Police repeatedly beat black woman with batons even though she never engaged them directly

We are living in a very crowded theater right now....what you are doing is yelling fire in that theater.....
We are in a crowded theater right now ... and there's a fire burning out of control ... then it is lawful to yell "fire, fire, fire" ...

This issue has been smoldering all my long life ... earliest childhood memories are of the race riots in Berkeley ... with the added stress of the ongoing pandemic ... this race issue has ignited and is burning hot ... too late to calm down, this has festered for over 150 years ...

I don't know what the answer is ... but having the police monitor the anti-police demonstrations isn't going to work ...

Apparently the black abuse continues. The video is at the bottom under the word "Lawlessness:"

She was doing what inner-city crap likes to do, RESIST instructions, thus she was grabbed. Where the cops arms landed in the attempt to subdue her, is irrelevant. She wasn't cooperating, it's a criminal and protester thing. "Hey...if I cooperate, I'm going to jail for "insert activity here," so, I'll RESIST and hopefully get away."

Apparently the black abuse continues. The video is at the bottom under the word "Lawlessness:"

She was doing what inner-city crap likes to do, RESIST instructions, thus she was grabbed. Where the cops arms landed in the attempt to subdue her, is irrelevant. She wasn't cooperating, it's a criminal and protester thing. "Hey...if I cooperate, I'm going to jail for "insert activity here," so, I'll RESIST and hopefully get away."

There is nothing illegal about protesting. What do you want to bet that in the next few days we see where those cops have been suspended?

Apparently the black abuse continues. The video is at the bottom under the word "Lawlessness:"

Is it your contention that police in Indianapolis are rounding up innocent and relatively unattractive women for a public groping?

What's the game plan here?
We are in a crowded theater right now ... and there's a fire burning out of control ... then it is lawful to yell "fire, fire, fire" ...

This issue has been smoldering all my long life ... earliest childhood memories are of the race riots in Berkeley ... with the added stress of the ongoing pandemic ... this race issue has ignited and is burning hot ... too late to calm down, this has festered for over 150 years ...

I don't know what the answer is ... but having the police monitor the anti-police demonstrations isn't going to work ...
Massive changes started in the 1960's. The answers were made then. 55 years is an eternity. When the coroner writes his report out lets make sure every friggin penny stolen from the social welfare system and abuse of it all is accounted for. Never a word by any of the 95% Prog controlled media/entertainment/political complex just on that. The massive resources wasted.

Apparently the black abuse continues. The video is at the bottom under the word "Lawlessness:"

She was doing what inner-city crap likes to do, RESIST instructions, thus she was grabbed. Where the cops arms landed in the attempt to subdue her, is irrelevant. She wasn't cooperating, it's a criminal and protester thing. "Hey...if I cooperate, I'm going to jail for "insert activity here," so, I'll RESIST and hopefully get away."

There is nothing illegal about protesting. What do you want to bet that in the next few days we see where those cops have been suspended?

There's nothing wrong with PEACEFUL protest. Local laws ban protesters from blocking roadways and businesses. So, to be a peaceful protester and not be arrested.....you actually have to stand to one side, wave your sign and chant your demands. That's all that's allowed. Anything more and you run afoul of local laws and are grabbed up.

Apparently the black abuse continues. The video is at the bottom under the word "Lawlessness:"

She was doing what inner-city crap likes to do, RESIST instructions, thus she was grabbed. Where the cops arms landed in the attempt to subdue her, is irrelevant. She wasn't cooperating, it's a criminal and protester thing. "Hey...if I cooperate, I'm going to jail for "insert activity here," so, I'll RESIST and hopefully get away."

There is nothing illegal about protesting. What do you want to bet that in the next few days we see where those cops have been suspended?

There's nothing wrong with PEACEFUL protest. Local laws ban protesters from blocking roadways and businesses. So, to be a peaceful protester and not be arrested.....you actually have to stand to one side, wave your sign and chant your demands. That's all that's allowed. Anything more and you run afoul of local laws and are grabbed up.

In the video there are no indications she was doing anything other than protesting. All the same, cities will burn if we continue to think taking a club to someone is how you react to someone in the street.
Is it your contention that police in Indianapolis are rounding up innocent and relatively unattractive women for a public groping?
Well in Washington DC they tear gassed and charged a pretty innocent crowd, why should Indianapolis be different?

Apparently the black abuse continues. The video is at the bottom under the word "Lawlessness:"

She was doing what inner-city crap likes to do, RESIST instructions, thus she was grabbed. Where the cops arms landed in the attempt to subdue her, is irrelevant. She wasn't cooperating, it's a criminal and protester thing. "Hey...if I cooperate, I'm going to jail for "insert activity here," so, I'll RESIST and hopefully get away."

There is nothing illegal about protesting. What do you want to bet that in the next few days we see where those cops have been suspended?

This happened a month ago. The two women in question were violating the curfew imposed after protests turned violent. The officers weren't suspended, but were reassigned to support roles pending the outcome of an investigation.

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