Police State: Score One For The People! Cleveland Votes To Remove Traffic Cams...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Tickets stop immediately!

Cleveland voters kick out traffic, speed cameras

Voters in this city of almost 400,000 have made it overwhelmingly clear: They don't want traffic cameras ticketing drivers here.

Issue 35's supporters said the cameras were little more than money-making speed traps that deprive drivers of basic rights, and on Tuesday 78% of voters agreed with them.

The passage means the tickets stop immediately.

The cameras raised about $6 million in 2012, a number that has been shrinking every year. The revenue accounted for about 1% of the city's budget.

But supporters of the cameras argued that they made streets safer and reel in heavy-footed drivers because Cleveland doesn't have enough police officers to devote to full-time traffic duty.

When the cameras will be removed will be determined in the city's negotiations with Xerox, the company that operates them.

Voters in the Cleveland suburb of Maple Heights, population 23,000, also voted to remove the cameras.

Twelve states, including Ohio; the District of Columbia; and the U.S. Virgin islands have speed cameras in at least one location, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association, which supports the cameras. Two dozen states, including Ohio; the district; and U.S. Virgin Islands have red light cameras in at least one spot.

Cleveland voters kick out traffic speed cameras

Good for them. But the corporate-fascist State will find a way around it.
Good for them. But the corporate-fascist State will find a way around it.

I truly hope not. The act of doing Drugs is not a criminal act. No one should be imprisoned for it. It is time to release all non-violent drug war prisoners.

I hope not too but to think the giant entrenched corpor-rat state will just fold up and leave town because some town took a vote is I'm afraid less than realistic. That would imply the People actually have power. We'll not be having any of that.
The way speed cameras work is that a corporation (usually out of state) sells the concept to local police by promising them money. The corporation gets half of the money and the city gets the other half.

This means that in Cleveland when the city gets $6M another $6M leaves the local economy.

When I asked the chief of police how we were going to get that money back, his response was: Duh.

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