Poland's Walesa calls for 'system change' in Moscow empire, this time Europe (civilization) got it right


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Poland's Walesa calls for 'system change' in Moscow empire

international cooperation to bring about "system change" in Russia following the jailing of opposition figure Alexei Navalny.

A former leader of the Solidarity labour movement that brought a peaceful end to communism in Poland in 1989, Walesa called Navalny a "hero" who could one day win a Nobel Peace Prize.


"He doesn't have a Nobel (peace) prize yet, but he'll deserve one ....

Walesa said if he had a chance to speak to the 44-year-old anti-corruption campaigner he would tell him to follow his communist-era example and fight the system.

"I felt that it wasn't the people who were to blame, but the system which allows for bad behaviour on the part of leaders. And that's something you can see in Russia," Walesa said.

"We shouldn’t be fighting against (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, specific individuals, or the police. Instead, we should be fighting for a new system that would preclude this kind of behaviour," he said.




BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday condemned Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny’s conviction and sentencing to three and a half years’ prison as lawless and demanded an end to violence against peaceful protesters in Russia.

“The verdict against Alexei Navalny is far from any rule of law standards. Navalny must be released at once,” she was quoted as saying in a Tweet by her official spokesman.

“Violence against peaceful demonstrators must stop,” she added.


""We shouldn’t be fighting against (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, specific individuals, or the police. Instead, we should be fighting for a new system " +1. with other words we have to remove Moscow´s Genghisid (imperial ) head not just the pathetic bunker - khan Vovka Putin

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