Police feared a ‘Las Vegas style shooting' during All-Star Game in Denver

Word is, the FBI plant got Covid.
Plants can't catch covid.

Wait, lotsa tRumplings have died of covid, and they're kinda like plants, so maybe they can?
LOLOL..........Covid killed more in NJ, PA, Cali, and NY.....................LOLOL

Are you the one who has more tats than skin freak?
Population density, dumbass. This has been explained to you over and over. Currently almost 100% of covid deaths are among the unvaccinated. Guess who that is?

Also getting tattooed doesn't remove skin, dumbass.
Ohhh you are the one.........................25,000 fucking dollars invested in ink?????......As a financial professional, I've never heard that before. And I started in Regans 1st term

Anyway you said way more people died were cons, well it wasn't...your population density thing is BS.................Miami did it right

You believed Fauci too. Locked up your own loved ones. How many Tat shops went under because of you.lolol

Princess. I'm going to let you wallow in your own defecation now. You really fucked up on the OP..lol
leftist propagandist suggested the victims got what they deserved because it was a country music festival
That didn't happen.

Why do all you conservitards lie so much?
haha of course it did
No, it didn't. Feel free to prove me wrong, though. Post up some evidence. No gateway pundit, though.

CBS VP tweeted: “I’m actually not even sympathetic [because] country music fans often are Republican gun toters,"
Word is, the FBI plant got Covid.
Plants can't catch covid.

Wait, lotsa tRumplings have died of covid, and they're kinda like plants, so maybe they can?
LOLOL..........Covid killed more in NJ, PA, Cali, and NY.....................LOLOL

Are you the one who has more tats than skin freak?
Population density, dumbass. This has been explained to you over and over. Currently almost 100% of covid deaths are among the unvaccinated. Guess who that is?

Also getting tattooed doesn't remove skin, dumbass.
Ohhh you are the one.........................25,000 fucking dollars invested in ink?????......As a financial professional, I've never heard that before. And I started in Regans 1st term

Anyway you said way more people died were cons, well it wasn't...your population density thing is BS.................Miami did it right

You believed Fauci too. Locked up your own loved ones. How many Tat shops went under because of you.lolol

Princess. I'm going to let you wallow in your own defecation now. You really fucked up on the OP..lol
A. It's not like I went and dropped the price of a car on ink yesterday, there's decades of accumulation there.

B. I didn't specify "way more" of anyone. I said "lotsa". I don't think anyone has broken the casualties down by political beliefs.

C. ... I don't know why I bother.
leftist propagandist suggested the victims got what they deserved because it was a country music festival
That didn't happen.

Why do all you conservitards lie so much?
haha of course it did
No, it didn't. Feel free to prove me wrong, though. Post up some evidence. No gateway pundit, though.

CBS VP tweeted: “I’m actually not even sympathetic [because] country music fans often are Republican gun toters,"
Ok, one person in the legal department made a tweet in a private capacity and got fired for it.

That's not "leftist propaganda" saying anything. It's one moron spouting off.

Try again.
Crepitus whites and blacks died of C19..but blacks MURDER at four times the rate
Multiple long guns, a thousand rounds, and one of several suspects posting about how he's gonna "go out in a big way" on Facebook.

Good that someone was paying attention.....now we wait for the NRA types to whine.
It will take a long time to whine. The potential for mass destruction and carnage is endless. There really are no other options. We have a huge balloon that has been growing ever larger and larger that needs relief valves. Artificially made events help to make things almost untenable with the normal things that are grinding on each individual and/or group.
leftist propagandist suggested the victims got what they deserved because it was a country music festival
That didn't happen.

Why do all you conservitards lie so much?
haha of course it did
No, it didn't. Feel free to prove me wrong, though. Post up some evidence. No gateway pundit, though.

CBS VP tweeted: “I’m actually not even sympathetic [because] country music fans often are Republican gun toters,"
Ok, one person in the legal department made a tweet in a private capacity and got fired for it.

That's not "leftist propaganda" saying anything. It's one moron spouting off.

Try again.
a VP at one of the largest media empires in the country…pure propagandist pushing their hate
Anytime someone brings up the Vegas shooting i am reminded of how the leftist propagandist suggested the victims got what they deserved because it was a country music festival and they used the prejudice to assume they were all republicans.

The sick mind of dems…sick
You are such a fucking moron. Please skip the Covid vaccination and spend time amongst as many Trump supporters as you can find.
You are such a fucking moron. Please skip the Covid vaccination and spend time amongst as many Trump supporters as you can find.
You are such a fucking moron. Please skip the Covid vaccination and spend time amongst as many Biden supporters as you can find.
The whole part of charges of possession with intent to distribute sort of put a damper on the narrative. Sounds more like a planned drug rip than a mass shooting. The males were all charged for having the weapons illegally. Not seeing anything that even comes close to what the press is claiming.
Anytime someone brings up the Vegas shooting i am reminded of how the leftist propagandist suggested the victims got what they deserved because it was a country music festival and they used the prejudice to assume they were all republicans.

The sick mind of dems…sick
You are such a fucking moron. Please skip the Covid vaccination and spend time amongst as many Trump supporters as you can find.
i ignored the fearmongering about the vaccine from your dear leader’s campaign and got the vaccine

but your wish to get people sick, that you disagree with echos the hate from the leftist propagandist that enjoyed the death of the victims of the vegas shooting because she believed they were republican

sick stuff

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