Political Cartoon

Thank you for that. Love it. I had COVID. It was like a bad flu. Like heck I am going to wear a mask for months.

Government can't mandate that you wear a medical device for a year (been mandated here in VA over five months now).

Masks and lockdowns obviously don't work. You can't defeat a virus like this, only slow it.

Viruses will be viruses, and sheep will be sheep. But wear one if you want. You have a fundamental right to make your own medical decisions, as long as you are conscious and of sound mind. It's called freedom, and it is a foundation of democracy.

Typical egocentric neocon whackadoodle loon. "I had covid and it affected ME this way, therefore this is how everybody else should think about the disease'..ME! ME! I! I! ME! ME! ME!
So you don't agree that people have a right to make their own medical decisions. Interesting. Of course my medical decisions are about me, and yours are about you.

It's not about ego; it's about liberty. Ironically, and hypocritically, you think that your opinions are so important that they should affect others' medical choices.

PS: People normally resort to ad hominems and name calling when they do not have the intellect to rationally discuss things. Carry on.

Oh I do expect you to make your own medical decisions, but when they impact on others...
Thank you for that. Love it. I had COVID. It was like a bad flu. Like heck I am going to wear a mask for months.

Government can't mandate that you wear a medical device for a year (been mandated here in VA over five months now).

Masks and lockdowns obviously don't work. You can't defeat a virus like this, only slow it.

Viruses will be viruses, and sheep will be sheep. But wear one if you want. You have a fundamental right to make your own medical decisions, as long as you are conscious and of sound mind. It's called freedom, and it is a foundation of democracy.

Typical egocentric neocon whackadoodle loon. "I had covid and it affected ME this way, therefore this is how everybody else should think about the disease'..ME! ME! I! I! ME! ME! ME!
So you don't agree that people have a right to make their own medical decisions. Interesting. Of course my medical decisions are about me, and yours are about you.

It's not about ego; it's about liberty. Ironically, and hypocritically, you think that your opinions are so important that they should affect others' medical choices.

PS: People normally resort to ad hominems and name calling when they do not have the intellect to rationally discuss things. Carry on.

Oh I do expect you to make your own medical decisions, but when they impact on others...
Please. All medical decisions made by someone impact others. They result in countless other people being impacted, from loved ones, to employers, to health insurance companies, to taxpayers, doctors and nurses.

How do you feel about abortion, which impacts at least the father and the fetus/baby? Please answer that. Do you think it is entirely up to the mother, with no restrictions? Man up and answer.

COVID-19 is another respiratory virus that seems to possibly be exceptionally transmissible. There are four other coronaviruses that most people acquire at some point in their lives. SARS and MERS are two additional coronaviruses. Incluenza killed an estimated 61,000 Americans in 2017-2018 season. We did not mandate nor even recommend masks. The flu is with us every year, and there is a vaccine, so the annual deaths are lower, but the cumulative deaths far outnumber COVID, of course.

Your desire to make others wear an arguably-ineffective medical device for a year that they do not wish to wear is typical of the control and compliance that the Left seeks.

I am a Conservative, and I want you to be free to pursue happiness as you wish. It's ingrained in our free democratic republic. You wish to impose your will on me, even though it makes no sense to me. I want to live my life as I wish.

It is a fundamental human right to make your own medical decisions.

You may wear your silly mask and stay home for as long as you wish. Some of us have life, liberty, and happiness to pursue.

Thank you for that. Love it. I had COVID. It was like a bad flu. Like heck I am going to wear a mask for months.

Government can't mandate that you wear a medical device for a year (been mandated here in VA over five months now).

Masks and lockdowns obviously don't work. You can't defeat a virus like this, only slow it.

Viruses will be viruses, and sheep will be sheep. But wear one if you want. You have a fundamental right to make your own medical decisions, as long as you are conscious and of sound mind. It's called freedom, and it is a foundation of democracy.

Typical egocentric neocon whackadoodle loon. "I had covid and it affected ME this way, therefore this is how everybody else should think about the disease'..ME! ME! I! I! ME! ME! ME!
So you don't agree that people have a right to make their own medical decisions. Interesting. Of course my medical decisions are about me, and yours are about you.

It's not about ego; it's about liberty. Ironically, and hypocritically, you think that your opinions are so important that they should affect others' medical choices.

PS: People normally resort to ad hominems and name calling when they do not have the intellect to rationally discuss things. Carry on.

Oh I do expect you to make your own medical decisions, but when they impact on others...
Please. All medical decisions made by someone impact others. They result in countless other people being impacted, from loved ones, to employers, to health insurance companies, to taxpayers, doctors and nurses.

How do you feel about abortion, which impacts at least the father and the fetus/baby? Please answer that. Do you think it is entirely up to the mother, with no restrictions? Man up and answer.

COVID-19 is another respiratory virus that seems to possibly be exceptionally transmissible. There are four other coronaviruses that most people acquire at some point in their lives. SARS and MERS are two additional coronaviruses. Incluenza killed an estimated 61,000 Americans in 2017-2018 season. We did not mandate nor even recommend masks. The flu is with us every year, and there is a vaccine, so the annual deaths are lower, but the cumulative deaths far outnumber COVID, of course.

Your desire to make others wear an arguably-ineffective medical device for a year that they do not wish to wear is typical of the control and compliance that the Left seeks.

I am a Conservative, and I want you to be free to pursue happiness as you wish. It's ingrained in our free democratic republic. You wish to impose your will on me, even though it makes no sense to me. I want to live my life as I wish.

It is a fundamental human right to make your own medical decisions.

You may wear your silly mask and stay home for as long as you wish. Some of us have life, liberty, and happiness to pursue.


1) I'm against abortion
2) Yeah, the flu killed 61,000 in 2017/18 (I have posted this figure at least twice on these boards). You're at 240,000+ with COVID at the moment, four times the mortality of the flu. And you can't use the cumulative argument because COVID has only been around for one year. That's like saying 1+ million people have died from the flu over the past 20 years. Then the bubonic plague turns up and kills 500,000 in a year and you say, 'oh it hasn't killed as many people as the flu over the past 20 years'. Yeah, but it's a lot more deadly.
3) Masks are absolutely effective. Do they STOP the virus. No, but they absolutely slow the spread.
4) For the last point. Where do I start. You're freedom stops when it impacts on mine. And if you don't wear a mask and have systemic COVID and sneeze on my mother, or father, or child and give them the virus and they are one of those adversely affected by it then you'd better run and hide. You say that ad hominems are used when people don't have intellectual rationality. Well, maybe up to my neck trying to be rational with selfish people. You talk about 'life', 'liberty' and 'freedom' like you have a monopoly on it, and all that matters is YOU. So I stand by my original post to you. Humans work in collectives. Does that mean socialism? No. Communism? No. But I tell you what, you want freedom, go build your own roads, build your own internet, kill and grow your own food, build your own power plant. Where does your freedom start and mine end so you can have your 'freedom'. The problem is, conservatives especially, are so caught up in their 'rights' and 'freedoms' they don't think twice about trampling on others. Trump and his tiny tot temper tantrum over 'fraudulent voting' is a classic. There has not been one iota of evidence of any mass fraud, yet he is willing to literally deny millions of people their say because he has a despotic nature. And his Deplorables lap it up.

So you go pursue your life and liberty. But while you're doing that, walk around 100 per cent of the time with your middle fingered raised to everybody else in society. And don't you dare tell me it's not about you. Anybody without empathy is a nobody.
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