PM: We, Denmark, have decided to transfer all our artillery to Ukraine.

What will Denmark do if they are attacked now? I guess they are screwed.

BTW, it has happened before.

Is this even permissable under the Kingdom of Denmark's NATO treaty obligations?

What are the odds of Denmark being attacked? Attacked by whom? Russia? They might have their hands a bit tied right now. For them to attack Denmark right now would be the height of absolute insanity.
Wouldnt a pro-NATO nut be concerned about NATO equipment being given to a non-NATO country?

That's been happening for 2 years now, and considering the weapons are used against a common enemy that directly threatens NATO i don't think anyone is crying over equipment going to a non nato country. lol
What will Denmark do if they are attacked now? I guess they are screwed.

BTW, it has happened before.

Is this even permissable under the Kingdom of Denmark's NATO treaty obligations?
They will use the rest of NATO, including us protect them, with boots on the ground. That's the NATO treaty....

This is why the Ukraine is so important for us...
That's been happening for 2 years now, and considering the weapons are used against a common enemy that directly threatens NATO i don't think anyone is crying over equipment going to a non nato country. lol
Send Lindsay Graham and all the other war hawks over first
What will Denmark do if they are attacked now? I guess they are screwed.

BTW, it has happened before.

Is this even permissable under the Kingdom of Denmark's NATO treaty obligations?

I not often stuck for words, but that's one of the craziest posts that I've read for a long time
Obviously Denmark, like so many of our NATO "partners" isn't thinking that way, though. Easier just to ignore that 2% obligation and enjoy the free ride courtesy of Americans' grandkids.
After the US has given away all its 155mm.
LBJuse to say that Vietnam was like being caught in the open in a West Texas hail storm. There is no place to hide no matter what you do.

This war in Ukraine is getting to be the same thing. Either the West supplies Ukraine with tremendous stocks of weapons and ammo at great cost or else the goddamn Russians win.
Good for Denmark. Just don’t come looking for any assistance when someone attacks you. You’ve voluntarily given up your ability to defend yourself and become a potential victim state.
Good for Denmark. Just don’t come looking for any assistance when someone attacks you. You’ve voluntarily given up your ability to defend yourself and become a potential victim state.
Just like the US having given all its 155mm away.
Just like the US having given all its 155mm away
You have no idea how much it pisses me off that we are giving Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel arms from our stockpiles. Money to buy weapons from manufacturers is bad enough. Giving away our weapons is utterly disgraceful. It leaves our own troops unprepared.
Just like the US having given all its 155mm away.
You seem to want to talk about that. Why don’t you tell us what you mean “by given all it’s 155 MM away?”

Is it literally “all?” Or how much have they actually given away? Don’t give me wrong, I’m sure I agree with you on this one. I don’t believe we should’ve given away a single round.

Just asking for details…
You have no idea how much it pisses me off that we are giving Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel arms from our stockpiles. Money to buy weapons from manufacturers is bad enough. Giving away our weapons is utterly disgraceful. It leaves our own troops unprepared.

We want our border fixed, and its tied to foreign aid right now.
when i said that i am against it? 3 things, 1) US made by immigrants 2) Moscow have used the immigrants for ages , 3) US can do both things in the same time
Asylum must end.
i am not against it, but you can hold world as a hostage over this issue . the 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 horde must go down !


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