Police officers slain

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
[ame=http://youtu.be/52zLxTH2nP4]Reactions after two police officers are killed in action - YouTube[/ame]

Just thought the left on this board could use a little perspective
Any more sad stories? For more perspective, since you're not working?
HELL fucking YES​

So tempted to break oath of civility! :banana2:

But I won't. When I was a teenage I remember the NWA song I loved so much, Fuck the Police. Heck I still love the song if I am being honest. Nevertheless think of where society would be without the police? I know we thing of them as corrupt, but think of where society would be if the police were as corrupt as say Mexico? Think of where we would be without the FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, etc. Liberals rail against police and I have had my bad experience with police, but for the most part they preserve order, they protect us from an anarchy and for the most part as a whole they are a force of good. They are not a necessary evil, they are necessary force of good in a dangerous world.

Why do they congregate in black neighbors? Why do they go after blacks harder? Well in black communities that is where the vast majority of crimes, gang violence and murder is taking place. They need to be there.

Corrupt and dangerous cops need to be pursued, arrested and put in trial, but only a naive person would want to do without the police, desire less police and cheer the death of innocent hard working police officers!
Being that there is so much corruption in law enforcement, and so many cops who use their position to victimize people, I would have to know a little more about the officers killed before I start heaping praise on them.
Being that there is so much corruption in law enforcement, and so many cops who use their position to victimize people, I would have to know a little more about the officers killed before I start heaping praise on them.

I think you missed the point of me posting the video. The thread isn't necessarily about these two men as it is about the job they do & the risks they take. They, meaning police in general.

For the most part it looks loke a shit job with shit wages. I admire their tenacity. Don't always like them but respect is due. Like any profession there are always bad apples but so many on this board lately paint them all as worse than the criminals they try to protect the rest of us from.
Being that there is so much corruption in law enforcement, and so many cops who use their position to victimize people, I would have to know a little more about the officers killed before I start heaping praise on them.

I think you missed the point of me posting the video. The thread isn't necessarily about these two men as it is about the job they do & the risks they take. They, meaning police in general.

For the most part it looks loke a shit job with shit wages. I admire their tenacity. Don't always like them but respect is due. Like any profession there are always bad apples but so many on this board lately paint them all as worse than the criminals they try to protect the rest of us from.
It wouldn't be that way if there weren't so many of them who ARE criminals themselves. And it doesn't help when the ones who don't commit the crimes cover up for the ones who do.
I've been around police officers my entire life; when I grew up we had an officer for a neighbor. He was always in the back playing fetch with his dog, then he had kids and they'd all be out in the back yard every day. His kids and I would toss a ball back and forth between each other and our dogs.

Before I moved out of my folks' house there I'd started on with the local paper as a manager so I was out really early checking on my carriers. I'd always go to the local doughnut shop (yes that rumor can indeed be true heh) But I'd go in there for a few hours every morning and chat with the officers; pretty quiet city so they pretty much just had highway patrol at rush hour. Amazing stories.

After I got my own place we also had an officer next door, his dog and our puppy were just the best of friends; we actually had to pull the fence down between our back yards so they would stop running around it and into the street. Odieion, that was their pup, would come on the back porch and bark like "Can Yukon come out?" all the time, always gave me a laugh.

I suppose they were there for about six years or so before they moved out and then a trooper moved in heh I actually don't see him very much, believe he's working bush cities - usually 3weeks on 2 weeks off. They put up a fence, but I can't blame them they've got an adorable little girl who runs all over and the moose were mighty fond of the garden they put in heh

Anyway, had a contract with the local police department at work so the officers were in there every day and we'd chat. There were a few that were stern, and the counter folks (teens) weren't particular on the one's who'd given them a ticket, but most of them were great fun to talk to. They have the most amazing stories too. I'll share my favorite:

He gets called for a domestic disturbance, gets there and sees a 90# woman who has coated herself in toothpaste. Yes toothpaste. She's in the process of demolishing her car with a baseball bat and the neighbors are watching and telling the officer she'd been out there for hours screaming at her car while she beat it. So he goes and tries to talk to her like the neighbor's had been, and she just keeps smashing away and yelling at him about squirrels. Yeah... Anyway, finally gets to the point where he's going to have to move in as she's clearly having a bad trip or something. He managed to get the bat out of her hand, but he couldn't keep ahold of her cause the toothpaste had become slimy from her sweating or whatever. So here's this big guy (5'10" 200#) unable to get this 90# woman under control to get cuffs on her. He said the neighbors were rooting him on at first then started booing him, then another officer shows up (they usually check up on each other if ones not heard from after getting to a call scene) and joins in on booing him before coming in to help get the woman in cuffs.

