Trump Secretly Sent Putin Covid Tests in 2020.

They don't care.

The world has seen this before. We're walking right into it.
LOL Trump sends him a couple of COVID tests and he behaves.

Your Demented Simp calls him a murderous dictator and he invades Ukraine. And your cult supports the Vapid Twit over Trump. God helps us.
Trump was actively undermining NATO while President, the last thing Putin wanted to do was give this alliance a reason to be strengthened.

It would have been interesting to see how Trump tried to derail any response, thank Dog he wss not reeelected.
Putin didn't invade anyone while Trump was President, did he? LOL
Trump was actively undermining NATO while President, the last thing Putin wanted to do was give this alliance a reason to be strengthened.

It would have been interesting to see how Trump tried to derail any response, thank Dog he wss not reeelected.
Trump was busting the chops of NATO countries who did not pay their required contribution to their defense budgets. Afterward they did, just in time for Russia to invade Ukraine. Why would he not do that? Some NATO countries are just a bunch of low-life hangers-on when it comes to the defense of Europe.
This would be the same Bob Woodward who was Naval Intelligence and worked for the WP, the same Woodward who climbed into the hospital window and interviewed a man in a coma, created whole cloth incidents about John Belushi, fabricated James Mattis quotes, made up conversations between John Brennan and law clerks, that Bob Woodward?
i forgot about how he interviewed a man in a coma...haha
It's not difficult to imagine how the cunning ex-KGB officer keeps the Boi King wrapped around his little finger.

Just say nice things and pretend you respect him. You'll have him purring like a little kitten. That's all he needs. How he's treated is all he ever talks about.

What an ugly, ugly mismatch.
Sounds like a personal problem to me. Perhaps a better plastic surgeon could help you with your breast implants.
That's all it takes with Trump. Putin is literally trained in manipulation and coercion and Trump has the mentality and vulnerability of your average 12 year old American girl.

Trump has always been a national security risk.
Personally, people like you without the intellect to reason are a much higher security risk. You are too stupid to know better.
Based on your judgement it would not matter if Trump secretly did the same for Kim Jong Un.

It's not the act of delivering a testing kit that is of any concern here. If you don't see the larger implications of such behavior than it won't amount to a "hill of beans".
What larger implications? Putin waiting until after Trump left office to invade Ukraine? That kind of implication? Was that a bad thing?
Trump was actively undermining NATO while President, the last thing Putin wanted to do was give this alliance a reason to be strengthened.

It would have been interesting to see how Trump tried to derail any response by NATO, thank Dog he was not re-elected. Putin would have surely given Trump some indication he was going to invade, as not to surprise his old friend.
Every living being with a pulse knew Putin was going to invade Ukraine after he stationed his troops at the border for months until he had enough to finish the job. No one was surprised when it happened unless you were a dumbshit liberal with his/her head up their ass!
Trump sends him a couple of COVID tests and he behaves.

Your Demented Simp calls him a murderous dictator and he invades Ukraine.
Is your brain really filled with so much shit that is how you process info? You think a murderous dictator conducting the invasion of Ukraine which involves war crimes was appeased by Dementia Don sending him the gift of test kits? Maybe Don should have sent Vlad a box of chocolates to get him to stop murdering members of the opposition or having protesters arrested.

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