Police Tyrants Arrest Blind Man for Having a Cane.

We have the largest imprisoned % in almost the whole world.
While some people should be imprisoned, the poor, those with mental health issues, etc., should not be.
In fact the whole War on Drugs is inherently illegal because it is not defending rights of anyone else.

You tell that to the folks that are robbed at an ATM for 40 bucks, by some junkie.

And is there any point in history where it has done that in this nation?

But there will be. You cannot sustain the largest per capita prison population indefinitely and with the legalization of MJ along with a public that is becoming ever more sour on the drug war you are going to see that happen one way or another though it is likely to happen quite slowly.

As I said, releasing those charged with simple possession would, indeed, lessen the strain on the system significantly which is where my statements were coming from. If you think that is possible or not does not effect that point. There is a solution here even if the political situation is not ripe for it. Unfortunately the crime rates may send us back another decade.
if the police go out there, the nature of the encounter automatically becomes adversarial instead of collaborative.
And THAT right there is the problem. Solving this by defunding the police is not the answer here. It does not address the problem. Making more agencies deal with different things does not address the problem as the problem is not police going out to overdoes calls. It is that ALL police interactions are adversarial. We need to change the very concept of what a police officer is in the community so that more often than not a police interaction is NOT adversarial. IOW, they need to be actual public servants rather than just public enforcers. That necessitates expanding the force, expanding its mission and ultimately expanding police funding. They need more money and more people specifically so they can take on more responsibilities.

Until police are a part of the community rather than apart from it, the problems will persist. Decreasing funding will only worsen that dynamic.
Yeah...but there is no "medical force" out there responding to someone tripping on whatever drug is out there. So the only person you can call, currently are police officers to deal with it.

Again, when folks were originally talking about "defunding the police" the bumper sticker took root; not the doctrine behind it.

We need mediators who can assess the situation and call an appropriate response...if the police go out there, the nature of the encounter automatically becomes adversarial instead of collaborative. So you get people being hostile toward authority. And, of course, the authority only gets worse in the eyes of the person being questioned....they bring out the drug sniffing dog, the back up officers, in some cases the SWAT team....

And how many social workers are you willing to put in the ground before you decide that's a bad idea?

And THAT right there is the problem. Solving this by defunding the police is not the answer here. It does not address the problem. Making more agencies deal with different things does not address the problem as the problem is not police going out to overdoes calls. It is that ALL police interactions are adversarial. We need to change the very concept of what a police officer is in the community so that more often than not a police interaction is NOT adversarial. IOW, they need to be actual public servants rather than just public enforcers. That necessitates expanding the force, expanding its mission and ultimately expanding police funding. They need more money and more people specifically so they can take on more responsibilities.

Until police are a part of the community rather than apart from it, the problems will persist. Decreasing funding will only worsen that dynamic.
Well, I'm okay with some of that...I'm reminded of all of the crapollathat teachers are asked to do in addition to teaching kids. They are teachers, counselors, chaperones, social workers, and on top of that some folks want to make them security guards. I don't think you can reasonably ask the police to fundamentally change their orientation. Maybe you can...but I don't see it.
Figures, you commies have a real problem dealing with facts.

Did your blob get it done? No.

That is a fact.

Let me guess...you're now going to demonstrate that you have a problem dealing with that fact. So are you saying you're a "commie"?
Did your blob get it done? No.

That is a fact.

Let me guess...you're now going to demonstrate that you have a problem dealing with that fact. So are you saying you're a "commie"?

Takes more that 2 years to get it done. He legally got the money to do it, it was just too late in his term. Deal with that commie.

We have the largest imprisoned % in almost the whole world.
While some people should be imprisoned, the poor, those with mental health issues, etc., should not be.
In fact the whole War on Drugs is inherently illegal because it is not defending rights of anyone else.
We have the largest imprisoned % in almost the whole world.
While some people should be imprisoned, the poor, those with mental health issues, etc., should not be.
In fact the whole War on Drugs is inherently illegal because it is not defending rights of anyone else.
so if some poor guy beats an old lady to death and steals her money he shouldnt go to jail???

thats just stupid,,
Okay, we'll put you down as a totalitarian who bleevs the police should be allowed to stomp all over the Constitution.
That last thing we need is to be giving idiots badges and guns.
Police have a tough job. Plus they do us a service when they teach the thugs a lesson at every opportunity.
I watched the beginning of the video and then skipped ahead to the 13:00 minute mark. Hopefully the consequences these officers suffered is enough to set them straight.

Another pair of Floridia officers that popped up on my suggested videos earlier today:

Police are our employees and are necessary for a civil society. Without them, large and well trained people like me would run roughshod over jerks like you. The cops you openly despise actually protect YOU. Given your openly expressed attitudes, without the threat of arrest, if we ever met without police existing, the best you’d could expect would be a beating, the worst a bullet. I can shoot and the Army trained me to use hand-to-hand combat, edged weapons and firearms to kill. I don’t need police for protection, they are a luxury to me because they save me effort.

I do not need or want police "protection".
All they do is try to write me tickets for things that are not illegal.
I have a CCW permit.
Yeah...but there is no "medical force" out there responding to someone tripping on whatever drug is out there. So the only person you can call, currently are police officers to deal with it.

Again, when folks were originally talking about "defunding the police" the bumper sticker took root; not the doctrine behind it.

We need mediators who can assess the situation and call an appropriate response...if the police go out there, the nature of the encounter automatically becomes adversarial instead of collaborative. So you get people being hostile toward authority. And, of course, the authority only gets worse in the eyes of the person being questioned....they bring out the drug sniffing dog, the back up officers, in some cases the SWAT team....
The point is the police are being paid to deliberately harm people, since that is how a lot of courts finance themselves, through fines, court costs, tickets, etc.
Even most of the prison system is private and for profit.
There is no incentive to serve and protect, so then they are useless, expensive, hostile, and dangerously aggressive.
You tell that to the folks that are robbed at an ATM for 40 bucks, by some junkie.


How do the police "help" if you are robbed at an ATM?
The last time I called the police to report a robbery, all they did was check my ID to see if I had any outstanding tickets.
Police are worse than useless.

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