Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

According to witnesses Michael Brown was shot in the back as he was running away.

There are no gunshots to the back only to the front. Which is correct the witnesses or the evidence?

From the witnesses I read, none of them actually said that he appeared to be shot in the back. They all state that there was a shot fired while his back was turned, THEN he turned around, and put his hands in the air and started walking back. They all pretty much agree on that fact.

They were wrong. Weren't they?
According to witnesses Michael Brown was shot in the back as he was running away.

There are no gunshots to the back only to the front. Which is correct the witnesses or the evidence?

From the witnesses I read, none of them actually said that he appeared to be shot in the back. They all state that there was a shot fired while his back was turned, THEN he turned around, and put his hands in the air and started walking back. They all pretty much agree on that fact.
No they don't a witness testified Brown did not raise his arms past his waist and then he headed back towards the cop. Having already assaulted the cop once trying to take his firearm and not obeying orders to stop and get on the ground the cop had every right to fire.
According to witnesses Michael Brown was shot in the back as he was running away.

There are no gunshots to the back only to the front. Which is correct the witnesses or the evidence?
Which witness?
If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense. People can and do kill others with their bare hands all the time. If that is what happened in this case in Ferguson then Wilson was justified. I'm not convinced that's the case, but I wasn't there to witness it and there is no video evidence of the attack. While I'm skeptical that Wilson was right in shooting Brown, were I sitting on a jury and presented with the exact same facts that I know right now I wouldn't be able to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt.

I agree with this. Thank you for setting me straight. After reading all the witness reports, my comment was never a question of whether or not he should be charged with anything. It was more to the point of whether he should keep his job.

I too don't know enough to clearly judge if he is guilty. But I can see from the multiple witness testimony that this misunderstanding should have never ended in the death of a young teen if this cop was a professional.

Protect and Serve?

My ass. . .
Fair enough.

I didn't know what I was talking about. I apologize. I never followed the incident closely enough to care. lol I just read the MOD message and was set straight. Usually MSM news and events are meant to stir up public outrage and cause and outpouring of cries for more authority of the police state.

I saw the testimony of the other kid involved and this incident just sounds awful.

Still, all in all, I maintain that the cop should probably be fired. The use of deadly force was not warranted. Where was Brown going to go after the struggle, seriously? Run to Mexico with a bullet in the arm? Wilson had winged him. He was going to turn up in a healthcare facility nearby, weakened and in terrible pain. After cooler heads prevailed, and an APB had been issued, Brown would have been brought in.

They caught the other kid you know. It's just a case of lousy police work that has caused more racial tension and further militarization of the police.

Never did I say Wilson needs to be charged with anything. I only maintained that this guy needs to go. He doesn't have the temperament or the cool head needed to be a officer of the law.

He didnt run away he attacked. Thats what got the kid killed.
Had he followed the officers instructions he would be alive today.

According to witnesses and the other kid, he did run away after the police officer harassed them, and after he had already been shot once.
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Witnesses Tiffany Mitchell Piaget Crenshaw detail Michael Brown shooting journalists detained - The Global Dispatch

I could go on, there's more, but you have already made up your mind, haven't you?

Not how it happened. You just admitted to not following the story closely and you want to call into question how it happened when the forensic evidence and the only true eyewitness saw it point to it being a good shoot.
Get back to me when you've "followed a little closer"
I just read everything. . . .

You have in your mind it happened one way, the eye witnesses and autopsy report disagree with what you have in your mind. What else is there to say? I just posted the Some of the links I have read. Do you want to post something else for me to refer to? Or is it TV propaganda and talk radio that you have been listening to that you can't refer me to?
You didn't read everything. Really, what's your point in even being in this thread?
At this point? I AM the thread.
If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense. People can and do kill others with their bare hands all the time. If that is what happened in this case in Ferguson then Wilson was justified. I'm not convinced that's the case, but I wasn't there to witness it and there is no video evidence of the attack. While I'm skeptical that Wilson was right in shooting Brown, were I sitting on a jury and presented with the exact same facts that I know right now I wouldn't be able to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt.

I agree with this. Thank you for setting me straight. After reading all the witness reports, my comment was never a question of whether or not he should be charged with anything. It was more to the point of whether he should keep his job.

I too don't know enough to clearly judge if he is guilty. But I can see from the multiple witness testimony that this misunderstanding should have never ended in the death of a young teen if this cop was a professional.

