Poland to double the size of its military, makes it ready for Asiatic Muscovite horde attack


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Poland to double the size of its military, makes it ready for Asiatic Muscovite horde attack​

Good for Poland, they're right to be protective of their independence considering their history. When Poland gets nervous you know things are getting real. I like to see this, I would love if other countries in EU went the same route, EU is still relatively weak for how many people a wealth it possesses , people here are too comfortable and that makes us an easy target for Muscovite oriental barbarians!

Poland to double the size of its military, makes it ready for Asiatic Muscovite horde attack​

Good for Poland, they're right to be protective of their independence considering their history. When Poland gets nervous you know things are getting real. I like to see this, I would love if other countries in EU went the same route, EU is still relatively weak for how many people a wealth it possesses , people here are too comfortable and that makes us an easy target for Muscovite oriental barbarians!

sheeeesh Lit-----you are scaring me------so glad jews left (one way or the other)
sheeeesh Lit-----you are scaring me------so glad jews left (one way or the other)

not really, at least 100 000 Jews live in Belarus, more than 100 000 Jews live in Ukraine , many Jews live in Muscovy and Poland


Poland just has shit luck, don't they?

Bij bolszewika! - (Polish Anti-Soviet Song)​

With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher

At first, it would be cool if the Poles had managed to solve the migrant issue on the Belorussian border without help from the EU.
Dude, Russia is no longer Comnunist. You act like the USSR is still a thing. They are more capitalistic, with authoritarian tendencies. They are probably more of a super power NOW than they were when they were the USSR. They are NOT to be fucked with. NATO or not, Poland is mincemeat if Russia invades.
Dude, Russia is no longer Comnunist.
Dude, Russia is no longer Comnunist.,
right , its a stalinist (populist - fascist ) empire

Vladimir Putin's Russia is rehabilitating Stalin. We must not let ...

https://www.theguardian.com › commentisfree › jul › v...


10 Jul 2019 — Vladimir Putin's rise to power came accompanied by a new version of patriotism relying on “heroic” and “bright” aspects of the Soviet past. An ...

Why Is Stalin's Popularity On the Rise? - The Moscow Times

https://www.themoscowtimes.com › Opinion

23 Jul 2021 — In May 2021, 56 percent of Russians polled by the independent Levada Center agreed that Stalin was a “great leader” — double the figure in 2016, ...
At first, it would be cool if the Poles had managed to solve the migrant issue on the Belorussian border without help from the EU.

At first, it would be cool if the Poles had managed to solve your old - sovok spelling issue, edit for you : Belarus
Poland /EU handle it easy... , and Putin will pay ....

At first, it would be cool if the Poles had managed to solve your old - sovok spelling issue, edit for you : Belarus
Poland /EU handle it easy... , and Putin will pay ....

Belorussia or Belarus, that doesn't matter. It will become a part of Russia anyway. Okay, not Russia per se, but Moscow governed union.
Dude, Russia is no longer Comnunist.,
right , its a stalinist (populist - fascist ) empire

Vladimir Putin's Russia is rehabilitating Stalin. We must not let ...

https://www.theguardian.com › commentisfree › jul › v...

View attachment 568723

10 Jul 2019 — Vladimir Putin's rise to power came accompanied by a new version of patriotism relying on “heroic” and “bright” aspects of the Soviet past. An ...

Why Is Stalin's Popularity On the Rise? - The Moscow Times

https://www.themoscowtimes.com › Opinion

23 Jul 2021 — In May 2021, 56 percent of Russians polled by the independent Levada Center agreed that Stalin was a “great leader” — double the figure in 2016, ...

It's Soviet Patriotism, not communism. What made the Soviet Union "great". If you've never watched it, I would highly suggest watching the 1984 version of the Soviet National Anthem on YouTube. The lyrics, are undoubtedly communist and Leninist in Nature, but watch the footage... It's of the Soviet Military, Lumberman, Miners, Drillers, Soldiers, Cosmonauts, Farmers, Sailors, Doctors, all "unified" as one people under the red banner. I am a right wing Conservative, as anti-soviet as one can get! But you can FEEL the patriotism and National Pride oozing from that footage. That is what Putin is trying to recreate.

Putin is actually a genius, more than what people like you and I would give him credit for. To instill a national pride like he has done using soviet heroes of old like Yuri Gagarin, Vasily Zeitzeh, etc. is a good idea.

