Police Murder White Folks Too

Can anyone find the report that adding the number of Blacks Latinos and Asians killed by police
is still less than the number of Whites killed by police?

I found this:
Far More Whites Killed by US Police -

According to the Guardian’s tally, of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.


Not only do these figures show that, in real numbers, more whites are killed by police than blacks, but, when contrasted in proportion to the crime rates of each group, whites are in fact far more likely to be killed by police than any other race, especially when it comes to violent criminal offenses.

Any other sources that can be trusted not to be biased?
Can anyone find the report that adding the number of Blacks Latinos and Asians killed by police
is still less than the number of Whites killed by police?

I found this:
Far More Whites Killed by US Police -

According to the Guardian’s tally, of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.


Not only do these figures show that, in real numbers, more whites are killed by police than blacks, but, when contrasted in proportion to the crime rates of each group, whites are in fact far more likely to be killed by police than any other race, especially when it comes to violent criminal offenses.

Any other sources that can be trusted not to be biased?

I notice that racists always talk about crime rates. There are CONVICTION rates, but that isn't an accurate measure of actual crimes committed. Access to a proper defense is left to the marketplace after all. And access to that marketplace has always been unequal.
There was a case here in Spokane back in '06 where police executed a Otto Zehm for buying candy. The first officer on the scene was finally prosecuted after Obama took office. The worthless fascist got 4 years in federal prison after getting a lavishly taxpayer paid defense. Meanwhile the sargent--Dan Torok--who delivered the coup de grace made captain, and remains a blight upon our city.


If anyone sees this worthless fascist, remember, it's you or him. He's a cold blooded killer, and a danger to every good citizen.
Can anyone find the report that adding the number of Blacks Latinos and Asians killed by police
is still less than the number of Whites killed by police?

I found this:
Far More Whites Killed by US Police -

According to the Guardian’s tally, of the approximately 1001 people killed by police this year in America, 502 were white, 250 were black, 163 were Hispanic/Latino, 18 were Asian/Pacific Islander, 13 were American Indian, and 54 were other/unknown.


Not only do these figures show that, in real numbers, more whites are killed by police than blacks, but, when contrasted in proportion to the crime rates of each group, whites are in fact far more likely to be killed by police than any other race, especially when it comes to violent criminal offenses.

Any other sources that can be trusted not to be biased?

I notice that racists always talk about crime rates. There are CONVICTION rates, but that isn't an accurate measure of actual crimes committed. Access to a proper defense is left to the marketplace after all. And access to that marketplace has always been unequal.

Here we go....
If our police state security apparatus can justify murdering black folks just think what they can do for the rest of us.

Dylan Noble, ‘Country Boy’ Shot by Fresno Cops, ‘Loved Everybody’

Been saying that forever. If they can roll it out onto the unsubstantial people first and get the masses numb to the concept it can be widened sans much but isolated pockets of resistance. Look at the state of this society and the wealth extraction from society. Look at the state of the political system. The power structure knows full well is has lost all semblance of legitimacy. Police departments are being militarized. Look at how the 6 multinational corporation controlled media pits the masses against each other fomenting fear, anxiety and confusion. There is preparation afoot and no one addressing the needs of society. Ours is not a healthy time.
There was a case here in Spokane back in '06 where police executed a Otto Zehm for buying candy. The first officer on the scene was finally prosecuted after Obama took office. The worthless fascist got 4 years in federal prison after getting a lavishly taxpayer paid defense. Meanwhile the sargent--Dan Torok--who delivered the coup de grace made captain, and remains a blight upon our city.

View attachment 80971

If anyone sees this worthless fascist, remember, it's you or him. He's a cold blooded killer, and a danger to every good citizen.
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States prior to 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dear Agit8r thanks for posting this.
This reminds me of the shooting death of Sheryl Seymour, a Houston artist diagnosed with schizophrenia who was having an episode when the police were called in to try to help her. Instead she was shot to death for waving an artist "palette knife" that looked like a weapon.

The difference is in the legal actions taken afterwards, the family worked with police to set up better procedures for dealing with mentally ill cases.

This has improved over time. Today I am told the police have a specialist they call in who can talk to mentally ill patients and tranquilize them so that they don't harm others or get harmed themselves.

