Political Cartoon

Says the reporter who's network props up celebs and politicians that say stuff in twitter like capatate the presidents head, blow up the WH, socialism is good, harrass people, harrass cops, defund policing so chaos persues, don't let people eat at your restaurant, promote Xenophobia through false and treasonous stories and narratives, say that the left were blessed by God and benefited from the Covid-19 outbreak, call people racists and supremacists, called black people store shelf stock clerks and Hispanics called maids, called Hindus Seven Eleven Clerks,
Called terrorists good people, called Robert Byrd Harvey Weinstein Kevin Spacey friends, called Judges influenced and biased, called Kavanaugh a rapist, called Mob prosecuter Guiliani corrupt, called Americans lazy smelly deplorable Walmart shoppers, said we aren't as smart as they are who know what's good for us, said we aren't allowed to defend ourselves from their anarchy, said tear down America instead of fix or build, said life stinks and there's no place for morals ethics and standards, said they would bring hell to pay if we didn't do what they wanted (because they know what's best for us=totalitarian control mongers).
And I'm sure I'm missing many more beauties they've uttered during their late night drunken tweets between their botox session and their coffee enemas.

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