What he is doing is no different than what I wish we could be doing. Instilling National Pride with heroes like Washington and Jefferson, Lee and Grant, Roosevelt and Kennedy, Reagan and Patton. I wish we were half as patriotic as the Russians are right now. We would be so much better off.
Last time the Polish Calvary charged into the Panzers - just sayn...

Polish cavalry never charged tanks:

"The cavalrymen did as Mastalerz ordered, thundering through the ranks of surprised German infantrymen and wreaking havoc with their sabers and lances, effectively breaking up and scattering the infantrymen, most of whom fled into the woods. The Poles, however, had little time to rejoice in their victory, for German armored cars suddenly appeared and began pouring machine gun fire into the ranks of the Polish cavalry."

"The Polish horsemen, totally exposed in the clearing, tried to gallop away, but swathes of them were cut down by machine gun fire before they could escape. Over a third of them fell to German machine gun fire from the armored cars, which were likely Leichter Panzerspähwagens or Schwerer Panzerspähwagens."


"The next day the Germans, upon viewing the battlefield strewn with the corpses of Polish cavalrymen and horses, figured that they had just been presented with a fantastic opportunity to create some propaganda that would greatly help their campaign."

"They brought some German war correspondents and Italian journalists to the battlefield, showed them the corpses of the Polish cavalrymen and horses, and spun a tall tale about how the foolhardy Poles had charged a Panzer tank division – and how they had, in their reckless stubbornness to cling to obsolete traditions, been wiped out by the superior technological might of the German war machine.'

"The fabricated story was an instant hit: all across the world, people were soon talking about the hopelessly brave but suicidally foolish Polish cavalrymen who had tried to charge a German tank division while mounted on horseback and armed only with lances and swords."

It's Soviet Patriotism, not communism. What made the Soviet Union "great". If you've never watched it, I would highly suggest watching the 1984 version of the Soviet National Anthem on YouTube. The lyrics, are undoubtedly communist and Leninist in Nature, but watch the footage... It's of the Soviet Military, Lumberman, Miners, Drillers, Soldiers, Cosmonauts, Farmers, Sailors, Doctors, all "unified" as one people under the red banner. I am a right wing Conservative, as anti-soviet as one can get! But you can FEEL the patriotism and National Pride oozing from that footage. That is what Putin is trying to recreate.

Putin is actually a genius, more than what people like you and I would give him credit for. To instill a national pride like he has done using soviet heroes of old like Yuri Gagarin, Vasily Zeitzeh, etc. is a good idea.

What he is doing is no different than what I wish we could be doing. Instilling National Pride with heroes like Washington and Jefferson, Lee and Grant, Roosevelt and Kennedy, Reagan and Patton. I wish we were half as patriotic as the Russians are right now. We would be so much better off.
I have a qestion , do you have any blood connection to Muscovite horde ?


Poland does great economically , thats why Muscovite horde (in never ending recession from 2013) wants to destroy and rape Poland again

Belorussia or Belarus,
"Belorussia" or Belarus, of cos It does , buy a map if you don't have one, but you are too old to learn the new tricks , keep humiliating yourself
It's Soviet Patriotism, not communism. What made the Soviet Union "great". If you've never watched it, I would highly suggest watching the 1984 version of the Soviet National Anthem on YouTube. The lyrics, are undoubtedly communist and Leninist in Nature, but watch the footage... It's of the Soviet Military, Lumberman, Miners, Drillers, Soldiers, Cosmonauts, Farmers, Sailors, Doctors, all "unified" as one people under the red banner. I am a right wing Conservative, as anti-soviet as one can get! But you can FEEL the patriotism and National Pride oozing from that footage. That is what Putin is trying to recreate.

Putin is actually a genius, more than what people like you and I would give him credit for. To instill a national pride like he has done using soviet heroes of old like Yuri Gagarin, Vasily Zeitzeh, etc. is a good idea.

What he is doing is no different than what I wish we could be doing. Instilling National Pride with heroes like Washington and Jefferson, Lee and Grant, Roosevelt and Kennedy, Reagan and Patton. I wish we were half as patriotic as the Russians are right now. We would be so much better off.
There was no USSR, there was Russia and the territories occupied by Russia which was laughably labeled the "Union" of Soviet Socialist Republics. No Baltic or European nation every willingly "joined" the "Union".
There was no USSR, there was Russia and the territories occupied by Russia which was laughably labeled the "Union" of Soviet Socialist Republics. No Baltic or European nation every willingly "joined" the "Union".
"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501
In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062

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