Police file Sexual assault charge against female protestor for kissing police helmet

Good grief. I'm amazed at this thread and what it presumes is a crime. Girly men abound world-wide apparently.

So if the police officer kiss the protestor that would be cool with you?

No, because the police are in a position of authority. That would be abuse of that power. It really isn't that hard to grasp these concepts.

So you should be able to assault people in positions of authority?
More cases like this need to arise. The more sexual harassment cases men toss at women, the more the absurdity of the feminist legal system can be exposed
More cases like this need to arise. The more sexual harassment cases men toss at women, the more the absurdity of the feminist legal system can be exposed

You are right if I had been that cop something would have risen :lol:
I see it this way; if a man had done that to a woman, would it be acceptable?

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