Trump Secretly Sent Putin Covid Tests in 2020.

Man, the libs are starting to grasp at straws early! They know they are going to lose, so they are throwing shit against the wall to see if it sticks, but everything they throw is covered in P. Diddy's baby oil and slide right down!
How do you feel about trump soliciting advice on foreign policy from an enemy of the US?

Trump ‘asked Putin for advice’ about whether the US should help arm Ukraine​

LOL. You are making a big deal out of mole hill. In the scheme of things, it is totally inconsequential.
I suppose you could make a case that compared to his other egregiously despicable acts this one is low on the totem pole. How do you feel about the American prez holding a despotic enemy of our country in such high regard as to send him scarce test kits?
Nor would I, nor did I state or imply such a thing, nor was it germane to the points I made.

This is you inventing a low IQ strawman for yourself to diddle.

Because you have no defense for Trump's deplorable behavior. And when this happens, the cult always falls back on "nothing to see here".

Rinse, repeat.
You people make specious claims about Trump without any supporting data and call anyone who challenges you “a straw man”. That is laughable. Talk about entitlement.
You people make specious claims about Trump without any supporting data and call anyone who challenges you “a straw man”. That is laughable. Talk about entitlement.
Shut up stupid. I never said anything about his actions causing deaths. You made that up because you have no response or defense for the points I actually made. Typical trumpnazee bad faith posting.
You people make specious claims about Trump without any supporting data and call anyone who challenges you “a straw man”. That is laughable. Talk about entitlement.
On July 7, 2017, after President Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia shook hands in Hamburg, Germany, to conclude their first face-to-face meeting, Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson walked out of the sterile conference room, removed notes from his pocket and gave anxious White House aides a summary.

“We’ve got work to do to change the president’s mind on Ukraine,” Mr. Tillerson said.

The secretary of state had just watched Mr. Putin, the former K.G.B. spymaster, put on a master class in seeking to shape the thinking of the new American president.

The Russian leader disparaged Ukraine, a former Soviet republic with aspirations of joining the European Union and NATO. Ukraine, he told Mr. Trump, was a corrupt, fabricated country. Russia, which had seized the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine three years earlier and backed pro-Russia separatists in a border region, had every right to exert its influence over the country, he insisted.

Mr. Trump told Mr. Putin that his administration was considering giving weapons to Ukraine. “What do you think?” Mr. Trump asked, to which Mr. Putin said it would be “a mistake.” Whatever America gave the Ukrainians, he said, they would ask for more.

No wonder Tillerson called Vlad's friend a moron.
Were you trying to make some kind of point, or just your usual belching?
Point being that Putin was behaved while Trump was President. He invaded and took over Crimea under Obama's nose and has invaded Ukraine and killed tens of thousands.

So the whining about some COVID tests seems rather petty and small.
Trump showing submissiveness to a geopolitical adversary.

His weakness is a national security risk.
Vlad made it clear to his student trump shouldn't make public the fact Don gave Putin the test kits. Clearly indicating he had kompromat on trump.
Is your brain really filled with so much shit that is how you process info? You think a murderous dictator conducting the invasion of Ukraine which involves war crimes was appeased by Dementia Don sending him the gift of test kits? Maybe Don should have sent Vlad a box of chocolates to get him to stop murdering members of the opposition or having protesters arrested.
Fourth time. Putin didn't invade anyone under Trump. He annexed Crimea under your God Obama and invaded Ukraine and killed tens of thousands under Biden. Even a small brained progressive can do that math.
Point being that Putin was behaved while Trump was President.
You think a dictator was "behaving" just because he had yet to invade Ukraine?

Some American politicians and commentators on the political right have tried to answer the question by comparing the purported strength or weakness of President Joe Biden with that of Trump, alleging that Putin saw Trump as stronger than Biden, even though Putin’s own description of Trump suggested the opposite. But beyond personality, there’s a far more likely and logical explanation if you look at policy alignment between Russia and America during the two administrations: With Trump in office, Putin was already getting what he wanted. The election changed all that.
Fourth time. Putin didn't invade anyone under Trump. He annexed Crimea under your God Obama and invaded Ukraine and killed tens of thousands under Biden. Even a small brained progressive can do that math.
Correlation tests for a relationship between two variables. However, seeing two variables moving together does not necessarily mean we know whether one variable causes the other to occur. This is why we commonly say “correlation does not imply causation.”
Fourth time. Putin didn't invade anyone under Trump. He annexed Crimea under your God Obama and invaded Ukraine and killed tens of thousands under Biden. Even a small brained progressive can do that math.
The truth is that during his administration, Trump’s policy alignment with Putin advanced the aims of Russia’s political elites, who could imagine that the United States was on their side. Their comfort with Trump was evident from the start; Americans may remember that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was warmly received in the White House and photographed in the Oval Office, while Russian parliament members toasted Trump’s electoral victory in 2016.
Point being that Putin was behaved while Trump was President. He invaded and took over Crimea under Obama's nose and has invaded Ukraine and killed tens of thousands.

So the whining about some COVID tests seems rather petty and small.
Trump was working on behalf of Putin while President. No need for Putin to do anything to change that as that would be against his interests, which was undermining NATO. Once Trump was out of office he no longer had an ally as President.
Fourth time. Putin didn't invade anyone under Trump. He annexed Crimea under your God Obama and invaded Ukraine and killed tens of thousands under Biden. Even a small brained progressive can do that math.
MOSCOW — Donald Trump’s shock victory in the presidential election Tuesday has sent champagne corks flying around this city, where state media and pro-Kremlin politicians are confidently predicting a dramatic turnaround in Russian-U.S. relations.

Although it’s not clear what he will do when he comes to power, Mr. Trump has alarmed U.S. allies in Eastern Europe by suggesting that he would scale down American commitment to NATO while appearing to say that he could accept the status of Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by the Kremlin in 2014.

He has also indicated that he would consider lifting crippling economic sanctions imposed by the Obama administration over Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

No wonder Putin helped get his buddy Don elected.

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