Police Chief Trafficked 200 Machine Guns, Gets No Jail Time

Already noted and already replied to. Obama was supposed to be better than Bush. As you note, he wasn't. You can't defend a bad program by noting that there was a smaller bad program before this one.
You act as though Obama came up with this program and signed off on it.

It's likely that neither Bush nor Obama did so.

What is more than likely is that the ATF still had at least some of the same people in positions of authority and decided to try one more time.

THAT is the "Deep State"
You act as though Obama came up with this program and signed off on it.

It's likely that neither Bush nor Obama did so.

What is more than likely is that the ATF still had at least some of the same people in positions of authority and decided to try one more time.

THAT is the "Deep State"

Always with the excuses. It all falls in the lap of the President and besides that, Obama didn't have to lie about it.
The Obama administration tops that with over 3,000 illegal weapons shipped to Mex. drug cartels. One of them even surfaced in the murder of a Border patrol Officer but nobody in the Obama administration was arrested or even fired.
Oh I thought you were talking about the one whom was sued by the Fed Gov't because he wouldn't rent to black folks. Do you know him?

Nope, we're talking about the racist you enthusiastically voted for, who doesn't want his white kids anywhere near your black ass. Now get back in the "jungle", where Biden says you belong,

Nope, we're talking about the racist you enthusiastically voted for, who doesn't want his white kids anywhere near your black ass. Now get back in the "jungle", where Biden says you belong,

Marvin take a break, you don't have to be an idiot everyday of your life. I guess I should support the white man who didn't want to rent an apartment to black folks or called black mothers bitches.

An ex-Ohio police chief used his badge in a machine gun trafficking scheme aimed at reselling more than 200 weapons of war, prosecutors said.

Federal laws ban the purchase or transfer of fully automatic machine guns unless for law enforcement, an exception LaCourse, 66, exploited.

Working with two federally licensed Indiana gun dealers, LaCourse signed multiple letters that falsely stated the Village of Addyston Police Department wanted to buy different types of machine guns, including military-grade.

Those letters were then sent to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives by co-conspirators Johnathan Marcum, 34, and Christopher Petty, 58, to get the weapons. The two men were supposed to give the department demonstrations with the guns, but never did.

LaCourse also directly ordered German-made machine guns that he said were paid for by his department, but were instead purchased by Marcum and Petty.

The machine guns were resold for five or six times the purchase price, the US Attorney’s Office said

Marcum and Petty pleaded guilty to charges related to the scheme and will be sentenced at a later date.

LaCourse originally faced 17 charges connected to the crime, but ended up pleading guilty to three of them in April, according to Fox 19. Prosecutors sought six years in prison as part of the plea agreement, the television station reported.

I wonder where these machine guns ended up at.

How does this guy get NO prison time? This is a perfect example of how Justice is a privilege in this country.

anyone surprised xiden admin gave no time? likely another obama fast and furious scam
A Democrat elected in a town that votes 92% Republiklan, even you aren't that damn dumb.
Source: your ass

There are no election results available for Addyston alone. Ballots are tabulated by precinct and reported by county.

Hamilton County went 57-41 for Biden.

Addyston is listed as "leaning liberal". Hamilton Co. is listed as "somewhat liberal".

So I feel safe calling your claim bullshit. Have a nice day.

You act as though Obama came up with this program and signed off on it.

It's likely that neither Bush nor Obama did so.

What is more than likely is that the ATF still had at least some of the same people in positions of authority and decided to try one more time.

THAT is the "Deep State"
Of course Obama knew about it and signed off on it. The emails show the WH was getting regular updates.

F&F was overseen by Dennis Burke, who was the US Attorney for Arizona appointed by Obama. Burke was a long time crony of Janet Napolitano, and worked for her when she was the Attorney General and later the Governor of AZ.

When she was made Secretary of Homeland Security, she "recommended" Burke for the top Federal LEO spot in AZ.

Burke has a long history as a gun grabber. Dennis Deconcini credited him with shepherding the Clinton assault weapon ban through the Senate when he was working as a senior policy advisor for Clinton and an aide for the Dems on the Judiciary Cmte.

He later worked with Elena Kagan on the White House Domestic Policy Council, crafting executive orders aimed at strengthening the AWB and the Brady Act.

F&F was nothing like Wide Receiver. Wide Receiver involved less than 50 guns, which had RFID chips implanted with the intent of tracking them. But the traffickers could see the FBI Cessna circling overhead, and they just drove around until the Cessna was bingo fuel. Wide Receiver was also coordinated with the Mexican Federal Police so the ATF and Mexican authorities were on the same page.

WR was a stupid idea that was quickly shut down when it was obviously not going to achieve anything.

F&F went on for 2 years, involved about 2,000 guns (possibly many more), there was no attempt (or intent) to track them, and no coordination with the Mexican Gov't. The sellers were forced by the ATF to sell guns to people they knew were traffickers, at risk of their FFL. They were also forced to sign non-disclosure agreements.

Of course, the guns began to show up at crime scenes in Mexico, and they were traced back to the dealers in Arizona and Texas. The biggest dealer was a US veteran who had a company called Lone Wolf Trading in Phoenix.

Then began the propaganda campaign. Obama, Holder, Clinton, Napolitano all started repeating the talking point- 90% of guns used in crimes in Mexico came from the US. Over and over again, every appearance in front of the camera, a reporter would ask the setup question so they could repeat the talking point.

CNN and the WaPO ran pieces how 185 guns from Lone Wolf Trading were recovered in crime scenes in Mexico, and Lone Wolf Trading was crucified in the media. They couldn't defend themselves without violating the non-disclosure, which would have carried a felony charge as well as loss of the FFL for the business.

Holder and Breur lied to Congress under oath on multiple occasions when it all came out, and had to amend their statements later to avoid a perjury charge. The guy who was the inside man in the White House was whisked off to Iraq so he couldn't be questioned by the DOJIG.

This is just how the Obama administration rolled. They were perfectly willing to sacrifice a few brown lives in the interest of reinstating the assault weapons ban.

To this day, no one has apologized to Mexico.
Really! Post em
All relevant links and exhibits are on Sharyl Attkisson's web site. Remember her? She was fired by CBS for reporting on the story.

I don't think I need to elaborate on the incestuous relationship between CBS and the Obama administration...

I'm not going sort through it ten years later to find something. It's not like anyone ever was, or ever will be held accountable. It's all there, and many more crimes, lies, and deceptions too numerous to list.

She brings the receipts, and names the names.

The email I referred to is the one with a graphic that showed the path of the all the guns as they were trafficked throughout Mexico. You will recognize it when you see it- it looks kind of like an airline route map, except it's for guns and not airplanes...

Here's the start page:

The brilliant thing about the Obama administration is how they were able to bypass every scandal with a new one, and the current one just went away.

Evert time they got caught at something, before anyone could really investigate it was eclipsed by a new scandal.

And Obama would smile at the camera and say "Gee, I heard about it the same time you did- when it was aired on CNN!"

F&F, the IRS targeting, the cover-up of the Benghazi attack, Hillary's emails, it didn't matter. Always "Gee, I learned about it the same time you did!"

He had an email account on Hillary's server, but he didn't even know the server existed!

US media today is exactly the same as Pravda from the USSR era. Completely owned. It's a shame.

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