Police Tyrants Arrest Blind Man for Having a Cane.

How do the police "help" if you are robbed at an ATM?
The last time I called the police to report a robbery, all they did was check my ID to see if I had any outstanding tickets.
Police are worse than useless.
theyre very helpful when it comes to removing a dead body after your house was broken into,,
The point is the police are being paid to deliberately harm people, since that is how a lot of courts finance themselves, through fines, court costs, tickets, etc.
Even most of the prison system is private and for profit.
There is no incentive to serve and protect, so then they are useless, expensive, hostile, and dangerously aggressive.
I agree with some of that. But you're painting with a very broad brush there, don't you think?

But you're right. It is all about profit and the fact that you can't pay for something like an ignition interlock device prevents you from driving...keeping a job...picking up your kids....etc.. So you drive illegally and you get arrested and the fines mount.

It's a racket.

The Criminal Justice system needs a complete overhaul from top to bottom. I say we take all of the money we waste on college football coaches and pay public defenders.
I agree with some of that. But you're painting with a very broad brush there, don't you think?

But you're right. It is all about profit and the fact that you can't pay for something like an ignition interlock device prevents you from driving...keeping a job...picking up your kids....etc.. So you drive illegally and you get arrested and the fines mount.

It's a racket.

The Criminal Justice system needs a complete overhaul from top to bottom. I say we take all of the money we waste on college football coaches and pay public defenders.
public defenders?? you cant be serious,, they always result in guilty pleas,,
There is a reason for that. They get paid very little relative to their importance; the poor have no choice except to use them and get screwed by the process.
so youre saying they throw cases because they dont get paid enough,,,

more like they work for the court and expected to help create revenue,,
so youre saying they throw cases because they dont get paid enough,,,
I don't think they throw cases. I don't think the pay attracts the best lawyers and the lawyers they do attract would rather have their clients plead guilty to make their crushing work load lighter.
more like they work for the court and expected to help create revenue,,
Probably not the case at all.

If you're in business, repeat customers are the lifeblood of your business. Being a shitty lawyer and getting your client sent to prison stops the gravy train.
How do the police "help" if you are robbed at an ATM?
The last time I called the police to report a robbery, all they did was check my ID to see if I had any outstanding tickets.
Police are worse than useless.

Good God, you're dumber than sewage water and just as filthy. You said:
In fact the whole War on Drugs is inherently illegal because it is not defending rights of anyone else.
I proved you lied and you just try to deflect like a typical fucking commie. The cartels and their junkies kill innocent people all the time, so yeah, they are defending the rights of others. Now run along and abort yourself you worthless imitation of a human.

This is what the "defund the police" was originally all about--steering monies for the police to another entity that would act as a mediator; allowing the cops to address actual crimes instead of folks who were clearly in distress. When matters escalate...they end in arrest. Or worse.
You are right, hopefully we get there.

They want to start with dialing 711 somebody will then discuss the situation first to de-esculate the potential crime
Good God, you're dumber than sewage water and just as filthy. You said:

I proved you lied and you just try to deflect like a typical fucking commie. The cartels and their junkies kill innocent people all the time, so yeah, they are defending the rights of others. Now run along and abort yourself you worthless imitation of a human.

the cartels and junkies exist because of the war on drugs,, otherwise it would be legal and junkies could get help
I proved you lied and you just try to deflect like a typical fucking commie. The cartels and their junkies kill innocent people all the time, so yeah, they are defending the rights of others. Now run along and abort yourself you worthless imitation of a human.

The Cartels exist and people kill over massive drug profits ONLY because they are illegal.
Just like when Prohibition made alcohol illegal, and greatly increased crime.
If drugs were no longer illegal but instead just a medical problem, it would not only be more easily cured, but there would be NO CRIME created by drugs, at all.
The Cartels exist and people kill over massive drug profits ONLY because they are illegal.
Just like when Prohibition made alcohol illegal, and greatly increased crime.
If drugs were no longer illegal but instead just a medical problem, it would not only be more easily cured, but there would be NO CRIME created by drugs, at all.

Well that's a proven lie as well. The cartels are still selling mamajuana in places where it's legal. And they still kill to protect their business.

Well that's a proven lie as well. The cartels are still selling mamajuana in places where it's legal. And they still kill to protect their business.


That makes no sense.
Only when a substance is illegal are the prices high enough to have profits worth killing over.
When you end the War on Drugs, you should cause prices to drop and end any incentive for illegal activities or cartels.
Were there still any bootleggers after Prohibition ended?
I think not.
People will kill to protect high profit business when there is little competition, but no one is going to kill over low profits when anyone can sell the same product for less.
That makes no sense.
Only when a substance is illegal are the prices high enough to have profits worth killing over.
When you end the War on Drugs, you should cause prices to drop and end any incentive for illegal activities or cartels.
Were there still any bootleggers after Prohibition ended?
I think not.
People will kill to protect high profit business when there is little competition, but no one is going to kill over low profits when anyone can sell the same product for less.

Damn, do try to keep up.


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