Polish official: Germany owes Poland $850 billion for WWII

Comparison Germany and Polska before WWII The picture above is Germany


Poland was ahead of Germans, and way ahead of Russians in the Renaissance in Science, and Military might.
Thank goodness they can look back seven hundred years to find something to be proud about...

Polish people have a lot to be proud of, especially in terms of morality, in comparison to most others.

It's just at one point Poland was a leader in European Democracy, Military might, and Science, before it was Partitioned.
And it was partitioned because?

all those things you mentioned they forgot to do...
Where's NotSober?

How come your Jew crew hates Polish people, rather than German people for the Holocaust?

I haven't seen a single anti-German thing from Jews on this website, WTF?
I don’t recall anyone here claiming to be of German descent and attacking every Jew that ever existed.


I haven't also seen any people of German descent attacking Polish people here, either.

It's almost always Jews that attack Polish people here, and a lot of them else where.

But, then again I'm also not afraid to confront Germans.

In fact, I can really go off on Germans, it's just Germans aren't that much of a problem for Polish people anymore, Jews on the other hand....
Retard...you attack a group, expect retaliation.
I know Germans aren’t a problem for Poles; they gave Poland billions of dollars worth of Jew property.
A 'country' which practically provoked WWII demands money from Germany. Not Germany, but Polska must pay for provoking of WWII and refusing to very moderate demands of Germany. Firstly thievish 'state' stole huge German territorials in the West, than prohibited Germans freely passage to the East Prussia.
So-called Polska - a failed state must give all stolen territorials back to Germany, not receiving of $850b from it.

WARSAW, Poland — A Polish official said Friday that Germany could owe his country $850 billion (690 billion euros) for the damage it inflicted during World War II.

Arkadiusz Mularczyk is leading a team in the parliament that is assessing potential reparations to Poland. Germany killed 6 million Polish citizens and caused great material losses during its nearly six-year occupation of Poland.



they do have a lot of nerve.... they were perfectly happy being complicit.
Comparison Germany and Polska before WWII The picture above is Germany


Poland was ahead of Germans, and way ahead of Russians in the Renaissance in Science, and Military might.
Germany was the most civilized nation in the world in science and the arts before 1933. Poland grew a lot of turnips.

A lot of Germany's greatest minds were clearly mixed with Polish tribe roots, like Leibniz, Nietzsche, Wenher Von Braun, Paul Nipkow, Max Skladanowsky, etc. etc.

Germans have always been a very primitive people, even if having some very intelligent people.

Look at WW1, WW2, the 30 Year War, actually most of Europe's biggest wars were started by Germans.

But, before Poland was collapsed, and oppressed by Germans, Poland was a more advanced nation than the Germans.

Heck, the reason Germans collapsed the Polish state, was in betraying the Prussian - Polish Alliance of 1790, because of Poland's first ever Enlightened Constitution on May 3rd 1791.

What a primitive reason to attack, and dismantle Poland.
A 'country' which practically provoked WWII demands money from Germany. Not Germany, but Polska must pay for provoking of WWII and refusing to very moderate demands of Germany. Firstly thievish 'state' stole huge German territorials in the West, than prohibited Germans freely passage to the East Prussia.
So-called Polska - a failed state must give all stolen territorials back to Germany, not receiving of $850b from it.

WARSAW, Poland — A Polish official said Friday that Germany could owe his country $850 billion (690 billion euros) for the damage it inflicted during World War II.

Arkadiusz Mularczyk is leading a team in the parliament that is assessing potential reparations to Poland. Germany killed 6 million Polish citizens and caused great material losses during its nearly six-year occupation of Poland.



they do have a lot of nerve.... they were perfectly happy being complicit.

Poland was the first to fight the Nazis, having 1,000,000 Polish citizens stand up to Nazi Germany in September of 1939, a staggering 200,000 were wounded, or killed, another 600,000 + were taken captive.

Then Polish re-grouped once the Polish state collapsed as Armia Krajowa 400,000 strong.

On the inverse the biggest Polish Nazi collaborator group forced into it by a death penalty by German Nazis, were 10,000 - 20,000 strong, of the Polish Blue Police.

So, clearly far more Polish fought against the Nazis, than for the Nazis.

Jews also had some Nazi collaborators too, like the Jewish Ghetto Police, which according to Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum the Jewish Ghetto Police Nazi collaborators, were even more brutal than the Polish Blue Police Nazi collaborators.
Where's NotSober?

How come your Jew crew hates Polish people, rather than German people for the Holocaust?

I haven't seen a single anti-German thing from Jews on this website, WTF?
I don’t recall anyone here claiming to be of German descent and attacking every Jew that ever existed.


I haven't also seen any people of German descent attacking Polish people here, either.

It's almost always Jews that attack Polish people here, and a lot of them else where.

But, then again I'm also not afraid to confront Germans.

In fact, I can really go off on Germans, it's just Germans aren't that much of a problem for Polish people anymore, Jews on the other hand....
Retard...you attack a group, expect retaliation.
I know Germans aren’t a problem for Poles; they gave Poland billions of dollars worth of Jew property.

