Police will not enforce Trump's deportation plans


Gold Member
Sep 9, 2016
European Union
I read in THE TIMES of last Wednesday that the mayors of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia say they will reuse to co-operate with Donald Trump's plan to deport at least two million immigrants. Charlie Beck, the Los Angeles police chief, said that his officers would stand by their decision of refusing to enforce some federal immigration policies, as they are obliged to do by some Californian laws and regulations. Chief Beck said that the LAPD was "not going to engage in law enforcement activities solely based on somebody's immigration status. We are not going to work with Homeland Security on deportation efforts. That is not our job, nor will I make it our job."
LAPD Chief Beck on deportation: 'That is not our job'

Charlie Beck -- a good cop

A law is only as effective as how it is policed. Trump has met his match if he wants to take-on American cops.
All of this is assuming the new administration actually makes this a priority, but if they're legally within their bounds, fine.

If they're not, then we'll be seeing you in court.

Either way, I have a feeling, we'll be seeing you in court.

And so be it.
Ya, as soon as Trump takes office he should remove all federal funding from States and Cities that refuse to obey the law.

Yup. It will be amusing to see just how fast they reverse themselves if that happens.
2 months, and the tissue shelves will be empty.
Ya, as soon as Trump takes office he should remove all federal funding from States and Cities that refuse to obey the law.

If they actually follow through with that it will be amazing how fast these cities change their minds. At the end of the day, money has the most influence.
I read in THE TIMES of last Wednesday that the mayors of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia say they will reuse to co-operate with Donald Trump's plan to deport at least two million immigrants. Charlie Beck, the Los Angeles police chief, said that his officers would stand by their decision of refusing to enforce some federal immigration policies, as they are obliged to do by some Californian laws and regulations. Chief Beck said that the LAPD was "not going to engage in law enforcement activities solely based on somebody's immigration status. We are not going to work with Homeland Security on deportation efforts. That is not our job, nor will I make it our job."
LAPD Chief Beck on deportation: 'That is not our job'

Charlie Beck -- a good cop

A law is only as effective as how it is policed. Trump has met his match if he wants to take-on American cops.

He's not taking on the cops he's taking on the state and city governments that tell the cops what to do

I think Trump should withhold all federal funding from states that refuse to enforce federal law we'll see how long they'll take to toe the line
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I read in THE TIMES of last Wednesday that the mayors of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia say they will reuse to co-operate with Donald Trump's plan to deport at least two million immigrants. Charlie Beck, the Los Angeles police chief, said that his officers would stand by their decision of refusing to enforce some federal immigration policies, as they are obliged to do by some Californian laws and regulations. Chief Beck said that the LAPD was "not going to engage in law enforcement activities solely based on somebody's immigration status. We are not going to work with Homeland Security on deportation efforts. That is not our job, nor will I make it our job."
LAPD Chief Beck on deportation: 'That is not our job'

Charlie Beck -- a good cop

A law is only as effective as how it is policed. Trump has met his match if he wants to take-on American cops.

Good cops dont break federal law.
Playing devils advocate.

I wonder how some of your would feel if state and local cops refused to join in on the NSA spying on innocent private citizens.

Also, FTR, I'm all in for the states ignoring the DEA in enforcing federal marijuana laws.

This shit cuts both ways.
If the local police hamper the deportation of a violent criminal then yeah I would say the local cops are in the wrong. If the federal law dictate that the local police are to assist in helping turning information over to the Immigration Custom Enforcement and they refuse, then yeah they are wrong.

Like some have written the best course of action for Trump admin is call for cutting all money to Sanctuary States and Cities and let see how long they stand with the illegals!?!

My bet they will be turning them in quicker than shit...
Trump will not remove funding: he cannot.

I'm sure there is a way the feds withhold funding for things all the time so as to force state governments to do their bidding

Try getting any federal highway money if your state drinking age is 18 not 21

Or maybe the federal government will refuse to allow the FBI to operate in states that refuse to enforce federal laws

Or maybe the federal government will instead of deporting criminals just bus them all to sanctuary cities then refuse to help clean up the mess

Believe me there is a way to force these assholes to follow federal law
It isn't "the police" it's the police chiefs doing the mayor's bidding. Why are we finding cities anyway? I thought rural Americas were the deadbeats?

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