If we all took the same proactive approach, of correcting the causes of the problems,
then even if there are multiple issues that lead to these shootings, we can address each one in full.
Doesn't look like he's walking away or reaching for anything.....the cops just shot him. And then they lied.

Even more proof cops need reforming.

This reminds me of the saying about how I didn't complain when the Nazis came for the Jews I didn't care because I wasn't Jewish. Then I didn't care when they came for the gays or blacks. But then there was no one to complain to when they came for me.

It doesn't make it OK that sometimes cops murder whites too
There was a case here in Spokane back in '06 where police executed a Otto Zehm for buying candy. The first officer on the scene was finally prosecuted after Obama took office. The worthless fascist got 4 years in federal prison after getting a lavishly taxpayer paid defense. Meanwhile the sargent--Dan Torok--who delivered the coup de grace made captain, and remains a blight upon our city.

View attachment 80971

If anyone sees this worthless fascist, remember, it's you or him. He's a cold blooded killer, and a danger to every good citizen.
List of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States prior to 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dear Agit8r thanks for posting this.
This reminds me of the shooting death of Sheryl Seymour, a Houston artist diagnosed with schizophrenia who was having an episode when the police were called in to try to help her. Instead she was shot to death for waving an artist "palette knife" that looked like a weapon.

The difference is in the legal actions taken afterwards, the family worked with police to set up better procedures for dealing with mentally ill cases.

This has improved over time. Today I am told the police have a specialist they call in who can talk to mentally ill patients and tranquilize them so that they don't harm others or get harmed themselves.

If we all took the same proactive approach, of correcting the causes of the problems,
then even if there are multiple issues that lead to these shootings, we can address each one in full.

The Zehm case wasn't directly caused by mental illness (at least of Zehm's) Security video showed the cop strike first, last, and exclusively. Apparently Zehm simply didn't genuflect instantaneously enough. 4 years was a slap on the wrist for the perpetrator. People with Carl F. Thompson's mindset should never be free to reign terror on society.
Here's an idea: get rid of cops. Let's let a bunch of twisted murderous thugs run the place unchallenged, that would be much better. A bad decision made by an appointed officer of the law is much worse than larger problem of violent homicidal sociopaths killing and harming innocent people? No, you don't want that. Cops aren't the problem here.
Here's an idea: get rid of cops. Let's let a bunch of twisted murderous thugs run the place unchallenged, that would be much better. A bad decision made by an appointed officer of the law is much worse than larger problem of violent homicidal sociopaths killing and harming innocent people? No, you don't want that. Cops aren't the problem here.
So when innocent law abiding citizens are murdered by police it's not a police problem. I'm sure that makes perfect sense if you're completely stupid.
Here's an idea: get rid of cops. let's let a bunch of twisted murderous thugs run the place unchallenged, that would be much better. A bad decision made by an appointed officer of the law is much worse than larger problem of violent homicidal sociopaths killing and harming innocent people. Cops aren't the problem here.
3 blacks a day are shot by cops. 2 of the 3 are justified. We're trying to stop the 365 unjustified shootings.

What you are saying is black ghettos are super dangerous places and why don't we focus on that. OK, so then why to save money did my GOP governor cut spending on police in Detroit? He said we were broke. Long story short this is why you can't run a country like a business. You can't just fire Detroit because it's a money pit. Lol.

Another thing is we need to be shipping jobs to Detroit not mexico.

But no major supermarket chains will step foot in the city of Detroit. Too much crime. So shitty Spartan stores with shitty food owned by Arabs are all detroiters get.

Blacks can get defensive or deny all they want but the proof is in the pudding. Walmart Target Kroger's etc won't go to Detroit. All of the Hudson's Sears jcpenny have all left Detroit because of the crime. Every mall in Detroit has closed because of the crime.

Blacks will blame us for this and there's some truth to it but only they can solve this.

What we need to do is provide jobs to all our citizens who want to work....

You know what? There are no easy answers. There are things we can do to help now and things we can do to help down the road.

Unfortunately I don't know what to do about all the young criminals who are too far gone to save.

It's like looking at a hourders house that you have to clean up. Where do you start?
If our police state security apparatus can justify murdering black folks just think what they can do for the rest of us.

