Political Affiliations Tests

I find this exasperating somehow. You are less a thinker than a self serving cloud, drifting along wherever the wind takes you.

Ideas matter. Principles matter. Things are good or bad ideas based on principles that we can argue over. I can argue with a socialist because we both have the same goal, but different understandings of how to get there. I can't argue with "what's in it for me?" That is anti politics

I think that is why there is so much conservative against right now. Bush Jr shows himself to be a worse bait and switch artist than his dad.

Principles and ideas are good. But sometimes one must rethink his ideas. Stick to ones Principle's?? Take care of what you consider "sound principles"
Sometimes there are no more than simple memes that blind you to reality.

Self-serving cloud drifting with the wind? More like exploiters to sieze power at the right time from either a Socialists or Libertarian. Once you begin to trust us, we stab you in the back and run away!!!:evil: Why? Look where you are headed!!

OK--Maybe there is a way to clear up my earlier, rather poisonous, posts.

When I ask myself "What is Civilization?" I tend to think of people and their need, the need for knowledge and organizations to help us advance, and also ways in which improve our comfort levels.

I do believe in Darwinism. In both in nature, in economy and how it effects us socially. I tend make arguements to guard against it as a group. This usually brings out a sense of compassion and desire to help others--thus there is the left-government hugging side of me.

At the same time, I have a great need to be heard when I come up with new ideas. And to express them. And to profit from them when and if they are of use. Thus there is the individual/Anarchist side of me.

So I find myself in great conflict and I seek balance. At times I ask myself "If I was in that position, what would I need?" Other times I think "Hah sucker, not all of us can stand!!"

I guess I am a sybil in politics??

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I'm reading a book called "Bias" by Bernard...Goldstern? He has some very interesting things to say about how the left portrays and views their own narrow view as "normal". Also how they label conservatives, but won't label liberals.

Good book, author is Bernie Goldberg, he's also written another called " 100 people that are screwing up America ". While were at it, another very good one is " Do as i say, (Not as i do) " by Peter Schweizer. :cool:
Good book, author is Bernie Goldberg, he's also written another called " 100 people that are screwing up America ". While were at it, another very good one is " Do as i say, (Not as i do) " by Peter Schweizer. :cool:

100 People Who Are Screwing Up America was an idiotic book. How is it that Goldberg does not include Ann Coulter on his list because she has a "twinkle in her eye," yet includes the satirist Al Franken, on the grounds that he is "mean and nasty"? Is Ann Coulter less mean and nasty, and why is her work considered valid satire, but Franken's is not?

I especially frowned upon his practice of including people who hadn't committed any violations of the civility guidelines that he lamented the deterioration of, such as Noam Chomsky and Peter Singer, two academics that were included simply because he disagreed with their views, (especially Peter Singer), not because they were "nasty."

Do As I Say (Not As I Do) was similarly nonsensical. Not that I'm in the practice of defending Democrats especially often, but Schweizer's shoddy research didn't lend his work much credence when it came to them. His claims that Al Franken did not hire minorities are inaccurate, and were rebutted by Franken himself in the National Review. He also included several quotes of Franken's that were made during a comedy act without revealing this, intentionally misleading his readers. His contention about Nancy Pelosi not hiring union workers for the grape vineyards that she and her husband own in Northern California are similarly odd. Pelosi pays her non-union workers more than the union workers are paid, as do most of the vineyard owners in the area.
People with narrow viewpoints tend to suggest others have narrow viewpoints, agna.

You should not take the authors too seriously. They maybe venting their frustration while trying to please their political side.

A Socialist and Libertarian sitting in a tree
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People with narrow viewpoints tend to suggest others have narrow viewpoints, agna.

You should not take the authors too seriously. They maybe venting their frustration while trying to please their political side.

A Socialist and Libertarian sitting in a tree

I can be a libertarian socialist. :eusa_drool:

And I'm far more open minded than the large majority of people.
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.23

I think that for the most part I should have been more towards a zero on the authoritarian/libertarian scale... but since I feel very strongly on crime and punishment, it is what probably gave me the boost towards the authoritarian side... because in most part, for the free people of society, I am all about the personal freedoms that go with the personal responsibilities

On this one:

Political Survey

I scored about where i thought I would

Axis Position
1 left/right +4.6723 (+0.2812)
2 pragmatism -0.0440 (-0.0026)

1 left/right -1.8755 (-0.1129)
2 pragmatism +4.0546 (+0.2441)


I think the first test above is best.

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