As a note, this story finally answered my question as to why another officer always called him "pasty boy" :lol:
Being that there is so much corruption in law enforcement, and so many cops who use their position to victimize people, I would have to know a little more about the officers killed before I start heaping praise on them.

I think you missed the point of me posting the video. The thread isn't necessarily about these two men as it is about the job they do & the risks they take. They, meaning police in general.

For the most part it looks loke a shit job with shit wages. I admire their tenacity. Don't always like them but respect is due. Like any profession there are always bad apples but so many on this board lately paint them all as worse than the criminals they try to protect the rest of us from.

Where's Sharpton?
Being that there is so much corruption in law enforcement, and so many cops who use their position to victimize people, I would have to know a little more about the officers killed before I start heaping praise on them.

That's the line, but unlike many countries we do our best to police the police. It's a tough job, but I think our boys in blue are better than any other country in the world!
Being that there is so much corruption in law enforcement, and so many cops who use their position to victimize people, I would have to know a little more about the officers killed before I start heaping praise on them.

I think you missed the point of me posting the video. The thread isn't necessarily about these two men as it is about the job they do & the risks they take. They, meaning police in general.

For the most part it looks loke a shit job with shit wages. I admire their tenacity. Don't always like them but respect is due. Like any profession there are always bad apples but so many on this board lately paint them all as worse than the criminals they try to protect the rest of us from.

Very good post. This incident has affected me pretty hard. Seeing the outright rage and hatred some have for cops...sickens me. And I must say, the right wing has been far more supportive...or, at least, restrained in their response as to not smear all of Americas 1,000,000 cops over what this 1 cop MAY have done.

In fact...seeing how ugly the left has gotten...has me SERIOUSLY questioning my own judgment of the last couple years that I've kinda sided with them on a lot of stuff. Support for law enforcement is my #1 political topic. And MANY on the right this week have publicly come out in support of law enforcement. I've taken notice...and am looking in the mirror a bit.
Being that there is so much corruption in law enforcement, and so many cops who use their position to victimize people, I would have to know a little more about the officers killed before I start heaping praise on them.

I think you missed the point of me posting the video. The thread isn't necessarily about these two men as it is about the job they do & the risks they take. They, meaning police in general.

For the most part it looks loke a shit job with shit wages. I admire their tenacity. Don't always like them but respect is due. Like any profession there are always bad apples but so many on this board lately paint them all as worse than the criminals they try to protect the rest of us from.

Where's Sharpton?

Diggin through the local papers lookin for the next white on black incident to make a buck off of.....duh lol
Being that there is so much corruption in law enforcement, and so many cops who use their position to victimize people, I would have to know a little more about the officers killed before I start heaping praise on them.

I think you missed the point of me posting the video. The thread isn't necessarily about these two men as it is about the job they do & the risks they take. They, meaning police in general.

For the most part it looks loke a shit job with shit wages. I admire their tenacity. Don't always like them but respect is due. Like any profession there are always bad apples but so many on this board lately paint them all as worse than the criminals they try to protect the rest of us from.

Very good post. This incident has affected me pretty hard. Seeing the outright rage and hatred some have for cops...sickens me. And I must say, the right wing has been far more supportive...or, at least, restrained in their response as to not smear all of Americas 1,000,000 cops over what this 1 cop MAY have done.

In fact...seeing how ugly the left has gotten...has me SERIOUSLY questioning my own judgment of the last couple years that I've kinda sided with them on a lot of stuff. Support for law enforcement is my #1 political topic. And MANY on the right this week have publicly come out in support of law enforcement. I've taken notice...and am looking in the mirror a bit.

Ha! Well I may not particularly like em, history & all, but I respect the job & bullshit they have to put up with.......

*as I look in the mirror myself*

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