Plutocrats going after Libertarian think tank

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
This has already been discussed. The Kochs aren't "going after" anything. They're simply doing to Ed Crane what Ed Crane and the Kochs did to Murray Rothbard back in the 70's.

And the Cato Institute is hardly libertarian at all.
This has already been discussed. The Kochs aren't "going after" anything. They're simply doing to Ed Crane what Ed Crane and the Kochs did to Murray Rothbard back in the 70's.

And the Cato Institute is hardly libertarian at all.

Seems they've gotten to you already
Cato Scholars Fight Against Koch Control of Institute : Roll Call Lobbying & Influence
"This misguided attempt at corporate control of an independent, nonpartisan think tank is bad for the Cato Institute and bad for the libertarian movement," read the memo, posted later on Cato's blog. "We hope that everyone will come to see that, soon, before any more damage is done."
This has already been discussed. The Kochs aren't "going after" anything. They're simply doing to Ed Crane what Ed Crane and the Kochs did to Murray Rothbard back in the 70's.

And the Cato Institute is hardly libertarian at all.

Seems they've gotten to you already
Cato Scholars Fight Against Koch Control of Institute : Roll Call Lobbying & Influence
"This misguided attempt at corporate control of an independent, nonpartisan think tank is bad for the Cato Institute and bad for the libertarian movement," read the memo, posted later on Cato's blog. "We hope that everyone will come to see that, soon, before any more damage is done."

Who's gotten to me? And what does that even mean? You'll have to forgive me if I don't get worked up over the Kochs firing Ed Crane and his friends from a fake-libertarian think tank that has always been in the pocket of the Kochs.

I am no partisan of the Kochs, but let's stop pretending. All DC think tanks are fakes. They are all fronts for powerful pressure groups while pretending to be idea driven. That's why they cluster in the imperial city. It's as true of Brookings, AEI, Heritage, et al., as it is of Cato. Such organizations, especially "libertarian" ones, are valuable to the State. ("Why, even Cato is pro-Patriot Act, so how can it be anti-freedom?") In turn, Cato can provide access to top officials for its big donors. But the underlying reality never changes: the State pretends to be influenced, and the think tanks pretend to influence.

Cato Replies to the Kochs « Blog

That about sums it up perfectly.

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