Plumb Tuckered Out From Shooting Democrats!

Hey, you ordered the same set of fly swatters I got from Amazon!!

I prefer the ones with the wire handles. The plastic handle ones don't have the same splat power but are the ones stores tend to carry these days. This year I ended up with a big fly problem starting in about January. It was a warm, wet spring and they started out early and would dash inside when it would cool. They all migrated their way to our master bedroom/ bathroom for some reason. I guess because they are both warm and sunny places. IDK. I was sucking them up with the vacuum and swatting up the rest when I wasn't swatting the kiddies for standing there with the outside doors open letting the bastards in. Once the cold weather went away for good, the fly problem ended. That was also when I took all the plants out so maybe that was part of it---they were being lured in by the smell of the dirt.
I don't shoot pollinators such as bees, wasps and hornets.
Pollinators feed and nourish the plants of the earth.
Honeybees give us nature's wonderful nectar: honey.

I shoot houseflies though
Houseflies spread disease and pestilence.
They eat dead, rotten, foul things.
They spread disease and pestilence to humans and animals.
Such as E-coli, anthrax, food poisoning, tularemia, conjunctivitis, typhoid, plus about 60 other diseases.
I call them DEMOCRATS

Bought me a new BUG-A-SALT Gun this morning and I've spent the afternoon shooting DEMOCRATS.
Used up about a quarter of a pound of salt. It was worth every penny.
I don't keep count of the DEMOCRATS I shoot. I can't count that high.
Thought about giving them names though when I shoot. "Take that, Chuckie!" "Here's one for you, Eric!"
Well, that's it for today. Gotta exercise and strengthen my trigger finger for tomorrow. Later.
I hope your title doesn't get you a visit in the dark by one of Biden's goons.
I honestly don't want to shoot them. At least most of them. ATTENTION MODS: THIS IS SATIRE :)+

I probably wouldn't complain too much though if they were muted, sterilized, and isolated from productive society until they were so outnumbered they couldn't promote so destructive and counter productive agenda.
They are sterilizing kids in school starting at age 8, using puberty blockers. Sick people.
I dunno.... house flies land on shit for a purpose - to lay eggs and procreate.

The party of millionaires that like to fuck kids WALLOWS in shit because they enjoy it.

In this analogy, the marxists are more akin to the shit then the flies. Anyway, enjoy your new hobby bro!
Finding a fly in my soup is bad enough, but worse is that they're always swarming around my sugar bowl.
Hey, look! Fireflies!

You're naive if you think the FBI isnt watching this message board.

Like they got nothing more important to do. I realize that message boards are some of the most dangerous things on earth because they can can really hurt people's feelings.
I don't shoot pollinators such as bees, wasps and hornets.
Pollinators feed and nourish the plants of the earth.
Honeybees give us nature's wonderful nectar: honey.

I shoot houseflies though
Houseflies spread disease and
They eat dead, rotten, foul things.
They spread disease and pestilence to humans and animals.
Such as E-coli, anthrax, food poisoning, tularemia, conjunctivitis, typhoid, plus about 60 other diseases.
I call them DEMOCRATS

Bought me a new BUG-A-SALT Gun this morning and I've spent the afternoon shooting DEMOCRATS.
Used up about a quarter of a pound of salt. It was worth every penny.
I don't keep count of the DEMOCRATS I shoot. I can't count that high.
Thought about giving them names though when I shoot. "Take that, Chuckie!" "Here's one for you, Eric!"
Well, that's it for today. Gotta exercise and strengthen my trigger finger for tomorrow. Later.

really hoss is that what you think of me?
Well in defense of twisted minds, the weaponized FBI these days have raided people for less. So if the guys in fedoras and trench coats show up on your porch and there are black helicopters overhead, please post something so we'll know what happened to you.

Honestly I really wish there was software we could order to install a sense of humor into some of these people. Or maybe the tooth fairy or something sneaks into their bedrooms at night and removes their funny bones which causes them to become woke Democrats/progressives/liberals/leftists or whatever who have no ability to know what is funny and what isn't.


To update the past 24 hours, I got up this morning and there was a caravan of black SUVs around my block which is over 2 miles. The guys were all standing around eating Moon Pies and drinking RC cola. There were 5 black choppers flying around the perimeter but they didn't come near my house. When I stepped off the porch 2 F-18s came at me at treetop level until they saw my shiny new Bug-A-Salt rifle, then they split. I was going to spend the morning teaching my new assistant how to shoot DEMOCRATS but him being from Mexico, he was already an expert.He grew up shooting DEMOCRATS, cockroaches and spiders. BTW, my new assistant is a Mexican-Irish guy named Juan Jose Armindariz-Rafferty. Like all the immigrants he brings his family to work with him. He has a wife who is pregnant with twins, 12 kids from 1 year to 10 years, his parents, 5 uncles, 7 aunts, 6 sisters and 4 brothers. Finally, there's Jose's old grandpa who only has one crutch. Seems like grandpa had to use the other crutch for firewood in order to cook up a pot of frijoles the other day after crossing the border.

There's more to the story but it's late, I'm tired and I'll continue tomorrow.

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