very very soon.

Which morons? I'm afraid you will have to be more specific. Every president since Herbert Hoover has added to the national debt.

The debt ceiling was an artificial line created to make it so Congress did not have to approve every debt individually. So it has been about how conveniently we have run up debts. And we removed the need for Congress to approve each individual debt when we entered WWI.

The debt ceiling has been raised every single time it was requested. If you will never refuse to raise the limit, then it was not an actual limit. It was just smoke and mirrors so politicians could tell their constituents that they were drawing a line in the sand.

Both parties have spent like drunken sailors. We need a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget every year.

Which morons. I spoke of the moron in chief. IS that the moron you are asking about?

Or, are you considering the assholes in Congress who keep doing this to us. 'Cause I'll grant you: they are morons, too.

And those same MORONS in Congress will NEVER agree to "give" us a Constitutional amendment for us to ratify.

That brings us to Mark Levin's proposal for an Article 5 national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states.

Convening such a National Convention would not be without some dangers. But it might be the only way a useful Constitutional Amendment (or a dozen such Amendments) will ever get done.

Of course, mutants like Obumbler would blithely proceed to ignore it anyway.

It could be dangerous indeed. I suppose we just have to weigh whether reining in the spending is worth risking some other amendments that might get put through. The 2nd Amendment could end up cut down.
Which morons? I'm afraid you will have to be more specific. Every president since Herbert Hoover has added to the national debt.

The debt ceiling was an artificial line created to make it so Congress did not have to approve every debt individually. So it has been about how conveniently we have run up debts. And we removed the need for Congress to approve each individual debt when we entered WWI.

The debt ceiling has been raised every single time it was requested. If you will never refuse to raise the limit, then it was not an actual limit. It was just smoke and mirrors so politicians could tell their constituents that they were drawing a line in the sand.

Both parties have spent like drunken sailors. We need a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget every year.

Which morons. I spoke of the moron in chief. IS that the moron you are asking about?

Or, are you considering the assholes in Congress who keep doing this to us. 'Cause I'll grant you: they are morons, too.

And those same MORONS in Congress will NEVER agree to "give" us a Constitutional amendment for us to ratify.

That brings us to Mark Levin's proposal for an Article 5 national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states.

Convening such a National Convention would not be without some dangers. But it might be the only way a useful Constitutional Amendment (or a dozen such Amendments) will ever get done.

Of course, mutants like Obumbler would blithely proceed to ignore it anyway.

It could be dangerous indeed. I suppose we just have to weigh whether reining in the spending is worth risking some other amendments that might get put through. The 2nd Amendment could end up cut down.

I do acknowledge the danger. Mark Levin believes the danger can be eliminated BY the very legislatures that convene it (if they ever do) by putting precise conditions on what topics are authorized to be discussed.

Reigning in the out of control spending and debt IS absolutely imperative. So perhaps the danger has to be faced. We are running short on time.
DAMN.....Why did you tell him that. I was having fun and chuckling every time I saw this.
BTW, matty thunks the federal government does science and infrastructure.
Which means he thinks traffic control devices and paving contracts are 'infrastructure'....LOL

HUH??? You saying street lights are NOT infrastructure??
Which morons. I spoke of the moron in chief. IS that the moron you are asking about?

Or, are you considering the assholes in Congress who keep doing this to us. 'Cause I'll grant you: they are morons, too.

And those same MORONS in Congress will NEVER agree to "give" us a Constitutional amendment for us to ratify.

That brings us to Mark Levin's proposal for an Article 5 national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states.

Convening such a National Convention would not be without some dangers. But it might be the only way a useful Constitutional Amendment (or a dozen such Amendments) will ever get done.

Of course, mutants like Obumbler would blithely proceed to ignore it anyway.

It could be dangerous indeed. I suppose we just have to weigh whether reining in the spending is worth risking some other amendments that might get put through. The 2nd Amendment could end up cut down.

I do acknowledge the danger. Mark Levin believes the danger can be eliminated BY the very legislatures that convene it (if they ever do) by putting precise conditions on what topics are authorized to be discussed.

Reigning in the out of control spending and debt IS absolutely imperative. So perhaps the danger has to be faced. We are running short on time.

I'm getting tired of hearing how Social Security has to be cut while there is no end to the welfare money, food stamps, and Obamaphones. I want to remember which president said Americans were going to have to 'bite the bullet.' Not sure I can, but I think it was Gerald Ford. Americans went ape shit because they had already bitten the bullet until it was flat. Obama had all the answers before he was elected. Now he doesn't even know how to keep his ole lady happy. And if Mooch ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. But they will keep entitlements flowing to people who didn't earn them and when that balance tips the scale above 50%, this country will sink faster than the Titanic.

