The Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism

Was the Boston Tea Party an act of terrorism?

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Those loyalist were here much longer than many rebels. They made the colony what it was at the time. Your views on colonial American and early USA history are stuck at the Junior High School level.

Snitchy? :auiqs.jpg: Some of the most celebrated arguments came from Colonists who later broke with the rebels over going against the Sovereign. They were loyalists, yet the rebels incited groups using the arguments of those very loyalists.
"Some of the most celebrated arguments came from Colonists who later broke with the rebels over going against the Sovereign. They were loyalists, yet the rebels incited groups using the arguments of those very loyalists."

Zubly, is one.
Ha! Dante is not.

I have a hobby of reading scholarly works and serious history of the colonies in North America leading up to and a bit after the so-called American revolution, which for my family with roots going back to the 1600s there is really a civil war.

I see neighbors, friends, relatives being turned on each other. Fuck that war between the states shit later on. The American revolution was the first civil war for Americans. Yes, we were called Americans long before the 1770s.

go back to teaching a Junior High School civic class, feeling like that makes you an educated scholar on anything.

I don't teach Jr High. What do you teach, bullshitter?
The Tea Party as it is called, was not an act carried out in a vacuum. It is convenient to look at it as an isolated act, thereby giving it the illusion of mere vandalism. But...

Terrorism is an attack on people
Vandalism is an attack on property
I don't teach Jr High. What do you teach, bullshitter?
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A horde of White men disguised themselves as Native Americans — coppering their faces and donning headdresses in the same tradition that would lead to blackfaced minstrel shows decades later — to commit seditious conspiracy and destroy private property. The riotous mob trespassed on three ships and destroyed goods worth nearly $2 million in today’s money — all because they didn’t want to obey a duly passed law.
I love this article, if for nothing else that it speaks truths, while asking serious questions

More Vandalism than Terrorism
The Tea Party as it is called, was not an act carried out in a vacuum. It is convenient to look at it as an isolated act, thereby giving it the illusion of mere vandalism. But...

"Terrorism is an attack on people. Vandalism is an attack on property." rightwinger

And vandalism happens during acts of terrorism. As I previously wrote, The Tea Party as it is called, was not an act carried out in a vacuum. It is convenient to look at it as an isolated act, thereby giving it the illusion of mere vandalism. But...

Lesson One: Zubly

Hang? Why hang? Because.. declaring open rebellion is treason, by any true definition of the term.

"The punishment for treason , as every member of Congress knew, was death by hanging." - McCullough

"The Declaration of Independence served as the point of no return for the members of the Continental Congress. Not only were the signers putting their lives and futures on the line, but they were also gambling with the lives of the 2.5 million colonists. Declaring open rebellion against the most powerful empire on earth, these men signed their "John Hancock's" to the Declaration of Independence. One of the signers of this document, Benjamin Franklin stated in earnest, "We must all hang together or, assuredly we shall all hang separately.""

and Zubly? What the so-called patriots -- the colonists did to him was disgraceful. But they wanted, desired, coveted his land and fortunes.
A horde of White men disguised themselves as Native Americans — coppering their faces and donning headdresses in the same tradition that would lead to blackfaced minstrel shows decades later — to commit seditious conspiracy and destroy private property. The riotous mob trespassed on three ships and destroyed goods worth nearly $2 million in today’s money — all because they didn’t want to obey a duly passed law.
I love this article, if for nothing else that it speaks truths, while asking serious questions

Fact is only the tea was destroyed. The lock broken to get in the hold was replaced by the Colonists the next day.

If destroying property is terrorism, then why are the statue vandals and rioters of Antifa and blm not in prison for life?
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