Dylan Noble, ‘Country Boy’ Shot by Fresno Cops, ‘Loved Everybody’

Been saying that forever. If they can roll it out onto the unsubstantial people first and get the masses numb to the concept it can be widened sans much but isolated pockets of resistance. Look at the state of this society and the wealth extraction from society. Look at the state of the political system. The power structure knows full well is has lost all semblance of legitimacy. Police departments are being militarized. Look at how the 6 multinational corporation controlled media pits the masses against each other fomenting fear, anxiety and confusion. There is preparation afoot and no one addressing the needs of society. Ours is not a healthy time.
All the elements of an authoritarian police state are now in place. The Patriot Act destroyed the Fourth Amendment, the state security and surveillance apparatus has massively increased power and authority, corporate interests now blatantly manipulate our political process, we now accept secret prisons, arrest and detention without warrant or trial, we accept torture of suspects, we pay mercenary armies to carry out our foreign policy, the press and news media all seem to have consensus opinions. I used to think with all these things already in place all that's really needed is for someone to pull the trigger.....but it looks like they already have. Overthrowing democracy doesn't need to be dramatic or sudden, it's being done slowly, gradually, incrementally. Now we have an authoritarian plutocracy with the mechanisms of democracy for show.
Here's an idea: get rid of cops. Let's let a bunch of twisted murderous thugs run the place unchallenged, that would be much better. A bad decision made by an appointed officer of the law is much worse than larger problem of violent homicidal sociopaths killing and harming innocent people? No, you don't want that. Cops aren't the problem here.
So when innocent law abiding citizens are murdered by police it's not a police problem. I'm sure that makes perfect sense if you're completely stupid.
I must be stupid. And you are a self appointed genius. A few bad cops are criminals too, and let's ignore the totality of black on black murders. You are so much smarter than little ol me. Don't trip on that ego and hurt yourself.
Here's an idea: get rid of cops. let's let a bunch of twisted murderous thugs run the place unchallenged, that would be much better. A bad decision made by an appointed officer of the law is much worse than larger problem of violent homicidal sociopaths killing and harming innocent people. Cops aren't the problem here.
3 blacks a day are shot by cops. 2 of the 3 are justified. We're trying to stop the 365 unjustified shootings.

What you are saying is black ghettos are super dangerous places and why don't we focus on that. OK, so then why to save money did my GOP governor cut spending on police in Detroit? He said we were broke. Long story short this is why you can't run a country like a business. You can't just fire Detroit because it's a money pit. Lol.

Another thing is we need to be shipping jobs to Detroit not mexico.

But no major supermarket chains will step foot in the city of Detroit. Too much crime. So shitty Spartan stores with shitty food owned by Arabs are all detroiters get.

Blacks can get defensive or deny all they want but the proof is in the pudding. Walmart Target Kroger's etc won't go to Detroit. All of the Hudson's Sears jcpenny have all left Detroit because of the crime. Every mall in Detroit has closed because of the crime.

Blacks will blame us for this and there's some truth to it but only they can solve this.

What we need to do is provide jobs to all our citizens who want to work....

You know what? There are no easy answers. There are things we can do to help now and things we can do to help down the road.

Unfortunately I don't know what to do about all the young criminals who are too far gone to save.

It's like looking at a hourders house that you have to clean up. Where do you start?
I agree. Next thing you know, you will see a bunch of "technicals" in toyota 4runners with soviet AA guns cruising down Detroit like it's a dusty burg in Somalia. And the liberals will ignore that, too, like they are good at.
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Here's an idea: get rid of cops. Let's let a bunch of twisted murderous thugs run the place unchallenged, that would be much better. A bad decision made by an appointed officer of the law is much worse than larger problem of violent homicidal sociopaths killing and harming innocent people? No, you don't want that. Cops aren't the problem here.
So when innocent law abiding citizens are murdered by police it's not a police problem. I'm sure that makes perfect sense if you're completely stupid.
I must be stupid. And you are a self appointed genius. A few bad cops are criminals too, and let's ignore the totality of black on black murders. You are so much smarter than little ol me. Don't trip on that ego and hurt yourself.
I don't think we should change the subject though either. The cops need re training.

But in a week we should address the reasons why blacks are killing themselves in places like Detroit. But there's going to be a debate then as to what we need to do. Should we lock up the criminals? Sure. But will that solve the problem? Not if young broke people keep having kids they won't raise right.

So this is a national discussion that is long overdue. The cops are just a symptom of a much bigger problem

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