Groups like Congress pass proposals for massive spending amounts because they don't understand those amounts. Go to the fiscal meeting for your local school board. You will see this happen in front of your eyes. They will pass a proposal for millions of dollars unopposed and then dicker over a proposal for $15.95. That's because they understand $15.95 and they don't understand millions.

That is how Congress functions. At one time the federal budget was online and the general public could go in on the application and make changes to it to see if they could balance it. That was since I have been posting on forums, but I haven't looked for it lately. If our government wants a balanced budget they will make .....ta ...da....a BUDGET. They will lop amounts off of entitlements people did not work for and pay into as well as every other type of spending that drives the deficit and then the burden will be on the people who get that money to cope with the shortfall ever how they can.

And people CAN cope with a shortfall if you allow them to be creative. When the holidays and hard times come, I know hospitals that lay nurses off. And I know hospitals who during the holidays and hard times will have 1 to 3 nurses on each unit take a day off without pay each week. And the nurses are glad to do it because everyone gets to keep their job. That is what the government needs to be doing instead of this drama queen fake shutdown shit. I know one agency that couldn't shut down, but every employee had to take two weeks off without pay. They were happy to be able to keep their jobs. People, lower level people, will work together to solve the problems. Congress and the boy king don't even know how to balance their own checkbooks. They have accountants to do it for them.
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The debt ceiling has not been eliminated.

The OP has a comprehension problem.
Please understand. Debt ceiling has not been raised. It's been ELIMINATED!!


I too, find this somewhat troubling.

Now ask yourself who this most benefits?

Poor people or BANKSTERS?

Are ya getting it yet, amigo?
The debt ceiling has been raised 74 times since 1962. That includes 18 times under Ronald Reagan. Something tells me the republicans weren't complaining then. Nor did they complain when George W. Bush raised it 7 times.

And the dems sure didn't make it sound bad when Clinton raised the debt ceiling 8 times. Just like they are not condemning it under Obama.

This is party politics.

CAN'T YOU READ??? The debt ceiling was not raised, it is GONE!! This is sumping new.


It's always been an inane and pointless political contrivance. It served no useful purpose and in recent years has only been used as a political weapon.
Your stone-like lack of comprehension of the MEANING of our debt problem could not have been expressed more clearly by you.

Our debt problem is not just a crisis in the making. It is a crisis we already have.

It is a fucking DIRE problem.

How Dangerous Is U.S. Government Debt? - Council on Foreign Relations

The seriousness of the problem affects almost every facet of the American Republic, including national security and the value of our dollar here and abroad. How often must even THIS present government acknowledge that our debt load is unsustainable before you guys START to take it seriously?

Boehner is a disaster.

Hell yes it is a dire problem. But the hoopla being raised is not about the debt. It is about raising the debt ceiling.

Pass an amendment that requires a balanced budget. Stop allowing the gov't to spend more than it makes. Fire politicians who cann control spending and who waste our money on pork.

But don't make a fuss about raising or eliminating a debt ceiling when the ceiling has been meaningless for decades.

No. The "hooplah" is about he debt. Because our childish, immature, unsophisticated, un-serious "legislators" (led by our moron in chief) will -- without question -- use the blank check of a non-existent debt "ceiling" to plunge us faster and deeper into the morass of this unsustainable debt. They will not just drive the car at break neck speeds near the damn edge of the road, they will be steering us off the road and over the steep cliff into the canyon below. And they will not even have enough sense to apply some brakes or steer a bit away from that ledge.

And that's not just hyperbole, either. Those fucking morons have already taken us in that direction. It is their history. They are like crack addicts without the slightest inclination to change their ways.

It will not end well unless those idiots are stopped. Very very soon.

When I heard what Boehner did, I heaved a sigh of relief because it meant we would not have interminable pages of trying to explain the brain dead what the debt ceiling is.

I was wrong.

It is evident that there are still rw's who have no idea what the debt ceiling really is. No amount of explaining to them will make any difference.
Which morons. I spoke of the moron in chief. IS that the moron you are asking about?

Or, are you considering the assholes in Congress who keep doing this to us. 'Cause I'll grant you: they are morons, too.

And those same MORONS in Congress will NEVER agree to "give" us a Constitutional amendment for us to ratify.

That brings us to Mark Levin's proposal for an Article 5 national convention assembled at the request of the legislatures of at least two-thirds of the states.

Convening such a National Convention would not be without some dangers. But it might be the only way a useful Constitutional Amendment (or a dozen such Amendments) will ever get done.

