Poking the Tea Party "bear" with a stick: Congress invents new 'earmark' tactics


Lady Templar & Kafir
Dec 28, 2010
If nothing else, the Tea Party movement (still very much alive, mind you) is about holding government accountable. For far too long, we, as a citizenry, did NOT live up to our constitutional responsibilities and hold government accountable.

Thankfully, more and more citizens have opened their eyes and witnessed that painful reality, and have taken it upon themselves to remedy the situation. Some welcome the "Tea Party" moniker, and some shy away from it, but still identify with the basics of the movement itself.

So when I read this, I had to laugh.
(snip - hat/tip: HotAir)
Though Mr. Kirk and other Republicans thundered against pork-barrel spending and lawmakers’ practice of designating money for special projects through earmarks, they have not shied from using a less-well-known process called lettermarking to try to direct money to projects in their home districts…

Lettermarking, which takes place outside the Congressional appropriations process, is one of the many ways that legislators who support a ban on earmarks try to direct money back home.
Read the whole thing, with access to embedded source links, at the link above.

The idiots in Washington just...don't...get it.
Yes....A fair number of them who were just elected because of the Tea Party movement, "know what time it is". They witnessed, first-hand, the Tea Party rise up out of the blinding anger and frustrations of We The People, and launch into the most powerful political movement in the last century. It is a force to be reckoned with, and one that can be brought to bear quickly and effectively.

But, for those that STILL don't get it...New to Washington or 'seasoned' belt-way fools...Fair warning: Mark the time well. Everything you say...Everything you do...Is being watched and noted, and WILL be used against you, if you continue to play these games with the will of the people.

If you think the record 2010 mid-term elections were a mere fluke...Think again.

Don't vex us...
Torches and pitchforks remain a viable option.
I'm a conservative libertarian. I share many of the same concerns as the Tea Party. That being said, this reminds me of the religious right. Each election season, the religious right would rise up with their list of demands and Republicans would pay lip service to their ideals in order to get their votes and get elected. They needed the significant weight of that voting bloc to assure a win. Then they got abandoned on the back side. How many of the religious right's agenda has come to fruition since they were used and abused going all the way back to Reagan? The Tea Party is the new Religious Right as far as a useful fringe voting bloc. As much as I'd like to see lower taxes, smaller government, less entitelment, etc., I just don't see it happening.
I'm a conservative libertarian. I share many of the same concerns as the Tea Party. That being said, this reminds me of the religious right. Each election season, the religious right would rise up with their list of demands and Republicans would pay lip service to their ideals in order to get their votes and get elected. They needed the significant weight of that voting bloc to assure a win. Then they got abandoned on the back side. How many of the religious right's agenda has come to fruition since they were used and abused going all the way back to Reagan? The Tea Party is the new Religious Right as far as a useful fringe voting bloc. As much as I'd like to see lower taxes, smaller government, less entitelment, etc., I just don't see it happening.

Cuz you're an oblivious, no credibility, nut.:lol::cuckoo:

There ARE Atheists in our TEA Party, among the others, THE MAJORITY who really DO want the Constitution, small government, fiscal sanity to come 1st. :lol:

I'm one of em, just like I'm one of the many here who keep pwning you.

You're starting to look more like a lefty spy everyday with that hating ass BS.

If you're @ work dude, cover the screen, run out the door, might wanna quit too, cuz you just fail too epic.:lol:
Gheyboy, children are to be seen and not heard. You need to hush and go play while the grownups talk. Go see if Spongebob is on.
Cuz you're an oblivious, no credibility, nut.:lol::cuckoo:

There ARE Atheists in our TEA Party, among the others, THE MAJORITY who really DO want the Constitution, small government, fiscal sanity to come 1st. :lol:

Wow. You totally missed his point, didn't you?
I'm a conservative libertarian. I share many of the same concerns as the Tea Party. That being said, this reminds me of the religious right. Each election season, the religious right would rise up with their list of demands and Republicans would pay lip service to their ideals in order to get their votes and get elected. They needed the significant weight of that voting bloc to assure a win. Then they got abandoned on the back side. How many of the religious right's agenda has come to fruition since they were used and abused going all the way back to Reagan? The Tea Party is the new Religious Right as far as a useful fringe voting bloc. As much as I'd like to see lower taxes, smaller government, less entitelment, etc., I just don't see it happening.

It's a good comparison, both in the level of fervor the "Tea Party" members have and in how they will be discarded by the GOP.

It's also a good comparison because, like the Religious Right, the Tea Party overstates it's clout and importance.
Cuz you're an oblivious, no credibility, nut.:lol::cuckoo:

There ARE Atheists in our TEA Party, among the others, THE MAJORITY who really DO want the Constitution, small government, fiscal sanity to come 1st. :lol:

Wow. You totally missed his point, didn't you?

