Police State: FAA Has Authorized 106 Government 'Entities' To Fly Domestic Drones...

Keeping us safe at what cost to our Freedoms?

Which freedoms are you losing because of these drones?

Up until know it was possible to build a fence that kept neighbors, and police, from seeing into your yard. It is not possible to build a fence tall enough to keep drones from seeing into it.

So those helicopters that fly over my house every year looking for pot growers are not looking on private property? If there was ever a legal question on this it has long been settled.
So, please show me ANYTHING that states these 106 drones will be searching in your backyard.

Do you honestly believe the operators of these drones, will simply close there eyes when they fly over the backyard of a person who has committed no crime, and who has no probable cause to be searched? I certainly don't.

Not all drones have to be real-time video set-ups. They could be survey and research drones. I'd bet most drones are doing things other than aerial surveillance.

You do understand that we are not talking about large surveillance drones here, don't you? These drones do not have the computing power to fly without guidance from the ground, which is why they all have cameras mounted on them. Even if they are not constantly monitored, the video is constantly recorded and available to the operator. Or do you live in a world where magic makes it impossible for anyone ever to be wrong?
Which freedoms are you losing because of these drones?

Up until know it was possible to build a fence that kept neighbors, and police, from seeing into your yard. It is not possible to build a fence tall enough to keep drones from seeing into it.

So those helicopters that fly over my house every year looking for pot growers are not looking on private property? If there was ever a legal question on this it has long been settled.

They are, and they are wrong. Unlike you, I don't think the fact that they get away with one means they should get away with the other.
Up until know it was possible to build a fence that kept neighbors, and police, from seeing into your yard. It is not possible to build a fence tall enough to keep drones from seeing into it.

So those helicopters that fly over my house every year looking for pot growers are not looking on private property? If there was ever a legal question on this it has long been settled.

They are, and they are wrong. Unlike you, I don't think the fact that they get away with one means they should get away with the other.

I certainly don't think it is right, I just don't see this as some startling new development other than the MIC is now in the business of making the authorities afraid of the People in order to sell Barney Fyfe a bunch of military/urban combat hardware. The legal framework that allows for a security state has long been in place, all they needed was a market.
Help it's a wolfe. Really man for real this time, it's a wolfe and it going to eat me. Come on I know I cried wolfe a bunch of times before but it's really really a wolfe this time Help me. Help me.


Next try and scare us with claims that the next logical step is that they are going to put Hellfire missiles on the domestic drones for use on ememies of the State.

Don't forget to call me an O-bot too.

New York City has surface to air missiles, and police want to arm drones that they are flying.

Groups Concerned Over Arming Of Domestic Drones « CBS DC

Keep pretending all is fine with the universe.

Big difference between a Hellfire missile and rubber bullets. Not that ruber bullets are okay. Thank god for the ACLU!
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Just paving the way for after the election. The drones are there, operational, the bases and support are ready, all you have to do is add the Hellfires at the right moment.
Do you honestly believe the operators of these drones, will simply close there eyes when they fly over the backyard of a person who has committed no crime, and who has no probable cause to be searched? I certainly don't.

Not all drones have to be real-time video set-ups. They could be survey and research drones. I'd bet most drones are doing things other than aerial surveillance.

You do understand that we are not talking about large surveillance drones here, don't you? These drones do not have the computing power to fly without guidance from the ground, which is why they all have cameras mounted on them. Even if they are not constantly monitored, the video is constantly recorded and available to the operator. Or do you live in a world where magic makes it impossible for anyone ever to be wrong?

You've just magically turned all drones into a specific type of drone without giving any evidence that that's the case.
Just paving the way for after the election. The drones are there, operational, the bases and support are ready, all you have to do is add the Hellfires at the right moment.

The FEMA camps are waiting! :tinfoil:
Not all drones have to be real-time video set-ups.

They most certainly do. They require live video feeds back to the operator. Did you think they fly blind?

In fact, one of the biggest problems with drones is that the operator can only see where the camera is pointed. They cannot see in all directions the way a pilot can, which is why they crash into other aircraft far more frequently than manned aircraft.

