Political Affiliations Tests

Economic Left/Right: -7.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.44

What can I say? I'm a extreme fringe-dwelling, godless, amoral, commie pinko. Or, in other words, an anti-materialistic, agnostic, peace-loving hippie who believes that everyone should be nice to each other. Kinda like Jesus, except for the agnostic part, I think.
What can I say? I'm a extreme fringe-dwelling, godless, amoral, commie pinko. Or, in other words, an anti-materialistic, agnostic, peace-loving hippie who believes that everyone should be nice to each other. Kinda like Jesus, except for the agnostic part, I think.

It said I'm a librarian. Say .... didn't you check out some books in 1978? :eusa_eh:
I have a personal protest against online political affiliation tests. I think they tend to favor whatever values the creaters of the test want them to then actual beliefs.
Economic, 5.17, social -1.69

The question are far too simplistic and make wholly unwarranted assumptios at times...
Just like I remebered from the last time I took it. And the possible reponses are rather ambiguous.
Economic Left/Right: -7.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.79

Though I'd say I'm -10 on social. Not sure if all questions draw fair implications, but no test is perfect.

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