Police are being abused and treated poorly. Recently a two cops were demoted for doing a good job


Gold Member
May 28, 2020
It's disgusting that we are treating our police officers this way. These officers put their lives on the lines arresting these two dangerous criminals, and as a reward for their hard work they are reprimanded. Shameful! I don't want to live in a world in which people are allowed to be disrespectful to police officers, or a where police are punished when they smack down people who are disrespectful for them. Police should have every right to arrest people who upset them.

i like cats. but the part of satirizing trumptards is adequately filled.
It's disgusting that we are treating our police officers this way. These officers put their lives on the lines arresting these two dangerous criminals, and as a reward for their hard work they are reprimanded. Shameful! I don't want to live in a world in which people are allowed to be disrespectful to police officers, or a where police are punished when they smack down people who are disrespectful for them. Police should have every right to arrest people who upset them.

Fuck those tyrants.

People should have come out of their houses and killed them both.
You leftist dolts all get what you deserve for demonizing cops and allinging with leftist terrorist groups
where police are punished when they smack down people who are disrespectful for them. Police should have every right to arrest people who upset them.
You just get more cops killed on duty when you cultivate an attitude like that.

I am all for the 2nd amendment, but it it should only apply to people who are registered republicans, and who pay taxes on at least $75,000 of income a year. It should be illegal for the criminals and other undesirables from owning firearms, and if caught there should be life prison sentences.
where police are punished when they smack down people who are disrespectful for them. Police should have every right to arrest people who upset them.
You just get more cops killed on duty when you cultivate an attitude like that.

I am all for the 2nd amendment, but it it should only apply to people who are registered republicans, and who pay taxes on at least $75,000 of income a year. It should be illegal for the criminals and other undesirables from owning firearms, and if caught there should be life prison sentences.
Fuck life in prison, those caught should be shot by a firing squad, and i volunteer my time and my ammo to do the job right.. I would have no guilt putting a prog 6 feet under, which is the proper distance for social distancing....
It's disgusting that we are treating our police officers this way. These officers put their lives on the lines arresting these two dangerous criminals, and as a reward for their hard work they are reprimanded. Shameful! I don't want to live in a world in which people are allowed to be disrespectful to police officers, or a where police are punished when they smack down people who are disrespectful for them. Police should have every right to arrest people who upset them.

Fuck those tyrants.

People should have come out of their houses and killed them both.

The father had 18 years to teach his son the correct way to behave when pulled over by the police. He failed miserably. The father is 100% the source of his son’s misfortunes and demonstrates it through his own aggressive behavior and disrespectful mouth. All these videos start the same way: atypical social behavior by citizens that feel the need to be contrary. It ALL stems from their embedded anger and hatred of police and the American way of life. They were both given direct orders, and they refused to obey. That is why they were arrested.
It's disgusting that we are treating our police officers this way. These officers put their lives on the lines arresting these two dangerous criminals, and as a reward for their hard work they are reprimanded. Shameful! I don't want to live in a world in which people are allowed to be disrespectful to police officers, or a where police are punished when they smack down people who are disrespectful for them. Police should have every right to arrest people who upset them.

Fuck those tyrants.

People should have come out of their houses and killed them both.

The father had 18 years to teach his son the correct way to behave when pulled over by the police. He failed miserably. The father is 100% the source of his son’s misfortunes and demonstrates it through his own aggressive behavior and disrespectful mouth. All these videos start the same way: atypical social behavior by citizens that feel the need to be contrary. It ALL stems from their embedded anger and hatred of police and the American way of life. They were both given direct orders, and they refused to obey. That is why they were arrested.

They are not obligated to obey unlawful orders.
This is supposed to be a free country.

Those 2 halfwit cops are everything wrong with American law enforcement.
The cops just need to start respecting the law and things like this don't happen.
atypical social behavior
Peer pressure much? Gotta do the drugs like all the other lefties to fit in with the crowd?
police and the American way of life
The cops gotta go bye-bye, man, and we’ve got to stick to our guns for the American way of life.
direct orders, and they refused to obey. That is why they were arrested.
The cops are not our commanding officers, and we’re not being paid to follow their orders.
They should be fired.

Its out of control cops like these two idiots that give police a bad name.
I don't want to live in a world in which people are allowed to be disrespectful to police officers, or a where police are punished when they smack down people who are disrespectful for them.

There is no police power to 'smack down' anyone who is disrespectful to a police officer. There is no law that requires anyone to treat a police officer with respect.

For the most part, police don't give a fetid dingo's kidney if you respect them or not. You aren't required to respect them. You are, legally, required to comply with their lawful orders.
It's disgusting that we are treating our police officers this way. These officers put their lives on the lines arresting these two dangerous criminals, and as a reward for their hard work they are reprimanded. Shameful!

Then they should ac t professionally. These cretins didn't...

I don't want to live in a world in which people are allowed to be disrespectful to police officers, or a where police are punished when they smack down people who are disrespectful for them.

I don't want to live in a world in which there are retards like you but, hey, here we are...

Police should have every right to arrest people who upset them.

Aw, does your vagina hurt?

The only people being disrespectful in that video were the idiot cops.

Dude was standing on the sidewalk and the cops did that? They need to be fired, and the city needs to come across with some significant financial compensation for the guy on the sidewalk, if not for the driver of the car. These cops are fucking pinheads and need to be shown the door, and the moron with the pepper spray needs to face assault charges...
I stand with the police !!
Blm and Antifa need to be wiped out like Isis

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