Jews are the ones who actually started with Polish people, they were leaders in the dumb Polak joke, and now in the Poland did the Holocaust bit.

A lot of Polish people don't like Germans, anymore than they like Jews.

I would be attacking Germans a lot more, if I actually saw more Germans here attacking Poles.

Here's the thing, about 80% of anti-Polish people I've encountered are of 2 ethnic groups, Jews, and Brits.

The Brits have really slowed up on anti-Polish sentiment it seems in the past year.

Jews on the other hand have only furthered their anti-Polish sentiment this past year.

In fact this year as in 2018 has probably had more Jewish anti-Polish sentiment than the whole of last year.

Jews are vamping up their attacks upon Polish people significantly.
Where's NotSober?

How come your Jew crew hates Polish people, rather than German people for the Holocaust?

I haven't seen a single anti-German thing from Jews on this website, WTF?
I don’t recall anyone here claiming to be of German descent and attacking every Jew that ever existed.


I haven't also seen any people of German descent attacking Polish people here, either.

It's almost always Jews that attack Polish people here, and a lot of them else where.

But, then again I'm also not afraid to confront Germans.

In fact, I can really go off on Germans, it's just Germans aren't that much of a problem for Polish people anymore, Jews on the other hand....
I know Germans aren’t a problem for Poles; they gave Poland billions of dollars worth of Jew property.

Germans did mega-damage to Poland's capital in WW2 of Warsaw.

Poland staged the Warsaw Uprising against Nazi Germans.

As a result Nazi Germans killed about 200,000 Poles, and destroyed over 80% of Warsaw's buildings.

Warsaw was once known as the Paris of the East, it was supposed to be even prettier than Prague which is now like the Paris of the East.

Then there's a lot of Nazi German looting of Polish national treasures, like Art, Manuscripts, etc.

So, why would Polish people like Germans?

I've met a few Poles who liked Germans, only a few.

They were usually ones who were very Liberal, or ones who were very materialistic by Polish standards.
A 'country' which practically provoked WWII demands money from Germany. Not Germany, but Polska must pay for provoking of WWII and refusing to very moderate demands of Germany. Firstly thievish 'state' stole huge German territorials in the West, than prohibited Germans freely passage to the East Prussia.
So-called Polska - a failed state must give all stolen territorials back to Germany, not receiving of $850b from it.

WARSAW, Poland — A Polish official said Friday that Germany could owe his country $850 billion (690 billion euros) for the damage it inflicted during World War II.

Arkadiusz Mularczyk is leading a team in the parliament that is assessing potential reparations to Poland. Germany killed 6 million Polish citizens and caused great material losses during its nearly six-year occupation of Poland.



The Gdansk corridor was majority Polish.

While Gdansk wasn't even part of Poland during WW2.

It's actually Soviets who decided to push the Polish state out of Eastern majority Polish cities like Lwow, and Wilno, and into Western majority German cities like Gdansk, and Wroclaw.

The Polish government in Exile the elected Polish government was actually completely against moving the Polish state West-ward.

These decisions were made in Potsdam, and Yalta Conferences by the Anglo Freemason- Soviet alliances.

The dummy state of Soviet Poland setup by a mixture of Polish Jews, Soviet Russia, and some Polish traitors are the ones who pushed the Germans out of Gdansk.

Not, that I even think Gdansk Germans are even very German, I think they actually have a lot of Polish roots, of assimilated Polish people.
"But, before Poland was collapsed, and oppressed by Germans, Poland was a more advanced nation than the Germans."

The poles were distributed in 1792 to the Russians, the Austrians, and the Germans.

In return for a lot of turnips, the Poles were taught civilization.
"But, before Poland was collapsed, and oppressed by Germans, Poland was a more advanced nation than the Germans."

The poles were distributed in 1792 to the Russians, the Austrians, and the Germans.

In return for a lot of turnips, the Poles were taught civilization.

That's pretty funny, considering Poland had Europe's first major Parliament the Sejm, the first major Democracy, the first Board of Education in the World, the first Enlightened Constitution in Europe the May 3rd Constitution, the first Jewish civil rights movement the Statute of Kalisz, the first successful abolition of slaves, and even he first major Scientific Revolution thanks to Copernicus, and his mentor Albert Brudzewski.

Germans, and Russians were clearly very crude, and primitive states in comparison.
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Want a turnip?, says SobieskiSaved Europe.

You can say all you want, but the point is that Poland was no where civilized as Austria or Germany.
Want a turnip?, says SobieskiSaved Europe.

You can say all you want, but the point is that Poland was no where civilized as Austria or Germany.

Your grasp of history is clearly lacking.

Actually, Germans were fragmented states, without much centralized government, nor Democracy, or Parliament until pretty recently.

Poland was way more advanced than Germans into the Partitions at least.

Democracy, Parliaments (Sejm) and Jewish Civil Rights (Statute of Kalisz) were present in Poland since the Medieval period, but not in Germans until the Enlightenment.

The Scientific Revolution is considered to have started in Poland with Copernicus.

In terms of military might Poland was also more advanced.