Protect and Serve?

My ass. . .
Stop trolling...
Fair enough.

I didn't know what I was talking about. I apologize. I never followed the incident closely enough to care. lol I just read the MOD message and was set straight. Usually MSM news and events are meant to stir up public outrage and cause and outpouring of cries for more authority of the police state.

I saw the testimony of the other kid involved and this incident just sounds awful.

Still, all in all, I maintain that the cop should probably be fired. The use of deadly force was not warranted. Where was Brown going to go after the struggle, seriously? Run to Mexico with a bullet in the arm? Wilson had winged him. He was going to turn up in a healthcare facility nearby, weakened and in terrible pain. After cooler heads prevailed, and an APB had been issued, Brown would have been brought in.

They caught the other kid you know. It's just a case of lousy police work that has caused more racial tension and further militarization of the police.

Never did I say Wilson needs to be charged with anything. I only maintained that this guy needs to go. He doesn't have the temperament or the cool head needed to be a officer of the law.

The encounter between Michael Brown, Dorian Johnson, and Darren Wilson took place on August 9, 2014, in the 2900 block of Canfield Drive, in the middle of the Canfield Green Apartment complex.[26]

At 12:01 p.m. Wilson drove up to Brown and Johnson and ordered them to move off the street and onto the sidewalk.[27][11][28][29][30] A struggle then took place between Brown and Wilson through the window of the police SUV, a Chevrolet Tahoe.[31] Wilson's gun was fired twice during the struggle with one bullet hitting Brown's arm while it was inside the vehicle.[31] Brown broke free of Wilson's grasp and he and Johnson fled away from the vehicle and Johnson hid behind a car.[32] Wilson got out of the vehicle and pursued Brown, striking him with at least six shots[11] and fatally wounding him. Brown was unarmed.[26]

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said the day after the shooting that Brown died approximately 35 feet (11 m) from the police vehicle.[27][33] According to CNN, documents show that less than three minutes passed from the time Wilson encountered Brown to the time of Brown's death.[34]

He didnt run away he attacked. Thats what got the kid killed.
Had he followed the officers instructions he would be alive today.

According to witnesses and the other kid, he did run away after the police officer harassed them, and after he had already been shot once.
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Witnesses Tiffany Mitchell Piaget Crenshaw detail Michael Brown shooting journalists detained - The Global Dispatch

I could go on, there's more, but you have already made up your mind, haven't you?

Not how it happened. You just admitted to not following the story closely and you want to call into question how it happened when the forensic evidence and the only true eyewitness saw it point to it being a good shoot.
Get back to me when you've "followed a little closer"
I just read everything. . . .

You have in your mind it happened one way, the eye witnesses and autopsy report disagree with what you have in your mind. What else is there to say? I just posted the Some of the links I have read. Do you want to post something else for me to refer to? Or is it TV propaganda and talk radio that you have been listening to that you can't refer me to?

You're full of shit. The autopsy and the forensic evidence points to exactly what happened.
Officer Wilson rolled up on the two dimwits and tried to get out of his SUV. Dirt Nap then slammed the door on officer Wilson and then reached into the SUV and tried for Wilsons weapon at which point Wilson fired twice missing once and hitting Dirt Nap in the arm with one.
At this point Dirt Nap turns to run but officer Wilson gets out of his SUV and draws down on Dirt Nap and tells him to stop.
Had Dirt Nap listened to Wilson and got down on the ground he would have likely survived the encounter.
But instead he advances on officer Wilson and taunts him,having already experienced Dirt Naps violent side officer Wilson was not going to let him continue to advance.
And you know the rest of the story.
If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense. People can and do kill others with their bare hands all the time. If that is what happened in this case in Ferguson then Wilson was justified. I'm not convinced that's the case, but I wasn't there to witness it and there is no video evidence of the attack. While I'm skeptical that Wilson was right in shooting Brown, were I sitting on a jury and presented with the exact same facts that I know right now I wouldn't be able to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt.

I agree with this. Thank you for setting me straight. After reading all the witness reports, my comment was never a question of whether or not he should be charged with anything. It was more to the point of whether he should keep his job.

I too don't know enough to clearly judge if he is guilty. But I can see from the multiple witness testimony that this misunderstanding should have never ended in the death of a young teen if this cop was a professional.

Protect and Serve?