He's a teenaged kid living at home with his mama trying to imitate his talk radio heroes. He thinks pwning people on the interwebs is a personal accomplishment. So far all he has managed to do is impress everyone with his superior stoopidity.
Cuz you're an oblivious, no credibility, nut.:lol::cuckoo:

There ARE Atheists in our TEA Party, among the others, THE MAJORITY who really DO want the Constitution, small government, fiscal sanity to come 1st. :lol:

Wow. You totally missed his point, didn't you?

He's a teenaged kid living at home with his mama trying to imitate his talk radio heroes. He thinks pwning people on the interwebs is a personal accomplishment. So far all he has managed to do is impress everyone with his superior stoopidity.

You may have a point.....

Putting the screen names of posters you perceived to have "pwned" in your signature basically screams: "I am a fucking retard".
I'm a conservative libertarian. I share many of the same concerns as the Tea Party. That being said, this reminds me of the religious right. Each election season, the religious right would rise up with their list of demands and Republicans would pay lip service to their ideals in order to get their votes and get elected. They needed the significant weight of that voting bloc to assure a win. Then they got abandoned on the back side. How many of the religious right's agenda has come to fruition since they were used and abused going all the way back to Reagan? The Tea Party is the new Religious Right as far as a useful fringe voting bloc. As much as I'd like to see lower taxes, smaller government, less entitelment, etc., I just don't see it happening.

It's a good comparison, both in the level of fervor the "Tea Party" members have and in how they will be discarded by the GOP.

It's also a good comparison because, like the Religious Right, the Tea Party overstates it's clout and importance.

Which Republicans have won national elections without evangelicals or conservatives? Gerry Ford? Bob Dole? John McCain?
Which Republicans have won national elections without evangelicals or conservatives? Gerry Ford? Bob Dole? John McCain?

It's hard to tell isn't it? The evangelicals always make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. When the candidate wins, they claim it was because they supported them. When they lose, they claim it's because they didn't.

In the end, I doubt it. If the evangelicals had that much clout, John McCain et. al would never have won the primary to begin win.

There is a reason Jimmy Dobson didn't endorse anyone in the GOP primary. He knew he couldn't swing the election and didn't want to tip his hand that he doesn't have the clout he claims to have.
Wow. You totally missed his point, didn't you?

He's a teenaged kid living at home with his mama trying to imitate his talk radio heroes. He thinks pwning people on the interwebs is a personal accomplishment. So far all he has managed to do is impress everyone with his superior stoopidity.

You may have a point.....

Putting the screen names of posters you perceived to have "pwned" in your signature basically screams: "I am a fucking retard".

Or that you're a zombified dittohead that blindly follows Limbaugh and Beck, proudly parroting what they say, KNOWING for a FACT, that because you heard it on the EIB Network or FAUX Nooze, it's gospel.
I'm a conservative libertarian. I share many of the same concerns as the Tea Party. That being said, this reminds me of the religious right. Each election season, the religious right would rise up with their list of demands and Republicans would pay lip service to their ideals in order to get their votes and get elected. They needed the significant weight of that voting bloc to assure a win. Then they got abandoned on the back side. How many of the religious right's agenda has come to fruition since they were used and abused going all the way back to Reagan? The Tea Party is the new Religious Right as far as a useful fringe voting bloc. As much as I'd like to see lower taxes, smaller government, less entitelment, etc., I just don't see it happening.

Your points and concerns are valid ones. I must say many people share the same sentiments.

However....There's something about the Tea Party movement that is different.
Regular people, in massive numbers, started it, and have stuck with it, and realize that if they don't stick with it, things will get worse.

Now, much the same can be said about other political movements. But, those movements are usually 'issues' oriented. The Tea Party is oriented on what is constitutionally correct for the country, and those things will always remain steadfast and true.

What I see the Tea Party doing, with the "uncomfortable" notions about Huckabee, is to "weed out" what has been tried before, and failed.

That's Huck to a "T"...And many others as well.

Does James Dobson speak for all evangelicals?

Dobson...The man who said he wouldn't support Fred Thompson because he didnt "act Christian enough".


That's a generous interpretation of the act.

He didn't support Fred Thompson, because he knew that he couldn't swing the election for Thompson and reveal that he's not the "king maker" he has convinced everyone he is.

If you buy the "not Christian enough" B.S., you are gullible.
Does James Dobson speak for all evangelicals?

Dobson...The man who said he wouldn't support Fred Thompson because he didnt "act Christian enough".


That's a generous interpretation of the act.

He didn't support Fred Thompson, because he knew that he couldn't swing the election for Thompson and reveal that he's not the "king maker" he has convinced everyone he is.

If you buy the "not Christian enough" B.S., you are gullible.

In truth, I "buy" both arguments...That Dobson didn't like the "degree" to which Thompson "acted Christian", AND, that he (Dobson) couldn't be "king-maker".


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