Of course, mutants like Obumbler would blithely proceed to ignore it anyway.

It could be dangerous indeed. I suppose we just have to weigh whether reining in the spending is worth risking some other amendments that might get put through. The 2nd Amendment could end up cut down.

I do acknowledge the danger. Mark Levin believes the danger can be eliminated BY the very legislatures that convene it (if they ever do) by putting precise conditions on what topics are authorized to be discussed.

Reigning in the out of control spending and debt IS absolutely imperative. So perhaps the danger has to be faced. We are running short on time.

Why don't you start a new thread about that instead of trying to derail this thread? Or, perhaps you did not know the difference between incurring debt and paying debt that has already been incurred ............................
The debt ceiling has not been eliminated.

The OP has a comprehension problem.

Thanks for pointing that out. I did too but apparently, the usual suspects still don't get it.

Perhaps you could also explain to some of them just what the debt ceiling really is ...
Politics is not checkers. It is chess. You need to plan your moves. You've got to have the ability to see beyond the obvious. Then you must use tactics, set traps, and makes moves that advance the goal. Battling over the debt ceiling is a trap....the Republicans were smart to avoid it.

The way I see it, both Boehner and Cantor are bad planners. Every move they played was outplayed by democrats. So, what makes anyone think that this move wont be outplayed too?
There is no evidence do you have that they were ever going to hold the line on the debt ceiling. And then they call themselves conservative. My ass.
The debt ceiling has not been eliminated.

The OP has a comprehension problem.

Meh. It was not technically eliminated. That's true.

But the OLD limit was. The fact that it was replaced with a new "limit" doesn't amount to much of a difference, however, since the assclown Congressderps just blithely "raise" the "limit" each time it is reached.

The practical effect is that there is no limit.
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Hell yes it is a dire problem. But the hoopla being raised is not about the debt. It is about raising the debt ceiling.

Pass an amendment that requires a balanced budget. Stop allowing the gov't to spend more than it makes. Fire politicians who cann control spending and who waste our money on pork.

But don't make a fuss about raising or eliminating a debt ceiling when the ceiling has been meaningless for decades.

No. The "hooplah" is about he debt. Because our childish, immature, unsophisticated, un-serious "legislators" (led by our moron in chief) will -- without question -- use the blank check of a non-existent debt "ceiling" to plunge us faster and deeper into the morass of this unsustainable debt. They will not just drive the car at break neck speeds near the damn edge of the road, they will be steering us off the road and over the steep cliff into the canyon below. And they will not even have enough sense to apply some brakes or steer a bit away from that ledge.

And that's not just hyperbole, either. Those fucking morons have already taken us in that direction. It is their history. They are like crack addicts without the slightest inclination to change their ways.

It will not end well unless those idiots are stopped. Very very soon.

When I heard what Boehner did, I heaved a sigh of relief because it meant we would not have interminable pages of trying to explain the brain dead what the debt ceiling is.

I was wrong.

It is evident that there are still rw's who have no idea what the debt ceiling really is. No amount of explaining to them will make any difference.

Actually, it is you who is one of the "brain dead." And it's quite clear why. And readily and easily proved.

We learn best that which we come to see on our own. Therefore, YOU should do a little work. Like a good teacher, I will guide you.

Step one: Define "limit."

Step two: Confront whether or not the ACTUAL definition of "limit" has any rational meaning in situations where -- once the nominal "limit" is reached -- it simply gets (pretty much automatically) RAISED.

Step two b: Repeat the above process as often as the original (or redefined) "limit" gets reached.

Step three: If the foregoing process negates the actual meaning of the word "limit," then isn't it true that the original "limit" never amounted to a "limit" in reality at all?
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The debt ceiling has not been eliminated.

The OP has a comprehension problem.

Meh. It was not technically eliminated. That's true.

But the OLD limit was. The fact that it was replaced with a new "limit" doesn't amount to much of a difference, however, since the assclown Congressderps just blithely "raise" the "limit" each time it is reached.

The practical effect is that there is no limit.
They have to go through the motions. Since no one has the balls to say "NO" to Obama, they'll keep playing this game of pretending to fight the automatic increases until the country falls apart.
Ame®icano;8623057 said:
The way I see it, both Boehner and Cantor are bad planners. Every move they played was outplayed by democrats. So, what makes anyone think that this move wont be outplayed too?
There is no evidence do you have that they were ever going to hold the line on the debt ceiling. And then they call themselves conservative. My ass.

Bad planners? HAHAHA. You stupid jackass. They are simply being bribed. Neither cares about america or the GOP.

PS - could be blackmail too. Maybe obozo has pics of them with a 9 year old boy.

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