My ass. . .
He didnt run away he attacked. Thats what got the kid killed.
Had he followed the officers instructions he would be alive today.

According to witnesses and the other kid, he did run away after the police officer harassed them, and after he had already been shot once.
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Witnesses Tiffany Mitchell Piaget Crenshaw detail Michael Brown shooting journalists detained - The Global Dispatch

I could go on, there's more, but you have already made up your mind, haven't you?

Not how it happened. You just admitted to not following the story closely and you want to call into question how it happened when the forensic evidence and the only true eyewitness saw it point to it being a good shoot.
Get back to me when you've "followed a little closer"
I just read everything. . . .

You have in your mind it happened one way, the eye witnesses and autopsy report disagree with what you have in your mind. What else is there to say? I just posted the Some of the links I have read. Do you want to post something else for me to refer to? Or is it TV propaganda and talk radio that you have been listening to that you can't refer me to?
You didn't read everything. Really, what's your point in even being in this thread?
At this point? I AM the thread.

Right or wrong huh?
That won't happen either. He is finished in the St Louis area and probably Illinois as well.

He's finished because if he hangs around the protesters are likely to murder him.

He's finished because no matter where he goes the problem he created for himself will follow, as it should.

Too bad he couldn't have stopped himself after the first shot when Michael Brown was wounded and tried to run away. But Wilson's stupidity took place of sound judgment and police training.
If Brown had not turned and charged at Wilson he would be alive today. If he had just kept running.
That won't happen either. He is finished in the St Louis area and probably Illinois as well.

He's finished because if he hangs around the protesters are likely to murder him.

He's finished because no matter where he goes the problem he created for himself will follow, as it should.

Too bad he couldn't have stopped himself after the first shot when Michael Brown was wounded and tried to run away. But Wilson's stupidity took place of sound judgment and police training.

Sound police training doesn't train to shoot to wound stupid. LEO are trained to fire until the threat is suppressed. Now, granted in the military we were trained 2 in the chest 1 in the head, but regular police don't fire as often or train as hard as military police.
A video always trumps a police officer trying to cover his ass to a grand jury.

That video does not show anything except a supposed witness, one that has been called into question by another witness that stated Brown never raised his hands and that he could not tell what he said.

Really? Want to post a link to that? You didn't because you can't.

Immediately after the shooting there were many people who didn't have the time to convene and conspire and create a story, they all just said exactly what is depicted in that video: Brown turned around with his hands up but Wilson just kept on firing.
A video always trumps a police officer trying to cover his ass to a grand jury.

That video does not show anything except a supposed witness, one that has been called into question by another witness that stated Brown never raised his hands and that he could not tell what he said.

Really? Want to post a link to that? You didn't because you can't.

Immediately after the shooting there were many people who didn't have the time to convene and conspire and create a story, they all just said exactly what is depicted in that video: Brown turned around with his hands up but Wilson just kept on firing.

You know what eyewitness testimony means to an investigation? Almost nothing.
That won't happen either. He is finished in the St Louis area and probably Illinois as well.

He's finished because if he hangs around the protesters are likely to murder him.

He's finished because no matter where he goes the problem he created for himself will follow, as it should.

Too bad he couldn't have stopped himself after the first shot when Michael Brown was wounded and tried to run away. But Wilson's stupidity took place of sound judgment and police training.

Sound police training doesn't train to shoot to wound stupid. LEO are trained to fire until the threat is suppressed. Now, granted in the military we were trained 2 in the chest 1 in the head, but regular police don't fire as often or train as hard as military police.

So police training is to be judge and jury? Who is stupid here? Police officers' duty is to apprehend and let the courts decide.

"...we in the military..." Oh fuck off, phony keyboard asshole.

A video always trumps a police officer trying to cover his ass to a grand jury.

That video does not show anything except a supposed witness, one that has been called into question by another witness that stated Brown never raised his hands and that he could not tell what he said.

Really? Want to post a link to that? You didn't because you can't.

Immediately after the shooting there were many people who didn't have the time to convene and conspire and create a story, they all just said exactly what is depicted in that video: Brown turned around with his hands up but Wilson just kept on firing.

You know what eyewitness testimony means to an investigation? Almost nothing.

Eyewitness testimony is the same as video? Fascinating.

The people in this video were spontaneously filmed at the incident took place.

You're not as smart as a bear, much less an average one.
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