Plusses of alcohol

Feeding Crows

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2021
Mundane stuff gets funny and entertaining, makes me happy
Helps me sleep, i have sleep problems
Makes me not think about stuff that worries me and that I can't do anything about, which affects my sleep problems and life in general
Gives me a night with great dreams and wishes, I have incredible lucid dreams
Gives me more philosophical ideas!
Helps with my music big time!!
Helps with other creative things, like writing and art, albeit with typos...
Makes me feel like I have a life...
Lowers my blood pressure.

I mean really, what's the downside?
Nothing wrong with drinking as long as you are in control of it.

Just like any other drug.

Everything and anything in moderation including moderation
I hear you both. I'm a happy drunk.

And functional. I only drink on days off.

My kids are over 21 and on their own, so don't have to worry about that. I don't drink and drive. So what's to stop me from enjoying life the way I like to enjoy it?

Why am I made to feel guilty?
She is not pleased ...

Mundane stuff gets funny and entertaining, makes me happy
Helps me sleep, i have sleep problems
Makes me not think about stuff that worries me and that I can't do anything about, which affects my sleep problems and life in general
Gives me a night with great dreams and wishes, I have incredible lucid dreams
Gives me more philosophical ideas!
Helps with my music big time!!
Helps with other creative things, like writing and art, albeit with typos...
Makes me feel like I have a life...
Lowers my blood pressure.

I mean really, what's the downside?
I run on single malts

Alcohol poisoning
High blood pressure,
Heart disease
Digestive problems
Liver disease
Nerve damage
Sexual problems
Brain damage
Apathy and disorientation
Cancer of the mouth
Cancer of the throat
Cancer of the liver
Cancer of colon
Weakened immune system
Alcohol dependence
Alcohol poisoning
High blood pressure,
Heart disease
Digestive problems
Liver disease
Nerve damage
Sexual problems
Brain damage
Apathy and disorientation
Cancer of the mouth
Cancer of the throat
Cancer of the liver
Cancer of colon
Weakened immune system
Alcohol dependence
I never have blackouts.
Never coma...
poisening? no....
Yes i have high blood pressure, but it actually helps
never had a stroke
no heart disease, i'm perfectly fine
major digestive problems... but that happens when i don't drink too
my liver's good, as far as i know
nerve damage, i have burning pains in my left thigh
sexual problems? I wouldn't know. I smell my armpit and i am masculine again.
Brain damage? You folks tell me...
Amnesia? Wait, I forgot what we're talking about
Apathy and disorientation? That's my life, and that's how i live it
Ulcers and Gastritis and Malnutrition? No, never.
Cancers? Nobody in my family has ever had cancer. We all live into mid-90's and die of old age.
Dementia? Wait, who are you?!?
Anxiety? Not when I drink
Helps me sleep, i have sleep problems
There's also other things that can help you if you suffer from insomnia.

I highly recommend Montmorency cherry juice. It's high in several micronutrients.

More relevantly, it's also a natural source of melatonin. The melatonin in a glass of Montmorency cherry juice in the evening can help reset your circadian rhythm, which controls your natural sleep/wake cycle.

Works great to combat jet lag.

And if you need your alcohol fix, I guess you could make a cocktail out of it.
Alcohol poisoning
High blood pressure,
Heart disease
Digestive problems
Liver disease
Nerve damage
Sexual problems
Brain damage
Apathy and disorientation
Cancer of the mouth
Cancer of the throat
Cancer of the liver
Cancer of colon
Weakened immune system
Alcohol dependence
Sounds like a hell of a party !. Can I cancel the sex problem ? Viagra are 400 colones each for 50 mg. No jew specialist required
Mundane stuff gets funny and entertaining, makes me happy
Helps me sleep, i have sleep problems
Makes me not think about stuff that worries me and that I can't do anything about, which affects my sleep problems and life in general
Gives me a night with great dreams and wishes, I have incredible lucid dreams
Gives me more philosophical ideas!
Helps with my music big time!!
Helps with other creative things, like writing and art, albeit with typos...
Makes me feel like I have a life...
Lowers my blood pressure.

I mean really, what's the downside?

Turns you into Ted kennedy
Vagina's are probably about 400 calories each. Depending on how long you go down.
Mundane stuff gets funny and entertaining, makes me happy
Helps me sleep, i have sleep problems
Makes me not think about stuff that worries me and that I can't do anything about, which affects my sleep problems and life in general
Gives me a night with great dreams and wishes, I have incredible lucid dreams
Gives me more philosophical ideas!
Helps with my music big time!!
Helps with other creative things, like writing and art, albeit with typos...
Makes me feel like I have a life...
Lowers my blood pressure.

I mean really, what's the downside?
GERD, a bad liver, death...
Alcohol poisoning
High blood pressure,
Heart disease
Digestive problems
Liver disease
Nerve damage
Sexual problems
Brain damage
Apathy and disorientation
Cancer of the mouth
Cancer of the throat
Cancer of the liver
Cancer of colon
Weakened immune system
Alcohol dependence
Sounds like a hell of a party !. Can I cancel the sex problem ? Viagra are 400 colones each for 50 mg. No jew specialist required
It only leads to more misery.
Nothing wrong with drinking as long as you are in control of it.

Just like any other drug.

Everything and anything in moderation including moderation
Straight from Christ's mouth. Some of the best advice ever given. Works for every thing but fishing. I see no reason to fish in moderation just don't go over limit. Limit one fish set up for another. Lol

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