Police Tyrants Arrest Blind Man for Having a Cane.

And we can't staff the jails we have now....

What is your remedy for that? Larger government?
We could remove all those people sitting in jail for simple possession. That would give us a TON of available space in existing jails. I doubt blaster would go for that though...
We could remove all those people sitting in jail for simple possession. That would give us a TON of available space in existing jails. I doubt blaster would go for that though...
Space in the jail isn't the issue.

Staffing the jails is the issue.

Nebraska (not a huge amount of crime there right????) is offering people $15K sign on bonuses.


Those are the state jails. But the shortage of correctional officers extends all the way down to the local county jails too.

Cops Arrest Blind Man For Having A Cane​

The guy is vision impaired so has a folding cane sticking out of his back pocket.
It is white, many dowels, 1,5' long, and looks nothing at all like a gun.
But the police illegally claim that gives then the right to detain, demand an ID, and arrest him for resisting.

If the cop thought that was a gun, I think she is the one who needs a white cane.

Once she was shown the cane, she absolutely had no cause to detain him.

I hope the guy sues for big bucks. It's an easy win.
Build more jails.

We have the largest imprisoned % in almost the whole world.
While some people should be imprisoned, the poor, those with mental health issues, etc., should not be.
In fact the whole War on Drugs is inherently illegal because it is not defending rights of anyone else.
Where do they find this stuff? Come on lefties. The guy was white and could have explained why he had a folding stick in his back pocket but he decided to confront the Police Officer with an aggressive attitude. Think about how you are going to deal with the little army of armed IRS officers before you make a federal case out of this incident.

The folding cane looked NOTHING remotely like a firearm as the female cop complained.
She was totally in the wrong, and should have apologized.
Space in the jail isn't the issue.

Staffing the jails is the issue.

Nebraska (not a huge amount of crime there right????) is offering people $15K sign on bonuses.

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Those are the state jails. But the shortage of correctional officers extends all the way down to the local county jails too.
Staffing is not a problem if the prison population craters.
Liberals like the OP are anti-police.
Okay, we'll put you down as a totalitarian who bleevs the police should be allowed to stomp all over the Constitution.

That last thing we need is to be giving idiots badges and guns.
Sounds more 'abuse of power' than 'illegal'.

Police do not have the authority to stop anyone who has not committed a crime.
The cane was not a gun, so there was no crime.
Yet the cop insisted on detaining and seeing ID.
That is infringing on his right to be on his way.
It is an illegal detention, false arrest, or whatever the particular state calls it.
Worse because the cops were threatening and abusive.
Staffing is not a problem if the prison population craters.

Half the prison population is from the War on Drugs, so all we have to do is end that and make it a medical problem instead.
Liberals like the OP are anti-police.
Holding police officers to the law is not anti-police. In this case both officers were wrong from the git-go. Basically the woman cop was offended that the gentleman refused to produce ID. In CA, you are required to ID yourself, but not to produce ID. A simple, “my name is John Doe and I live at 123 jerk street meets the law.”
Yes I am anti-police, but who in a democratic republic should not be anti-police?
Police is how all authoritarian dictators take over and maintain control.
Police are our employees and are necessary for a civil society. Without them, large and well trained people like me would run roughshod over jerks like you. The cops you openly despise actually protect YOU. Given your openly expressed attitudes, without the threat of arrest, if we ever met without police existing, the best you’d could expect would be a beating, the worst a bullet. I can shoot and the Army trained me to use hand-to-hand combat, edged weapons and firearms to kill. I don’t need police for protection, they are a luxury to me because they save me effort.
Where do they find this stuff? Come on lefties. The guy was white and could have explained why he had a folding stick in his back pocket but he decided to confront the Police Officer with an aggressive attitude. Think about how you are going to deal with the little army of armed IRS officers before you make a federal case out of this incident.
Actually he did just that. He even pulled it out and showed it to her. He was a little hostile, but he was angry about the unwarranted stop. Only a blind person could mistake that folded cane as a pistol.
Liberals like the OP are anti-police.

The officers exceeded their authority, I hope the guy sues the dept and the officers individually. Their actions wouldn't be covered under qualified immunity.

Half the prison population is from the War on Drugs, so all we have to do is end that and make it a medical problem instead.
Yeah...but there is no "medical force" out there responding to someone tripping on whatever drug is out there. So the only person you can call, currently are police officers to deal with it.

Again, when folks were originally talking about "defunding the police" the bumper sticker took root; not the doctrine behind it.

We need mediators who can assess the situation and call an appropriate response...if the police go out there, the nature of the encounter automatically becomes adversarial instead of collaborative. So you get people being hostile toward authority. And, of course, the authority only gets worse in the eyes of the person being questioned....they bring out the drug sniffing dog, the back up officers, in some cases the SWAT team....
We could remove all those people sitting in jail for simple possession. That would give us a TON of available space in existing jails. I doubt blaster would go for that though...

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


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