That alone is a good reason to give pause as to whether or not we want these in civilian airspace.
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I certainly don't think it is right, I just don't see this as some startling new development other than the MIC is now in the business of making the authorities afraid of the People in order to sell Barney Fyfe a bunch of military/urban combat hardware.

This is dead on target.

Our civilian police force feels left out. They want to be soldiers. They have completely forgotten their role as civil servants and protectors. They are military wannabe's. They want all the military gear. The helmets, the weapons, the patches. They are way off the reservation. The militarization of our police is an end run around Posse Comitatus.
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Not all drones have to be real-time video set-ups.

They most certainly do. They require live video feeds back to the operator. Did you think they fly blind?

In fact, one of the biggest problems with drones is that the operator can only see where the camera is pointed. They cannot see in all directions the way a pilot can, which is why they crash into other aircraft far more frequently than manned aircraft.

That alone is a good reason to give pause as to whether or not we want these in civilian airspace.

Flight vision and ground surveillance are two different things.
Not all drones have to be real-time video set-ups.

They most certainly do. They require live video feeds back to the operator. Did you think they fly blind?

In fact, one of the biggest problems with drones is that the operator can only see where the camera is pointed. They cannot see in all directions the way a pilot can, which is why they crash into other aircraft far more frequently than manned aircraft.

That alone is a good reason to give pause as to whether or not we want these in civilian airspace.

Flight vision and ground surveillance are two different things.

It's one and the same camera.
I predict a market in "drone jammers" will soon burst forth on the scene. I also predict hundreds of bogus YouTube videos of how to make a drone jammer out of common household items will also appear on the Internet. :lol:
So those helicopters that fly over my house every year looking for pot growers are not looking on private property? If there was ever a legal question on this it has long been settled.

They are, and they are wrong. Unlike you, I don't think the fact that they get away with one means they should get away with the other.

I certainly don't think it is right, I just don't see this as some startling new development other than the MIC is now in the business of making the authorities afraid of the People in order to sell Barney Fyfe a bunch of military/urban combat hardware. The legal framework that allows for a security state has long been in place, all they needed was a market.

Never said it was startling, did I? I want to remove that framework and make police more like Sheriff Taylor than Rambo.
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I certainly don't think it is right, I just don't see this as some startling new development other than the MIC is now in the business of making the authorities afraid of the People in order to sell Barney Fyfe a bunch of military/urban combat hardware.

This is dead on target.

Our civilian police force feels left out. They want to be soldiers. They have completely forgotten their role as civil servants and protectors. They are military wannabe's. They want all the military gear. The helmets, the weapons, the patches. They are way off the reservation. The militarization of our police is an end run around Posse Comitatus.

Astute observation there, they have to see the writing on the wall with poverty on the rise and no political will to do anything about it. Someone has made a calculation that cops and prisons are cheaper than jobs and social programs to keep the rabble in line.
What % would be law enforcement? There are all sorts of commercial and scientific reasons to use drones.

Really? Like what?

Surveying, for example, and any of a range of scientific reasons. Your question smacks of a one-track mind that can't admit alternate scenarios.

Surveying? Surveying requires accurate measurements from the ground, or RADAR maps from space. Why would anyone throw together a makeshift surveying rig with a drone when better tech already exists?

All sorts of reason is pretty vague, what I want is specific real world examples that police departments can use to justify drone use that do not include all the things I am worried about.
Not all drones have to be real-time video set-ups. They could be survey and research drones. I'd bet most drones are doing things other than aerial surveillance.

You do understand that we are not talking about large surveillance drones here, don't you? These drones do not have the computing power to fly without guidance from the ground, which is why they all have cameras mounted on them. Even if they are not constantly monitored, the video is constantly recorded and available to the operator. Or do you live in a world where magic makes it impossible for anyone ever to be wrong?

You've just magically turned all drones into a specific type of drone without giving any evidence that that's the case.

No, I am talking about the specific drones that police are buying. They are usually quad rotor type drones that are designed to hover and fly into tight places. The link I supplied actually has a picture.


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