The Battle of Grunwald in 1410 for example, the German Teutons got crushed real bad by Poland, losing a lot of their military elite.

This ended up leading to Teutons becoming a Vassal state of Poland, called Royal Prussia.
A 'country' which practically provoked WWII demands money from Germany. Not Germany, but Polska must pay for provoking of WWII and refusing to very moderate demands of Germany. Firstly thievish 'state' stole huge German territorials in the West, than prohibited Germans freely passage to the East Prussia.
So-called Polska - a failed state must give all stolen territorials back to Germany, not receiving of $850b from it.

WARSAW, Poland — A Polish official said Friday that Germany could owe his country $850 billion (690 billion euros) for the damage it inflicted during World War II.

Arkadiusz Mularczyk is leading a team in the parliament that is assessing potential reparations to Poland. Germany killed 6 million Polish citizens and caused great material losses during its nearly six-year occupation of Poland.



Polish codebreakers 'cracked Enigma before Alan Turing'
"Deciphering the German system is believed to have shortened World War Two by two years and saved countless lives." That would have been enough time for Germany to build up it's heavy water supply and achieve the atomic bomb.

60 million super high IQ Pollacks.
‘Nuff said.

There's probably a similar amount of Polish Americans, as Jewish Americans.

I fail to see how Jews necessarily have contributed a lot more to America, than Polish Americans.

There's also been some outstanding Polish American contributions.

The Helicopter industry for example was founded in the U.S.A by 2 people of Polish heritages, being Igor Sikorsky, and Frank Piasecki.

The engineer behind Apple Computers, and also Universal Remotes is of a Polish heritage of Steven Wozniak.

The engineer behind the Lunar Rover's user on the Moon by the U.S was by Polish Mieczyslaw Bekker.

The first Walkie Talkie was pioneered with tech by Polish Henryk Magnuski.

The first bullet proof vest by Polish Casimir Zegelin.

Kevlar was invented by Polish American Stephenie Kwolek.

The first practical blood vessel replacement was by Polish American Walter Golaski.

Stanley Dudrick of a Polish heritage was behind pioneering of Intravenous.

The first American face transplant was by Polish Maria Siemienow.

The first blender was by Polish Poplawski

The first successful Galvanized steel process, was by Polish American Thaddeus Sendzimir.

The first theory of every Black hole has another Universe by Polish Nikoderm Poplawski.

The first pulsar planets, and planets outside of the Solar System was by Polish Aleksander Wolcsczcan.

The Winner of the Nobel Prize for the study of Telomeres, and the creator of Yeast Artificial Chromosomes used to study the Human Genome were by Polish heritage Jack Szostak.

The study of evolution proven by Richard Lenski's bacteria models.

The premier Bridge designer of the U.S.A being Polish Ralph Modjeski.

One of the most important Anthropologists Bronislaw Malinowski.

Frank Wilczek winner of the Nobel Prize.
60 million super high IQ Pollacks.
‘Nuff said.

There's probably a similar amount of Polish Americans, as Jewish Americans.

I fail to see how Jews necessarily have contributed a lot more to America, than Polish Americans.

There's also been some outstanding Polish American contributions.

The Helicopter industry for example was founded in the U.S.A by 2 people of Polish heritages, being Igor Sikorsky, and Frank Piasecki.

The engineer behind Apple Computers, and also Universal Remotes is of a Polish heritage of Steven Wozniak.

The engineer behind the Lunar Rover's user on the Moon by the U.S was by Polish Mieczyslaw Bekker.

The first Walkie Talkie was pioneered with tech by Polish Henryk Magnuski.

The first bullet proof vest by Polish Casimir Zegelin.

Kevlar was invented by Polish American Stephenie Kwolek.

The first practical blood vessel replacement was by Polish American Walter Golaski.

Stanley Dudrick of a Polish heritage was behind pioneering of Intravenous.

The first American face transplant was by Polish Maria Siemienow.

The first blender was by Polish Poplawski

The first successful Galvanized steel process, was by Polish American Thaddeus Sendzimir.

The first theory of every Black hole has another Universe by Polish Nikoderm Poplawski.

The first pulsar planets, and planets outside of the Solar System was by Polish Aleksander Wolcsczcan.

The Winner of the Nobel Prize for the study of Telomeres, and the creator of Yeast Artificial Chromosomes used to study the Human Genome were by Polish heritage Jack Szostak.

The study of evolution proven by Richard Lenski's bacteria models.

The premier Bridge designer of the U.S.A being Polish Ralph Modjeski.

One of the most important Anthropologists Bronislaw Malinowski.

Frank Wilczek winner of the Nobel Prize.
No wonder Polish Jews are running the world.
60 million super high IQ Pollacks.
‘Nuff said.

What is that supposed to mean, exactly?

There's roughly 1.5 billion Chinese, and despite having not done much ground-breaking work in the past 800 years.

Chinese actually score high IQ's, on average.
Attack, expect retaliation.

So, do Jews deserve retaliation for their attacks upon Poland. and Polish people, blaming them quite often for the Holocaust?

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